WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.700 --> 00:00:01.968 (soft dramatic music) 2 00:00:01.968 --> 00:00:04.070 - My name is Laramy Miller 3 00:00:04.070 --> 00:00:06.473 Some of you guys might recognize me 4 00:00:06.473 --> 00:00:08.141 as Sasquatch the Mountain Man, 5 00:00:08.141 --> 00:00:10.377 previously on the Outdoor Channel. 6 00:00:10.377 --> 00:00:11.378 I'm a hunter. 7 00:00:11.378 --> 00:00:12.379 I'm a fisherman. 8 00:00:12.379 --> 00:00:13.780 I'm an outdoorsman. 9 00:00:13.780 --> 00:00:15.181 I'm a survivalist. 10 00:00:15.181 --> 00:00:18.485 But most of all, I am a modern day mountain man. 11 00:00:20.954 --> 00:00:22.455 It's bred into me. 12 00:00:22.455 --> 00:00:24.124 I've got a long lineage 13 00:00:24.124 --> 00:00:26.760 and they've all grew up in the mountains, 14 00:00:26.760 --> 00:00:28.294 living off the land. 15 00:00:28.294 --> 00:00:31.064 I'm just fortunate to be able to follow in their footsteps. 16 00:00:32.599 --> 00:00:34.334 The whole reason I do what I do is 17 00:00:34.334 --> 00:00:37.370 because my uncle, before I was ever around, 18 00:00:37.370 --> 00:00:40.407 decided he was gonna start filming his adventures 19 00:00:40.407 --> 00:00:41.975 in the mountains. 20 00:00:41.975 --> 00:00:45.945 And he used to produce VHS tapes they sold in Walmart 21 00:00:45.945 --> 00:00:49.215 back in the seventies, eighties, and early nineties. 22 00:00:49.215 --> 00:00:52.919 Tragically, he actually passed away in a plane crash in '95, 23 00:00:52.919 --> 00:00:55.655 him and his younger brother scouting for elk, 24 00:00:55.655 --> 00:00:57.891 but he was doing what he loved. 25 00:00:57.891 --> 00:00:59.492 You know, I asked my mom and I'd drove her 26 00:00:59.492 --> 00:01:01.561 and my sisters crazy because I'd run around the house, 27 00:01:01.561 --> 00:01:03.563 bugling like an elk all the time, 28 00:01:03.563 --> 00:01:05.432 from the time I was a little kid 29 00:01:05.432 --> 00:01:08.902 and dreaming about being on a horse in the mountains. 30 00:01:08.902 --> 00:01:11.171 You know, Sasquatch Mountain Man, 31 00:01:11.171 --> 00:01:13.573 there were a lot of great adventures. 32 00:01:13.573 --> 00:01:17.210 You know, there was eight seasons of pure wilderness, 33 00:01:17.210 --> 00:01:22.015 back country, survival, mountain man stuff. 34 00:01:22.015 --> 00:01:25.852 But what's next? While I'm here to tell you. 35 00:01:25.852 --> 00:01:28.521 (country music) 36 00:01:35.395 --> 00:01:38.565 - [Presenter] Laramy "Sasquatch" Miller is a throwback champ 37 00:01:38.565 --> 00:01:42.635 from another era, a creature of the past. 38 00:01:42.635 --> 00:01:44.237 This hunter, father, 39 00:01:44.237 --> 00:01:47.674 figure of the West is a man of the mountains 40 00:01:47.674 --> 00:01:50.043 with a calling to fulfill. 41 00:01:50.043 --> 00:01:52.245 Join him on The Trail, 42 00:01:52.245 --> 00:01:54.981 presented by Case Knives. 43 00:01:56.883 --> 00:02:00.320 (dramatic country music) 44 00:02:02.522 --> 00:02:04.824 (horse nickers) 45 00:02:04.824 --> 00:02:06.626 - You know, the mountain men 46 00:02:06.626 --> 00:02:11.598 have kind of become a lost historical high point 47 00:02:11.598 --> 00:02:14.033 of our country's founding. 48 00:02:14.033 --> 00:02:16.703 They were the ones that opened up this country. 49 00:02:16.703 --> 00:02:18.171 You think about that back in the day, 50 00:02:18.171 --> 00:02:20.874 you think of how tough they had to be. 51 00:02:20.874 --> 00:02:24.244 I wish I could go back and just test myself, 52 00:02:24.244 --> 00:02:26.980 see where I would stack up. 53 00:02:26.980 --> 00:02:29.983 I'm not saying I could do it, but I'd love to give it a try. 54 00:02:31.518 --> 00:02:33.319 So this right here, this is Seven. 55 00:02:34.154 --> 00:02:35.321 I just picked him up. 56 00:02:36.489 --> 00:02:39.058 He's young. He's only five years old, 57 00:02:39.058 --> 00:02:41.928 but he's got a good personality, easy going. 58 00:02:43.096 --> 00:02:43.897 What? 59 00:02:45.365 --> 00:02:48.501 You look in a horse's eyes and you can tell a lot. 60 00:02:48.501 --> 00:02:50.003 Kind of like looking in a person's eyes. 61 00:02:50.003 --> 00:02:51.504 If they got real shifty eyes, 62 00:02:52.639 --> 00:02:54.307 you might not want to trust them. 63 00:02:55.675 --> 00:03:00.079 But me and Seven are gonna learn a lot of stuff 64 00:03:00.079 --> 00:03:02.515 over the next month. (chuckles) 65 00:03:02.515 --> 00:03:04.117 He's gonna come out a completely different horse 66 00:03:04.117 --> 00:03:07.387 and I might come out a completely different person. 67 00:03:07.387 --> 00:03:08.922 You know, most people look at this and think, 68 00:03:08.922 --> 00:03:12.358 "Well, he's got a horse. That's gonna make things easier." 69 00:03:12.358 --> 00:03:13.960 Well, no, it's actually not. 70 00:03:13.960 --> 00:03:15.562 It makes things harder. 71 00:03:15.562 --> 00:03:17.063 You know, the mountain men back in the day, 72 00:03:17.063 --> 00:03:18.898 they relied on their horse cause it was their lifeline. 73 00:03:18.898 --> 00:03:21.968 But you're not only looking out for your safety, 74 00:03:21.968 --> 00:03:23.670 you're looking out for the horse too 75 00:03:23.670 --> 00:03:24.671 because if you don't have the horse, 76 00:03:24.671 --> 00:03:26.573 then you don't make it out. 77 00:03:26.573 --> 00:03:28.908 You know, not only do I have to fend for myself 78 00:03:30.310 --> 00:03:32.345 and get food for myself, I gotta make sure he's got food, 79 00:03:32.345 --> 00:03:34.714 I gotta make sure he's got water, 80 00:03:34.714 --> 00:03:37.016 I gotta make sure he don't get eaten by wolves, 81 00:03:37.016 --> 00:03:38.151 and I don't have a gun, 82 00:03:41.621 --> 00:03:43.723 but we'll do all right, huh buddy? 83 00:03:43.723 --> 00:03:44.557 Huh buddy? 84 00:03:46.125 --> 00:03:49.028 I've been thinking about this trip for a long time 85 00:03:49.028 --> 00:03:51.664 and I've been trying to keep myself mentally 86 00:03:51.664 --> 00:03:55.468 and physically in a good position 87 00:03:55.468 --> 00:03:57.237 because it's gonna be tough. 88 00:03:58.805 --> 00:04:01.407 You know, I've been hiking the mountains, 89 00:04:01.407 --> 00:04:05.044 trying to stay in shape, researching, 90 00:04:05.044 --> 00:04:09.082 doing a little smoothing up my edibles game. 91 00:04:10.316 --> 00:04:11.150 I'm ready. 92 00:04:12.585 --> 00:04:14.854 You know, that's the one thing about the mountains. 93 00:04:14.854 --> 00:04:16.823 It's like Murphy's Law. 94 00:04:16.823 --> 00:04:19.459 If something can go wrong, it will go wrong. 95 00:04:19.459 --> 00:04:22.462 But the preparation beforehand is the difference 96 00:04:22.462 --> 00:04:25.832 between living and/or dying in a survival situation. 97 00:04:27.267 --> 00:04:31.104 So, you just wanna make sure you cover your bases. 