WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.440 --> 00:00:05.280 From the beginnings of our solar system four and a half billion years ago, 2 00:00:05.560 --> 00:00:08.240 there remain tantalizing clues to its evolution. 3 00:00:08.640 --> 00:00:13.240 Remnant debris, asteroids and comets, they vary in size 4 00:00:13.240 --> 00:00:17.760 from grains of dust to mountainsides, from footballs to planetoid. 5 00:00:18.360 --> 00:00:19.760 They were the building blocks 6 00:00:19.760 --> 00:00:23.360 of the planets and perhaps carry the origins of life itself. 7 00:00:24.200 --> 00:00:27.480 No, within our grasp, these rocks of ice and dust 8 00:00:27.480 --> 00:01:05.520 are ready to give up their secrets. 9 00:01:11.080 --> 00:01:14.520 Asteroids are believed to be made of contrails, flash, heated 10 00:01:14.520 --> 00:01:18.600 grains of rock within the stellar disk of our forming solar system. 11 00:01:19.680 --> 00:01:23.120 These contrails cluster together, forming the first asteroids 12 00:01:23.160 --> 00:01:27.120 and the building blocks of the planets. 13 00:01:27.560 --> 00:01:31.000 Once the solar system had evolved, there was a lot of asteroid 14 00:01:31.000 --> 00:01:32.880 material left over. 15 00:01:32.880 --> 00:01:35.040 They cover a