98 00:04:32.238 --> 00:04:33.506 And even if your bases aren't covered 99 00:04:33.506 --> 00:04:35.842 you know what to do when something does go wrong. 100 00:04:37.043 --> 00:04:40.179 You know the goal for this, for me, 101 00:04:40.179 --> 00:04:44.484 is to test myself and hone my skills 102 00:04:44.484 --> 00:04:47.053 and put myself in that mountain man, 103 00:04:47.053 --> 00:04:50.323 200 year ago mind frame. 104 00:04:50.323 --> 00:04:52.392 You know I'm gonna go out there. 105 00:04:52.392 --> 00:04:54.794 I'm gonna travel down the trail with my horse, 106 00:04:54.794 --> 00:04:56.462 just like the mountain men did. 107 00:04:56.462 --> 00:04:57.530 I'm gonna cover country. 108 00:04:57.530 --> 00:04:59.065 I'm gonna build shelters. 109 00:04:59.065 --> 00:05:00.600 I'm gonna catch fish, 110 00:05:00.600 --> 00:05:01.434 all primitively. 111 00:05:02.635 --> 00:05:05.138 And that is how I'm gonna sustain myself 112 00:05:05.138 --> 00:05:07.140 over the next month or more. 113 00:05:07.140 --> 00:05:08.141 This right here, 114 00:05:09.509 --> 00:05:12.011 traveled a lot of miles with this old long bow. 115 00:05:12.912 --> 00:05:14.480 (country music continues) 116 00:05:14.480 --> 00:05:16.115 My string's still in good shape. 117 00:05:17.583 --> 00:05:20.953 That could be a nightmare if you cut or bust your string, 118 00:05:22.555 --> 00:05:26.025 luckily I know how to build another one. 119 00:05:26.025 --> 00:05:30.530 I'll be counting on these guys right here for sustenance. 120 00:05:31.998 --> 00:05:34.600 If I can take down a big game animal, 121 00:05:34.600 --> 00:05:39.172 I'll be golden, especially a bear, with the fat content. 122 00:05:39.172 --> 00:05:40.006 Or an elk. 123 00:05:41.574 --> 00:05:42.975 I'll come out fat and sassy. 124 00:05:43.943 --> 00:05:45.445 If that doesn't fly true, 125 00:05:48.448 --> 00:05:50.149 well, that's yet to be determined. 126 00:05:52.151 --> 00:05:53.386 (fly buzzes) 127 00:05:53.386 --> 00:05:56.422 You know, a hatchet is so key in so many ways. 128 00:05:56.422 --> 00:05:59.292 I mean, I'm gonna be splitting wood, cutting branches 129 00:05:59.292 --> 00:06:02.095 building shelters, hammering stuff with it 130 00:06:02.095 --> 00:06:05.064 I might throw it at a bear if he comes in. 131 00:06:05.064 --> 00:06:06.966 You know, safety precautions 132 00:06:08.368 --> 00:06:11.237 I'm gonna use this thing for a lot of different uses. 133 00:06:11.237 --> 00:06:13.139 It's gonna be my main all around tool. 134 00:06:16.743 --> 00:06:18.678 You know, and then I always have, if you look, 135 00:06:18.678 --> 00:06:20.880 I always have knives on my hip. 136 00:06:20.880 --> 00:06:23.950 I don't go anywhere without a couple of knives. 137 00:06:23.950 --> 00:06:27.253 Well, on this trip, I've got three different knives. 138 00:06:27.253 --> 00:06:30.990 Let's just hope I can find some flint out there 139 00:06:30.990 --> 00:06:31.891 to keep 'em sharp. 140 00:06:38.631 --> 00:06:39.899 (country music) 141 00:06:39.899 --> 00:06:41.501 - I wouldn't be able to do what I do 142 00:06:41.501 --> 00:06:43.436 and spend the time, 143 00:06:43.436 --> 00:06:46.439 I have a very loving, caring family. 144 00:06:46.439 --> 00:06:48.641 I have three beautiful kids. 145 00:06:48.641 --> 00:06:50.176 I have a beautiful fiancee, 146 00:06:50.176 --> 00:06:52.311 that supports me and all my craziness. 147 00:06:54.447 --> 00:06:55.648 I'm a lucky man. 148 00:06:56.849 --> 00:07:01.120 - Living with Laramy is interesting. 149 00:07:01.120 --> 00:07:05.391 I mean, you come home to a rattlesnake skin in the freezer 150 00:07:05.391 --> 00:07:09.328 or I mean, the things you find laying around (laughs) 151 00:07:09.328 --> 00:07:13.699 are probably the most surreal that kind of snaps me back to, 152 00:07:13.699 --> 00:07:15.168 wow, okay, this is my life, 153 00:07:15.168 --> 00:07:17.403 when you come downstairs to buckskins laying on the counter, 154 00:07:17.403 --> 00:07:21.073 just things I never thought would be there. 155 00:07:21.073 --> 00:07:23.443 My least favorite part about living in the mountains. 156 00:07:25.244 --> 00:07:26.712 I've gotten a lot better 157 00:07:26.712 --> 00:07:28.314 because before I would have just called Laramy. 158 00:07:28.314 --> 00:07:31.484 I mean, I'm a mountain girl now, I can kill spiders. 159 00:07:31.484 --> 00:07:32.985 - She's changed so much 160 00:07:32.985 --> 00:07:35.555 'cause before, when we first moved in there, 161 00:07:35.555 --> 00:07:38.858 she would just scream because a little bit black spider 162 00:07:38.858 --> 00:07:40.960 or something, she would scream, 163 00:07:40.960 --> 00:07:42.628 (mimics wife screaming) "Laramy!" 164 00:07:42.628 --> 00:07:43.529 Now she just steps on it. 165 00:07:44.430 --> 00:07:45.731 Like, last night she comes up, 166 00:07:45.731 --> 00:07:46.966 she tells me, she says, 167 00:07:46.966 --> 00:07:49.101 "I killed this giant bug in the sink." 168 00:07:49.101 --> 00:07:50.703 I was like, "I think it's the one that was flying around." 169 00:07:50.703 --> 00:07:53.739 "It's like this big." Good job, babe. 170 00:07:53.739 --> 00:07:56.476 Before she would've screamed and ran outta there and... 171 00:07:57.944 --> 00:07:58.878 - [Producer] She's turning into a mountain lion girl. 172 00:07:58.878 --> 00:08:00.580 - I'm getting her trained up, 173 00:08:00.580 --> 00:08:01.647 she's turning into a mountain girl. 174 00:08:01.647 --> 00:08:02.548 Slowly but surely. 175 00:08:04.250 --> 00:08:05.751 (Catarina gasps) 176 00:08:05.751 --> 00:08:09.155 - I think I got it, but I can't see it. 177 00:08:09.155 --> 00:08:11.324 It's like it went under. 178 00:08:11.324 --> 00:08:12.158 Did I get it? 179 00:08:13.092 --> 00:08:15.127 Oh, I see it's guts! 180 00:08:20.666 --> 00:08:24.070 I can do hard things. (laughs) 181 00:08:24.070 --> 00:08:27.840 We just had our first baby, baby girl, Faye. 182 00:08:27.840 --> 00:08:31.744 She's gonna turn six months while Laramy's gone. 183 00:08:31.744 --> 00:08:34.480 - Yeah. Miss Selfie on the mountain. 184 00:08:34.480 --> 00:08:38.451 Psst hey, this is my life right here. 185 00:08:38.451 --> 00:08:41.954 This is what I deal with all the time. 186 00:08:41.954 --> 00:08:43.689 Me, I barely know how to use the phone. 187 00:08:43.689 --> 00:08:47.093 Her, she's over here, Miss selfie and... 188 00:08:47.093 --> 00:08:49.228 But I'm thankful for it because she does all my social media 189 00:08:49.228 --> 00:08:53.366 because if it was left up to me, there would be none. 190 00:08:55.935 --> 00:08:57.336 - Hey, daddy's just lucky in general. 191 00:08:57.336 --> 00:09:00.640 Huh? He's lucky to have us. 192 00:09:02.875 --> 00:09:04.410 - The hardest part of this whole thing 193 00:09:04.410 --> 00:09:08.514 for me is gonna be leaving my family behind 194 00:09:08.514 --> 00:09:10.149 because my family means the world 195 00:09:10.149 --> 00:09:12.852 to me and I love showing them 196 00:09:12.852 --> 00:09:15.955 and teaching them what I've been fortunate enough 197 00:09:15.955 --> 00:09:20.393 to learn at a very young age, so that's going to be hard. 198 00:09:21.994 --> 00:09:24.330 (baby coos) 199 00:09:27.700 --> 00:09:28.534 What is it? 200 00:09:30.469 --> 00:09:32.204 - I really don't think they, 201 00:09:32.204 --> 00:09:34.640 they don't make him like Laramy anymore 202 00:09:34.640 --> 00:09:36.142 (sentimental music) 203 00:09:36.142 --> 00:09:38.778 and I think that Fay is the luckiest girl in the world 204 00:09:38.778 --> 00:09:40.246 to have him as her father. 205 00:09:44.884 --> 00:09:47.987 - Now don't get me wrong, my family is my world. 206 00:09:47.987 --> 00:09:50.523 That's why I do what I do. 207 00:09:50.523 --> 00:09:54.427 But I can't change who I am. 208 00:09:54.427 --> 00:09:56.529 I'm still a mountain man. 209 00:09:56.529 --> 00:09:58.431 And I gotta be out there in the high lonesome. 210 00:10:00.299 --> 00:10:02.134 - I mean as hard as it's gonna be, 211 00:10:02.134 --> 00:10:04.503 and I didn't love the idea at first, 212 00:10:04.503 --> 00:10:06.606 I did fall in love with a mountain man. 213 00:10:06.606 --> 00:10:09.442 So who am I to stop him from being who he is? 214 00:10:15.047 --> 00:10:16.415 Can you say bye to daddy? Say bye bye. 215 00:10:19.051 --> 00:10:20.453 Say bye to daddy. 216 00:10:23.189 --> 00:10:25.625 - My entire life I've always wondered, 217 00:10:25.625 --> 00:10:28.761 what was it like to be a mountain man? 218 00:10:28.761 --> 00:10:32.832 To come into this country with nothing 219 00:10:32.832 --> 00:10:34.667 and survive off the land, 220 00:10:34.667 --> 00:10:36.268 Just you and mother nature? 221 00:10:37.403 --> 00:10:41.007 Well, guess what? I'm about to find out. 222 00:10:43.943 --> 00:10:47.913 (gentle inspirational music) 223 00:10:47.913 --> 00:10:52.351 So I'm starting right here and I'm going a long ways. 224 00:10:53.519 --> 00:10:55.655 Getting picked up way over on the other side, 225 00:10:55.655 --> 00:10:56.756 way down the mountain. 226 00:10:58.357 --> 00:10:59.792 I'm gonna camp where I see fit. 227 00:10:59.792 --> 00:11:01.460 I'm gonna live like the mountain men. 228 00:11:01.460 --> 00:11:03.362 I'm just gonna fly by the seat of my pants 229 00:11:03.362 --> 00:11:05.197 and wherever the wind takes me, guess what? 230 00:11:05.197 --> 00:11:06.666 That's where I'm going. 231 00:11:06.666 --> 00:11:09.969 I'm out here for 30 days. That's a long time, 232 00:11:11.404 --> 00:11:16.175 but hey, I'm gonna be in the high lonesome, chasing critters, 233 00:11:17.076 --> 00:11:19.745 hopefully living my best life. 234 00:11:19.745 --> 00:11:22.815 Hopefully I'm not starving and miserable. 235 00:11:22.815 --> 00:11:25.151 See what the weather has to bring. 236 00:11:25.151 --> 00:11:26.619 We will get snow, 237 00:11:26.619 --> 00:11:29.722 but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. 238 00:11:30.589 --> 00:11:32.024 (upbeat music) 239 00:11:32.024 --> 00:11:34.126 - [Presenter] Laramy Miller and his horse Seven 240 00:11:34.126 --> 00:11:37.730 ride into the Rocky Mountains of Western Montana 241 00:11:37.730 --> 00:11:41.033 to hunt and gather food, construct shelter, 242 00:11:41.033 --> 00:11:45.371 and survive whatever situation mother nature intends, 243 00:11:45.371 --> 00:11:48.007 seeking just enough necessities 244 00:11:48.007 --> 00:11:51.444 to sustain both the body and the mind. 245 00:11:56.649 --> 00:12:01.654 - So I rode up the trail here a few miles. 246 00:12:02.788 --> 00:12:07.193 I decided I'd better start looking for camp. 247 00:12:08.427 --> 00:12:10.329 So I came on this creek right here, 248 00:12:10.329 --> 00:12:12.064 which will be a great water source. 249 00:12:13.499 --> 00:12:16.936 And then from there, just gonna find a good place 250 00:12:16.936 --> 00:12:20.072 that has some shelter, has some food for Seven, 251 00:12:21.207 --> 00:12:23.609 maybe the possibility of game, 252 00:12:23.609 --> 00:12:26.112 that creek gives me fish, hopefully. 253 00:12:28.981 --> 00:12:29.949 All right, come on. 254 00:12:31.350 --> 00:12:33.919 (mellow music) 255 00:12:48.000 --> 00:12:50.836 Well, this right here is 256 00:12:50.836 --> 00:12:54.640 what made mountain men mountain men. 257 00:12:54.640 --> 00:12:56.008 You look right down there, 258 00:12:58.177 --> 00:12:59.845 there's a nice little beaver pond. 259 00:13:01.213 --> 00:13:03.182 That is why most of the mountain men came to the mountains 260 00:13:03.182 --> 00:13:06.619 was to chase brown gold, beaver plews. 261 00:13:08.287 --> 00:13:12.224 And it was very short lived 'cause then silk came in 262 00:13:12.224 --> 00:13:15.060 and people didn't want beaver hide, beaver hats anymore 263 00:13:16.195 --> 00:13:18.197 - [Presenter] Beaver plews, or pelts, 264 00:13:18.197 --> 00:13:20.900 were the driving force that sent many fur traders 265 00:13:20.900 --> 00:13:24.537 and mountain men west, in search of the brown gold. 266 00:13:24.537 --> 00:13:27.740 They became the first major explorers of North America 267 00:13:27.740 --> 00:13:31.143 and ultimately American Western expansion. 268 00:13:31.143 --> 00:13:34.280 In addition to the economic benefits of the fur trade, 269 00:13:34.280 --> 00:13:36.182 mountain men were a major factor 270 00:13:36.182 --> 00:13:39.118 in determining the boundaries of the United States, 271 00:13:39.118 --> 00:13:42.154 and especially the Pacific Northwest. 272 00:13:42.154 --> 00:13:44.757 Fur traders not only discovered the Oregon 273 00:13:44.757 --> 00:13:47.393 and California trails, they provided the guides 274 00:13:47.393 --> 00:13:52.398 for America's Western expansion to the far blue waters. 275 00:13:54.567 --> 00:13:56.769 - But man, it would've been an amazing time. 276 00:13:58.070 --> 00:13:59.839 Pretty cool. 277 00:13:59.839 --> 00:14:02.775 I'm out here just working along the edges of this creek, 278 00:14:02.775 --> 00:14:04.310 seeing what kind of sign I can see, 279 00:14:04.310 --> 00:14:05.978 see if I can find any edibles. 280 00:14:10.182 --> 00:14:12.818 So I went and walked all over tarnation, 281 00:14:12.818 --> 00:14:15.888 looking for mushrooms and grasshoppers, 282 00:14:15.888 --> 00:14:18.357 dug a little bit for worms. 283 00:14:18.357 --> 00:14:20.459 This whole basin is just sand. 284 00:14:20.459 --> 00:14:23.696 So, probably not gonna be very many worms. 285 00:14:23.696 --> 00:14:26.098 So I think what I'm gonna do is, 286 00:14:26.098 --> 00:14:31.103 I'm gonna take some of old Seven's hair, his tail hair, 287 00:14:32.805 --> 00:14:35.941 and I'm gonna make me a couple of homemade flies, 288 00:14:37.076 --> 00:14:38.310 (mellow music) 289 00:14:38.310 --> 00:14:39.678 see if I can't catch some of them fish, 290 00:14:41.347 --> 00:14:44.516 not professional, but hopefully it'll do. 291 00:14:47.019 --> 00:14:49.622 (mellow music) 292 00:15:01.200 --> 00:15:02.401 All right. 293 00:15:02.401 --> 00:15:04.036 I've been trying, trying to fish with a fly, 294 00:15:04.036 --> 00:15:06.238 homemade fly hasn't worked. 295 00:15:06.238 --> 00:15:08.140 So I'm gonna try a spinner. 296 00:15:08.140 --> 00:15:09.408 I've got this hook. 297 00:15:09.408 --> 00:15:12.544 You look right there, got that hook. 298 00:15:12.544 --> 00:15:17.483 And then I found an old tobacco lid in my saddle bags. 299 00:15:18.684 --> 00:15:20.686 And what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna cut, 300 00:15:20.686 --> 00:15:24.523 just a little sea shell shaped piece out of this lid, 301 00:15:24.523 --> 00:15:25.491 'cause it's shiny, 302 00:15:26.892 --> 00:15:28.727 and then I'm gonna thread it through that hook. 303 00:15:28.727 --> 00:15:30.796 You know? So there you go. 304 00:15:30.796 --> 00:15:32.865 And hopefully that spins around 305 00:15:32.865 --> 00:15:36.268 and acts like a dying minnow. 306 00:15:37.736 --> 00:15:39.838 One way or another, I have to figure these fish out, 307 00:15:39.838 --> 00:15:42.608 'cause from the looks of it, without fish, 308 00:15:42.608 --> 00:15:45.744 this area doesn't offer a whole lot more. 309 00:15:47.846 --> 00:15:52.851 Didn't find much on day one, but got a good lay of the land. 310 00:15:55.521 --> 00:15:56.922 But first thing in the morning, 311 00:15:56.922 --> 00:15:58.123 I'm gonna have to start focusing on food 312 00:15:58.123 --> 00:16:02.161 'cause I have none. (chuckles) 313 00:16:02.161 --> 00:16:03.963 All in all, it was a good first day, 314 00:16:04.997 --> 00:16:08.667 but I am tuckered out. 315 00:16:15.441 --> 00:16:17.543 - My water's frozen in my cup. 316 00:16:17.543 --> 00:16:22.548 First night, I'm gonna have to take some precautions. 317 00:16:24.283 --> 00:16:27.252 Didn't think it was gonna get quite that cold last night. 318 00:16:27.252 --> 00:16:31.590 I slept fine, but old Seven woke me up 319 00:16:31.590 --> 00:16:34.360 about four o'clock this morning I think, 320 00:16:34.360 --> 00:16:35.794 'cause I think he was cold. 321 00:16:39.198 --> 00:16:41.834 Being the nice guy I was, I just curled up my sleeping bag 322 00:16:41.834 --> 00:16:44.236 and went back to bed. (laughs) 323 00:16:47.072 --> 00:16:49.608 (mellow music) 324 00:16:51.010 --> 00:16:53.579 This afternoon, I've been planning on making a shelter. 325 00:16:53.579 --> 00:16:55.381 I got a feeling we might get some weather tonight. 326 00:16:55.381 --> 00:17:00.386 So I'm gonna build a little just lean-to, 327 00:17:02.187 --> 00:17:04.790 just enough to keep the rain off me. 328 00:17:04.790 --> 00:17:06.692 I'm not gonna do anything extravagant, 329 00:17:07.893 --> 00:17:09.161 but I'd better get to it. 330 00:17:10.396 --> 00:17:13.399 I'll put four rails along the middle 331 00:17:13.399 --> 00:17:14.666 that'll act these rafters 332 00:17:16.101 --> 00:17:18.504 and then I'll cut a bunch of pine boughs, 333 00:17:18.504 --> 00:17:21.407 and lay those, stack those on top, 334 00:17:21.407 --> 00:17:26.412 and then I'm gonna run probably three more off the back, 335 00:17:27.579 --> 00:17:28.847 and then I can put pine boughs on that. 336 00:17:28.847 --> 00:17:30.582 So I have a little storage area back there 337 00:17:30.582 --> 00:17:33.419 and then I can sleep right here without getting drenched. 338 00:17:35.287 --> 00:17:37.990 I mean, a little bit's still gonna come through, 339 00:17:37.990 --> 00:17:38.991 but I don't mind a little bit. 340 00:17:42.428 --> 00:17:44.930 Something like this, if I took another two hours, 341 00:17:44.930 --> 00:17:48.967 I mean, I could make that a pretty good little living area, 342 00:17:48.967 --> 00:17:51.970 but I got food on my mind too. 343 00:17:51.970 --> 00:17:56.341 So I got me enough shelter to where I'll be good for a week 344 00:17:56.341 --> 00:17:57.176 or more here. 345 00:17:58.077 --> 00:18:00.112 I need to go find me some food. 346 00:18:00.112 --> 00:18:02.714 (upbeat music) 347 00:18:20.732 --> 00:18:23.001 Here's my squirrel. 348 00:18:30.075 --> 00:18:32.277 Well, I'm gonna get the fire started. 349 00:18:33.178 --> 00:18:35.080 I'm gonna skin me this squirrel, 350 00:18:36.715 --> 00:18:39.251 get a couple mushrooms, and I'm gonna throw it in a soup. 351 00:18:39.251 --> 00:18:40.486 I'm gonna throw the whole squirrel in there. 352 00:18:40.486 --> 00:18:42.187 I'm gonna take the guts out, 353 00:18:42.187 --> 00:18:44.223 I'm gonna use the guts or fish bait. 354 00:18:44.223 --> 00:18:45.958 And then eat the whole squirrel. 355 00:18:47.392 --> 00:18:49.761 I'm just gonna boil it, make you like a stew/soup, 356 00:18:49.761 --> 00:18:52.564 with a couple of mushrooms I have 357 00:18:52.564 --> 00:18:54.433 and call it good. 358 00:18:55.767 --> 00:18:58.904 (mellow music) 359 00:18:58.904 --> 00:19:01.440 Let's see what we got here. 360 00:19:02.274 --> 00:19:03.108 Oh yeah. 361 00:19:15.454 --> 00:19:17.656 I'm gonna put this up in a safe spot. 362 00:19:19.424 --> 00:19:21.426 Hopefully Mr. Bear doesn't come by, 363 00:19:21.426 --> 00:19:23.262 think it's his dinner. 364 00:19:23.262 --> 00:19:26.598 All right, folks. See you tomorrow. 365 00:19:32.804 --> 00:19:35.507 (wolves howling) 366 00:19:45.984 --> 00:19:47.753 So I dunno if you can hear that, 367 00:19:47.753 --> 00:19:51.023 but not not very far...wolves. 368 00:19:51.023 --> 00:19:54.193 (wolves continue howling) 369 00:19:54.193 --> 00:19:56.361 I'm not the only predator. 370 00:19:58.664 --> 00:19:59.498 Oh boy. 371 00:20:01.099 --> 00:20:06.104 That sounds like a pretty big pack too. (sighs) 372 00:20:09.575 --> 00:20:13.545 I might have to start flinging some arrows at wolves. 373 00:20:13.545 --> 00:20:14.479 They're getting closer and closer. 374 00:20:14.479 --> 00:20:15.547 That's a pretty good sized pack. 375 00:20:17.282 --> 00:20:19.585 (wolves continue howling) 376 00:20:19.585 --> 00:20:22.287 It's one of the most beautiful/eerie things you'll ever hear 377 00:20:22.287 --> 00:20:24.489 in the woods, is a pack of wolves, 378 00:20:24.489 --> 00:20:28.327 and them wolves weren't 200 yards to the timber right there. 379 00:20:30.028 --> 00:20:32.764 They were howling at me 'cause they know I'm here 380 00:20:34.600 --> 00:20:35.367 Pretty crazy. 381 00:20:38.604 --> 00:20:39.838 Gotta love it though. 382 00:20:42.608 --> 00:20:43.942 That's what it's all about. 383 00:20:45.844 --> 00:20:48.313 (gentle music) 384 00:58:03.146 --> 00:58:04.380 - [Presenter] The following 385 00:58:04.380 --> 00:58:07.150 is an Outdoor Channel original production. 386 00:58:10.086 --> 00:58:11.354 (soft dramatic music) 387 00:58:11.354 --> 00:58:13.456 - My name is Laramy Miller 388 00:58:13.456 --> 00:58:15.859 Some of you guys might recognize me 389 00:58:15.859 --> 00:58:17.527 as Sasquatch the Mountain Man, 390 00:58:17.527 --> 00:58:19.762 previously on the Outdoor Channel. 391 00:58:19.762 --> 00:58:20.763 I'm a hunter. 392 00:58:20.763 --> 00:58:21.764 I'm a fisherman. 393 00:58:21.764 --> 00:58:23.166 I'm an outdoorsman. 394 00:58:23.166 --> 00:58:24.567 I'm a survivalist. 395 00:58:24.567 --> 00:58:27.871 But most of all, I am a modern day mountain man. 396 00:58:30.340 --> 00:58:31.841 It's bred into me. 397 00:58:31.841 --> 00:58:33.510 I've got a long lineage 398 00:58:33.510 --> 00:58:36.145 and they've all grew up in the mountains, 399 00:58:36.145 --> 00:58:37.680 living off the land. 400 00:58:37.680 --> 00:58:40.450 I'm just fortunate to be able to follow in their footsteps. 401 00:58:41.985 --> 00:58:43.720 The whole reason I do what I do is 402 00:58:43.720 --> 00:58:46.756 because my uncle, before I was ever around, 403 00:58:46.756 --> 00:58:49.792 decided he was gonna start filming his adventures 404 00:58:49.792 --> 00:58:51.361 in the mountains. 405 00:58:51.361 --> 00:58:55.331 And he used to produce VHS tapes they sold in Walmart 406 00:58:55.331 --> 00:58:58.601 back in the seventies, eighties, and early nineties. 407 00:58:58.601 --> 00:59:02.305 Tragically, he actually passed away in a plane crash in '95, 408 00:59:02.305 --> 00:59:05.041 him and his younger brother scouting for elk, 409 00:59:05.041 --> 00:59:07.277 but he was doing what he loved. 410 00:59:07.277 --> 00:59:08.878 You know, I asked my mom and I'd drove her 411 00:59:08.878 --> 00:59:10.947 and my sisters crazy because I'd run around the house, 412 00:59:10.947 --> 00:59:12.949 bugling like an elk all the time, 413 00:59:12.949 --> 00:59:14.817 from the time I was a little kid 414 00:59:14.817 --> 00:59:18.288 and dreaming about being on a horse in the mountains. 415 00:59:18.288 --> 00:59:20.557 You know, Sasquatch Mountain Man, 416 00:59:20.557 --> 00:59:22.959 there were a lot of great adventures. 417 00:59:22.959 --> 00:59:26.596 You know, there was eight seasons of pure wilderness, 418 00:59:26.596 --> 00:59:31.401 back country, survival, mountain man stuff. 419 00:59:31.401 --> 00:59:35.238 But what's next? While I'm here to tell you. 420 00:59:35.238 --> 00:59:37.907 (country music) 421 00:59:44.781 --> 00:59:47.951 - [Presenter] Laramy "Sasquatch" Miller is a throwback champ 422 00:59:47.951 --> 00:59:52.021 from another era, a creature of the past. 423 00:59:52.021 --> 00:59:53.623 This hunter, father, 424 00:59:53.623 --> 00:59:57.060 figure of the West is a man of the mountains 425 00:59:57.060 --> 00:59:59.429 with a calling to fulfill. 426 00:59:59.429 --> 01:00:01.631 Join him on The Trail, 427 01:00:01.631 --> 01:00:04.367 presented by Case Knives. 428 01:00:06.269 --> 01:00:09.706 (dramatic country music) 429 01:00:11.908 --> 01:00:14.210 (horse nickers) 430 01:00:14.210 --> 01:00:16.012 - You know, the mountain men 431 01:00:16.012 --> 01:00:20.984 have kind of become a lost historical high point 432 01:00:20.984 --> 01:00:23.419 of our country's founding. 433 01:00:23.419 --> 01:00:26.089 They were the ones that opened up this country. 434 01:00:26.089 --> 01:00:27.557 You think about that back in the day, 435 01:00:27.557 --> 01:00:30.259 you think of how tough they had to be. 436 01:00:30.259 --> 01:00:33.630 I wish I could go back and just test myself, 437 01:00:33.630 --> 01:00:36.366 see where I would stack up. 438 01:00:36.366 --> 01:00:39.369 I'm not saying I could do it, but I'd love to give it a try. 439 01:00:40.903 --> 01:00:42.705 So this right here, this is Seven. 440 01:00:43.539 --> 01:00:44.707 I just picked him up. 441 01:00:45.875 --> 01:00:48.444 He's young. He's only five years old, 442 01:00:48.444 --> 01:00:51.314 but he's got a good personality, easy going. 443 01:00:52.482 --> 01:00:53.282 What? 444 01:00:54.751 --> 01:00:57.887 You look in a horse's eyes and you can tell a lot. 445 01:00:57.887 --> 01:00:59.389 Kind of like looking in a person's eyes. 446 01:00:59.389 --> 01:01:00.890 If they got real shifty eyes, 447 01:01:02.025 --> 01:01:03.693 you might not want to trust them. 448 01:01:05.061 --> 01:01:09.465 But me and Seven are gonna learn a lot of stuff 449 01:01:09.465 --> 01:01:11.901 over the next month. (chuckles) 450 01:01:11.901 --> 01:01:13.503 He's gonna come out a completely different horse 451 01:01:13.503 --> 01:01:16.773 and I might come out a completely different person. 452 01:01:16.773 --> 01:01:18.307 You know, most people look at this and think, 453 01:01:18.307 --> 01:01:21.744 "Well, he's got a horse. That's gonna make things easier." 454 01:01:21.744 --> 01:01:23.346 Well, no, it's actually not. 455 01:01:23.346 --> 01:01:24.947 It makes things harder. 456 01:01:24.947 --> 01:01:26.449 You know, the mountain men back in the day, 457 01:01:26.449 --> 01:01:28.284 they relied on their horse cause it was their lifeline. 458 01:01:28.284 --> 01:01:31.354 But you're not only looking out for your safety, 459 01:01:31.354 --> 01:01:33.056 you're looking out for the horse too 460 01:01:33.056 --> 01:01:34.057 because if you don't have the horse, 461 01:01:34.057 --> 01:01:35.958 then you don't make it out. 462 01:01:35.958 --> 01:01:38.294 You know, not only do I have to fend for myself 463 01:01:39.696 --> 01:01:41.731 and get food for myself, I gotta make sure he's got food, 464 01:01:41.731 --> 01:01:44.100 I gotta make sure he's got water, 465 01:01:44.100 --> 01:01:46.402 I gotta make sure he don't get eaten by wolves, 466 01:01:46.402 --> 01:01:47.537 and I don't have a gun, 467 01:01:51.007 --> 01:01:53.109 but we'll do all right, huh buddy? 468 01:01:53.109 --> 01:01:53.943 Huh buddy? 469 01:01:55.511 --> 01:01:58.414 I've been thinking about this trip for a long time 470 01:01:58.414 --> 01:02:01.050 and I've been trying to keep myself mentally 471 01:02:01.050 --> 01:02:04.854 and physically in a good position 472 01:02:04.854 --> 01:02:06.622 because it's gonna be tough. 473 01:02:08.191 --> 01:02:10.793 You know, I've been hiking the mountains, 474 01:02:10.793 --> 01:02:14.430 trying to stay in shape, researching, 475 01:02:14.430 --> 01:02:18.468 doing a little smoothing up my edibles game. 476 01:02:19.702 --> 01:02:20.536 I'm ready. 477 01:02:21.971 --> 01:02:24.240 You know, that's the one thing about the mountains. 478 01:02:24.240 --> 01:02:26.209 It's like Murphy's Law. 479 01:02:26.209 --> 01:02:28.845 If something can go wrong, it will go wrong. 480 01:02:28.845 --> 01:02:31.848 But the preparation beforehand is the difference 481 01:02:31.848 --> 01:02:35.218 between living and/or dying in a survival situation. 482 01:02:36.652 --> 01:02:40.490 So, you just wanna make sure you cover your bases. 483 01:02:41.624 --> 01:02:42.892 And even if your bases aren't covered 484 01:02:42.892 --> 01:02:45.228 you know what to do when something does go wrong. 485 01:02:46.429 --> 01:02:49.565 You know the goal for this, for me, 486 01:02:49.565 --> 01:02:53.870 is to test myself and hone my skills 487 01:02:53.870 --> 01:02:56.439 and put myself in that mountain man, 488 01:02:56.439 --> 01:02:59.709 200 year ago mind frame. 489 01:02:59.709 --> 01:03:01.778 You know I'm gonna go out there. 490 01:03:01.778 --> 01:03:04.180 I'm gonna travel down the trail with my horse, 491 01:03:04.180 --> 01:03:05.848 just like the mountain men did. 492 01:03:05.848 --> 01:03:06.916 I'm gonna cover country. 493 01:03:06.916 --> 01:03:08.451 I'm gonna build shelters. 494 01:03:08.451 --> 01:03:09.986 I'm gonna catch fish, 495 01:03:09.986 --> 01:03:10.820 all primitively. 496 01:03:12.021 --> 01:03:14.524 And that is how I'm gonna sustain myself 497 01:03:14.524 --> 01:03:16.526 over the next month or more. 498 01:03:16.526 --> 01:03:17.527 This right here, 499 01:03:18.895 --> 01:03:21.397 traveled a lot of miles with this old long bow. 500 01:03:22.298 --> 01:03:23.866 (country music continues) 501 01:03:23.866 --> 01:03:25.501 My string's still in good shape. 502 01:03:26.969 --> 01:03:30.339 That could be a nightmare if you cut or bust your string, 503 01:03:31.941 --> 01:03:35.411 luckily I know how to build another one. 504 01:03:35.411 --> 01:03:39.916 I'll be counting on these guys right here for sustenance. 505 01:03:41.384 --> 01:03:43.986 If I can take down a big game animal, 506 01:03:43.986 --> 01:03:48.558 I'll be golden, especially a bear, with the fat content. 507 01:03:48.558 --> 01:03:49.392 Or an elk. 508 01:03:50.960 --> 01:03:52.361 I'll come out fat and sassy. 509 01:03:53.329 --> 01:03:54.831 If that doesn't fly true, 510 01:03:57.834 --> 01:03:59.535 well, that's yet to be determined. 511 01:04:01.537 --> 01:04:02.772 (fly buzzes) 512 01:04:02.772 --> 01:04:05.808 You know, a hatchet is so key in so many ways. 513 01:04:05.808 --> 01:04:08.678 I mean, I'm gonna be splitting wood, cutting branches 514 01:04:08.678 --> 01:04:11.480 building shelters, hammering stuff with it 515 01:04:11.480 --> 01:04:14.450 I might throw it at a bear if he comes in. 516 01:04:14.450 --> 01:04:16.352 You know, safety precautions 517 01:04:17.753 --> 01:04:20.623 I'm gonna use this thing for a lot of different uses. 518 01:04:20.623 --> 01:04:22.525 It's gonna be my main all around tool. 519 01:04:26.128 --> 01:04:28.064 You know, and then I always have, if you look, 520 01:04:28.064 --> 01:04:30.266 I always have knives on my hip. 521 01:04:30.266 --> 01:04:33.336 I don't go anywhere without a couple of knives. 522 01:04:33.336 --> 01:04:36.639 Well, on this trip, I've got three different knives. 523 01:04:36.639 --> 01:04:40.376 Let's just hope I can find some flint out there 524 01:04:40.376 --> 01:04:41.277 to keep 'em sharp. 525 01:05:02.932 --> 01:05:06.035 - [Presenter] The Trail is presented by Case Knives. 526 01:05:06.035 --> 01:05:07.803 Keep your hands sharp. 527 01:05:07.803 --> 01:05:10.006 Also brought to you by Zippo, 528 01:05:10.006 --> 01:05:12.942 the trusted name in heat and flame. 529 01:05:12.942 --> 01:05:14.310 (country music) 530 01:05:14.310 --> 01:05:15.912 - I wouldn't be able to do what I do 531 01:05:15.912 --> 01:05:17.847 and spend the time, 532 01:05:17.847 --> 01:05:20.850 I have a very loving, caring family. 533 01:05:20.850 --> 01:05:23.052 I have three beautiful kids. 534 01:05:23.052 --> 01:05:24.587 I have a beautiful fiancee, 535 01:05:24.587 --> 01:05:26.722 that supports me and all my craziness. 536 01:05:28.858 --> 01:05:30.059 I'm a lucky man. 537 01:05:31.260 --> 01:05:35.531 - Living with Laramy is interesting. 538 01:05:35.531 --> 01:05:39.802 I mean, you come home to a rattlesnake skin in the freezer 539 01:05:39.802 --> 01:05:43.739 or I mean, the things you find laying around (laughs) 540 01:05:43.739 --> 01:05:48.110 are probably the most surreal that kind of snaps me back to, 541 01:05:48.110 --> 01:05:49.578 wow, okay, this is my life, 542 01:05:49.578 --> 01:05:51.814 when you come downstairs to buckskins laying on the counter, 543 01:05:51.814 --> 01:05:55.484 just things I never thought would be there. 544 01:05:55.484 --> 01:05:57.853 My least favorite part about living in the mountains. 545 01:05:59.655 --> 01:06:01.123 I've gotten a lot better 546 01:06:01.123 --> 01:06:02.725 because before I would have just called Laramy. 547 01:06:02.725 --> 01:06:05.895 I mean, I'm a mountain girl now, I can kill spiders. 548 01:06:05.895 --> 01:06:07.396 - She's changed so much 549 01:06:07.396 --> 01:06:09.966 'cause before, when we first moved in there, 550 01:06:09.966 --> 01:06:13.269 she would just scream because a little bit black spider 551 01:06:13.269 --> 01:06:15.371 or something, she would scream, 552 01:06:15.371 --> 01:06:17.039 (mimics wife screaming) "Laramy!" 553 01:06:17.039 --> 01:06:17.940 Now she just steps on it. 554 01:06:18.841 --> 01:06:20.142 Like, last night she comes up, 555 01:06:20.142 --> 01:06:21.377 she tells me, she says, 556 01:06:21.377 --> 01:06:23.512 "I killed this giant bug in the sink." 557 01:06:23.512 --> 01:06:25.114 I was like, "I think it's the one that was flying around." 558 01:06:25.114 --> 01:06:28.150 "It's like this big." Good job, babe. 559 01:06:28.150 --> 01:06:30.886 Before she would've screamed and ran outta there and... 560 01:06:32.355 --> 01:06:33.289 - [Producer] She's turning into a mountain lion girl. 561 01:06:33.289 --> 01:06:34.991 - I'm getting her trained up, 562 01:06:34.991 --> 01:06:36.058 she's turning into a mountain girl. 563 01:06:36.058 --> 01:06:36.959 Slowly but surely. 564 01:06:38.661 --> 01:06:40.162 (Catarina gasps) 565 01:06:40.162 --> 01:06:43.566 - I think I got it, but I can't see it. 566 01:06:43.566 --> 01:06:45.735 It's like it went under. 567 01:06:45.735 --> 01:06:46.569 Did I get it? 568 01:06:47.503 --> 01:06:49.538 Oh, I see it's guts! 569 01:06:55.077 --> 01:06:58.481 I can do hard things. (laughs) 570 01:06:58.481 --> 01:07:02.251 We just had our first baby, baby girl, Faye. 571 01:07:02.251 --> 01:07:06.155 She's gonna turn six months while Laramy's gone. 572 01:07:06.155 --> 01:07:08.891 - Yeah. Miss Selfie on the mountain. 573 01:07:08.891 --> 01:07:12.862 Psst hey, this is my life right here. 574 01:07:12.862 --> 01:07:16.365 This is what I deal with all the time. 575 01:07:16.365 --> 01:07:18.100 Me, I barely know how to use the phone. 576 01:07:18.100 --> 01:07:21.504 Her, she's over here, Miss selfie and... 577 01:07:21.504 --> 01:07:23.639 But I'm thankful for it because she does all my social media 578 01:07:23.639 --> 01:07:27.777 because if it was left up to me, there would be none. 579 01:07:30.346 --> 01:07:31.747 - Hey, daddy's just lucky in general. 580 01:07:31.747 --> 01:07:35.051 Huh? He's lucky to have us. 581 01:07:37.286 --> 01:07:38.821 - The hardest part of this whole thing 582 01:07:38.821 --> 01:07:42.925 for me is gonna be leaving my family behind 583 01:07:42.925 --> 01:07:44.560 because my family means the world 584 01:07:44.560 --> 01:07:47.263 to me and I love showing them 585 01:07:47.263 --> 01:07:50.366 and teaching them what I've been fortunate enough 586 01:07:50.366 --> 01:07:54.804 to learn at a very young age, so that's going to be hard. 587 01:07:56.405 --> 01:07:58.741 (baby coos) 588 01:08:02.111 --> 01:08:02.945 What is it? 589 01:08:04.880 --> 01:08:06.615 - I really don't think they, 590 01:08:06.615 --> 01:08:09.051 they don't make him like Laramy anymore 591 01:08:09.051 --> 01:08:10.553 (sentimental music) 592 01:08:10.553 --> 01:08:13.189 and I think that Fay is the luckiest girl in the world 593 01:08:13.189 --> 01:08:14.657 to have him as her father. 594 01:08:19.295 --> 01:08:22.398 - Now don't get me wrong, my family is my world. 595 01:08:22.398 --> 01:08:24.934 That's why I do what I do. 596 01:08:24.934 --> 01:08:28.838 But I can't change who I am. 597 01:08:28.838 --> 01:08:30.940 I'm still a mountain man. 598 01:08:30.940 --> 01:08:32.842 And I gotta be out there in the high lonesome. 599 01:08:34.710 --> 01:08:36.545 - I mean as hard as it's gonna be, 600 01:08:36.545 --> 01:08:38.914 and I didn't love the idea at first, 601 01:08:38.914 --> 01:08:41.016 I did fall in love with a mountain man. 602 01:08:41.016 --> 01:08:43.853 So who am I to stop him from being who he is? 603 01:08:49.458 --> 01:08:50.826 Can you say bye to daddy? Say bye bye. 604 01:08:53.462 --> 01:08:54.864 Say bye to daddy. 605 01:08:57.600 --> 01:09:00.035 - My entire life I've always wondered, 606 01:09:00.035 --> 01:09:03.172 what was it like to be a mountain man? 607 01:09:03.172 --> 01:09:07.243 To come into this country with nothing 608 01:09:07.243 --> 01:09:09.078 and survive off the land, 609 01:09:09.078 --> 01:09:10.679 Just you and mother nature? 610 01:09:11.814 --> 01:09:15.417 Well, guess what? I'm about to find out. 611 01:09:33.302 --> 01:09:37.273 (gentle inspirational music) 612 01:09:37.273 --> 01:09:41.710 So I'm starting right here and I'm going a long ways. 613 01:09:42.878 --> 01:09:45.014 Getting picked up way over on the other side, 614 01:09:45.014 --> 01:09:46.115 way down the mountain. 615 01:09:47.716 --> 01:09:49.151 I'm gonna camp where I see fit. 616 01:09:49.151 --> 01:09:50.819 I'm gonna live like the mountain men. 617 01:09:50.819 --> 01:09:52.721 I'm just gonna fly by the seat of my pants 618 01:09:52.721 --> 01:09:54.557 and wherever the wind takes me, guess what? 619 01:09:54.557 --> 01:09:56.025 That's where I'm going. 620 01:09:56.025 --> 01:09:59.328 I'm out here for 30 days. That's a long time, 621 01:10:00.763 --> 01:10:05.534 but hey, I'm gonna be in the high lonesome, chasing critters, 622 01:10:06.435 --> 01:10:09.104 hopefully living my best life. 623 01:10:09.104 --> 01:10:12.174 Hopefully I'm not starving and miserable. 624 01:10:12.174 --> 01:10:14.510 See what the weather has to bring. 625 01:10:14.510 --> 01:10:15.978 We will get snow, 626 01:10:15.978 --> 01:10:19.081 but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. 627 01:10:19.949 --> 01:10:21.383 (upbeat music) 628 01:10:21.383 --> 01:10:23.485 - [Presenter] Laramy Miller and his horse Seven 629 01:10:23.485 --> 01:10:27.089 ride into the Rocky Mountains of Western Montana 630 01:10:27.089 --> 01:10:30.392 to hunt and gather food, construct shelter, 631 01:10:30.392 --> 01:10:34.730 and survive whatever situation mother nature intends, 632 01:10:34.730 --> 01:10:37.366 seeking just enough necessities 633 01:10:37.366 --> 01:10:40.803 to sustain both the body and the mind. 634 01:10:46.008 --> 01:10:51.013 - So I rode up the trail here a few miles. 635 01:10:52.147 --> 01:10:56.552 I decided I'd better start looking for camp. 636 01:10:57.786 --> 01:10:59.688 So I came on this creek right here, 637 01:10:59.688 --> 01:11:01.423 which will be a great water source. 638 01:11:02.858 --> 01:11:06.295 And then from there, just gonna find a good place 639 01:11:06.295 --> 01:11:09.431 that has some shelter, has some food for Seven, 640 01:11:10.566 --> 01:11:12.968 maybe the possibility of game, 641 01:11:12.968 --> 01:11:15.471 that creek gives me fish, hopefully. 642 01:11:18.340 --> 01:11:19.308 All right, come on. 643 01:11:20.709 --> 01:11:23.279 (mellow music) 644 01:11:37.359 --> 01:11:40.195 Well, this right here is 645 01:11:40.195 --> 01:11:43.999 what made mountain men mountain men. 646 01:11:43.999 --> 01:11:45.367 You look right down there, 647 01:11:47.536 --> 01:11:49.204 there's a nice little beaver pond. 648 01:11:50.572 --> 01:11:52.541 That is why most of the mountain men came to the mountains 649 01:11:52.541 --> 01:11:55.978 was to chase brown gold, beaver plews. 650 01:11:57.646 --> 01:12:01.583 And it was very short lived 'cause then silk came in 651 01:12:01.583 --> 01:12:04.420 and people didn't want beaver hide, beaver hats anymore 652 01:12:05.554 --> 01:12:07.556 - [Presenter] Beaver plews, or pelts, 653 01:12:07.556 --> 01:12:10.259 were the driving force that sent many fur traders 654 01:12:10.259 --> 01:12:13.896 and mountain men west, in search of the brown gold. 655 01:12:13.896 --> 01:12:17.099 They became the first major explorers of North America 656 01:12:17.099 --> 01:12:20.502 and ultimately American Western expansion. 657 01:12:20.502 --> 01:12:23.639 In addition to the economic benefits of the fur trade, 658 01:12:23.639 --> 01:12:25.541 mountain men were a major factor 659 01:12:25.541 --> 01:12:28.477 in determining the boundaries of the United States, 660 01:12:28.477 --> 01:12:31.513 and especially the Pacific Northwest. 661 01:12:31.513 --> 01:12:34.116 Fur traders not only discovered the Oregon 662 01:12:34.116 --> 01:12:36.752 and California trails, they provided the guides 663 01:12:36.752 --> 01:12:41.757 for America's Western expansion to the far blue waters. 664 01:12:43.926 --> 01:12:46.128 - But man, it would've been an amazing time. 665 01:12:47.429 --> 01:12:49.198 Pretty cool. 666 01:12:49.198 --> 01:12:52.134 I'm out here just working along the edges of this creek, 667 01:12:52.134 --> 01:12:53.669 seeing what kind of sign I can see, 668 01:12:53.669 --> 01:12:55.337 see if I can find any edibles. 669 01:12:59.541 --> 01:13:02.177 So I went and walked all over tarnation, 670 01:13:02.177 --> 01:13:05.247 looking for mushrooms and grasshoppers, 671 01:13:05.247 --> 01:13:07.716 dug a little bit for worms. 672 01:13:07.716 --> 01:13:09.818 This whole basin is just sand. 673 01:13:09.818 --> 01:13:13.055 So, probably not gonna be very many worms. 674 01:13:13.055 --> 01:13:15.457 So I think what I'm gonna do is, 675 01:13:15.457 --> 01:13:20.462 I'm gonna take some of old Seven's hair, his tail hair, 676 01:13:22.164 --> 01:13:25.300 and I'm gonna make me a couple of homemade flies, 677 01:13:26.435 --> 01:13:27.669 (mellow music) 678 01:13:27.669 --> 01:13:29.037 see if I can't catch some of them fish, 679 01:13:30.706 --> 01:13:33.876 not professional, but hopefully it'll do. 680 01:13:36.378 --> 01:13:38.981 (mellow music) 681 01:13:50.559 --> 01:13:51.760 All right. 682 01:13:51.760 --> 01:13:53.395 I've been trying, trying to fish with a fly, 683 01:13:53.395 --> 01:13:55.597 homemade fly hasn't worked. 684 01:13:55.597 --> 01:13:57.499 So I'm gonna try a spinner. 685 01:13:57.499 --> 01:13:58.767 I've got this hook. 686 01:13:58.767 --> 01:14:01.904 You look right there, got that hook. 687 01:14:01.904 --> 01:14:06.842 And then I found an old tobacco lid in my saddle bags. 688 01:14:08.043 --> 01:14:10.045 And what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna cut, 689 01:14:10.045 --> 01:14:13.882 just a little sea shell shaped piece out of this lid, 690 01:14:13.882 --> 01:14:14.850 'cause it's shiny, 691 01:14:16.251 --> 01:14:18.086 and then I'm gonna thread it through that hook. 692 01:14:18.086 --> 01:14:20.155 You know? So there you go. 693 01:14:20.155 --> 01:14:22.224 And hopefully that spins around 694 01:14:22.224 --> 01:14:25.627 and acts like a dying minnow. 695 01:14:27.095 --> 01:14:29.198 One way or another, I have to figure these fish out, 696 01:14:29.198 --> 01:14:31.967 'cause from the looks of it, without fish, 697 01:14:31.967 --> 01:14:35.103 this area doesn't offer a whole lot more. 698 01:14:37.206 --> 01:14:42.211 Didn't find much on day one, but got a good lay of the land. 699 01:14:44.880 --> 01:14:46.281 But first thing in the morning, 700 01:14:46.281 --> 01:14:47.483 I'm gonna have to start focusing on food 701 01:14:47.483 --> 01:14:51.520 'cause I have none. (chuckles) 702 01:14:51.520 --> 01:14:53.322 All in all, it was a good first day, 703 01:14:54.356 --> 01:14:58.026 but I am tuckered out. 704 01:15:14.943 --> 01:15:18.046 - [Presenter] The Trail is presented by Case Knives. 705 01:15:18.046 --> 01:15:19.781 Keep your hands sharp. 706 01:15:19.781 --> 01:15:21.984 Also brought to you by Zippo, 707 01:15:21.984 --> 01:15:24.686 the trusted name in heat and flame. 708 01:15:30.392 --> 01:15:32.494 - My water's frozen in my cup. 709 01:15:32.494 --> 01:15:37.499 First night, I'm gonna have to take some precautions. 710 01:15:39.234 --> 01:15:42.204 Didn't think it was gonna get quite that cold last night. 711 01:15:42.204 --> 01:15:46.542 I slept fine, but old Seven woke me up 712 01:15:46.542 --> 01:15:49.311 about four o'clock this morning I think, 713 01:15:49.311 --> 01:15:50.746 'cause I think he was cold. 714 01:15:54.149 --> 01:15:56.785 Being the nice guy I was, I just curled up my sleeping bag 715 01:15:56.785 --> 01:15:59.187 and went back to bed. (laughs) 716 01:16:02.024 --> 01:16:04.560 (mellow music) 717 01:16:05.961 --> 01:16:08.530 This afternoon, I've been planning on making a shelter. 718 01:16:08.530 --> 01:16:10.332 I got a feeling we might get some weather tonight. 719 01:16:10.332 --> 01:16:15.337 So I'm gonna build a little just lean-to, 720 01:16:17.139 --> 01:16:19.741 just enough to keep the rain off me. 721 01:16:19.741 --> 01:16:21.643 I'm not gonna do anything extravagant, 722 01:16:22.844 --> 01:16:24.112 but I'd better get to it. 723 01:16:25.347 --> 01:16:28.350 I'll put four rails along the middle 724 01:16:28.350 --> 01:16:29.618 that'll act these rafters 725 01:16:31.053 --> 01:16:33.455 and then I'll cut a bunch of pine boughs, 726 01:16:33.455 --> 01:16:36.358 and lay those, stack those on top, 727 01:16:36.358 --> 01:16:41.363 and then I'm gonna run probably three more off the back, 728 01:16:42.531 --> 01:16:43.799 and then I can put pine boughs on that. 729 01:16:43.799 --> 01:16:45.534 So I have a little storage area back there 730 01:16:45.534 --> 01:16:48.370 and then I can sleep right here without getting drenched. 731 01:16:50.238 --> 01:16:52.941 I mean, a little bit's still gonna come through, 732 01:16:52.941 --> 01:16:53.942 but I don't mind a little bit. 733 01:16:57.379 --> 01:16:59.881 Something like this, if I took another two hours, 734 01:16:59.881 --> 01:17:03.919 I mean, I could make that a pretty good little living area, 735 01:17:03.919 --> 01:17:06.922 but I got food on my mind too. 736 01:17:06.922 --> 01:17:11.293 So I got me enough shelter to where I'll be good for a week 737 01:17:11.293 --> 01:17:12.127 or more here. 738 01:17:13.028 --> 01:17:15.063 I need to go find me some food. 739 01:17:15.063 --> 01:17:17.666 (upbeat music) 740 01:17:35.684 --> 01:17:37.953 Here's my squirrel. 741 01:17:45.027 --> 01:17:47.229 Well, I'm gonna get the fire started. 742 01:17:48.130 --> 01:17:50.032 I'm gonna skin me this squirrel, 743 01:17:51.667 --> 01:17:54.202 get a couple mushrooms, and I'm gonna throw it in a soup. 744 01:17:54.202 --> 01:17:55.437 I'm gonna throw the whole squirrel in there. 745 01:17:55.437 --> 01:17:57.139 I'm gonna take the guts out, 746 01:17:57.139 --> 01:17:59.174 I'm gonna use the guts or fish bait. 747 01:17:59.174 --> 01:18:00.909 And then eat the whole squirrel. 748 01:18:02.344 --> 01:18:04.713 I'm just gonna boil it, make you like a stew/soup, 749 01:18:04.713 --> 01:18:07.516 with a couple of mushrooms I have 750 01:18:07.516 --> 01:18:09.384 and call it good. 751 01:18:10.719 --> 01:18:13.855 (mellow music) 752 01:18:13.855 --> 01:18:16.391 Let's see what we got here. 753 01:18:17.225 --> 01:18:18.060 Oh yeah. 754 01:18:30.405 --> 01:18:32.607 I'm gonna put this up in a safe spot. 755 01:18:34.376 --> 01:18:36.378 Hopefully Mr. Bear doesn't come by, 756 01:18:36.378 --> 01:18:38.213 think it's his dinner. 757 01:18:38.213 --> 01:18:41.550 All right, folks. See you tomorrow. 758 01:18:47.756 --> 01:18:50.459 (wolves howling) 759 01:19:00.936 --> 01:19:02.704 So I dunno if you can hear that, 760 01:19:02.704 --> 01:19:05.974 but not not very far...wolves. 761 01:19:05.974 --> 01:19:09.144 (wolves continue howling) 762 01:19:09.144 --> 01:19:11.313 I'm not the only predator. 763 01:19:13.615 --> 01:19:14.449 Oh boy. 764 01:19:16.051 --> 01:19:21.056 That sounds like a pretty big pack too. (sighs) 765 01:19:24.526 --> 01:19:28.497 I might have to start flinging some arrows at wolves. 766 01:19:28.497 --> 01:19:29.431 They're getting closer and closer. 767 01:19:29.431 --> 01:19:30.499 That's a pretty good sized pack. 768 01:19:32.234 --> 01:19:34.536 (wolves continue howling) 769 01:19:34.536 --> 01:19:37.239 It's one of the most beautiful/eerie things you'll ever hear 770 01:19:37.239 --> 01:19:39.441 in the woods, is a pack of wolves, 771 01:19:39.441 --> 01:19:43.278 and them wolves weren't 200 yards to the timber right there. 772 01:19:44.980 --> 01:19:47.716 They were howling at me 'cause they know I'm here 773 01:19:49.551 --> 01:19:50.318 Pretty crazy. 774 01:19:53.555 --> 01:19:54.790 Gotta love it though. 775 01:19:57.559 --> 01:19:58.894 That's what it's all about. 776 01:20:00.796 --> 01:20:03.265 (gentle music)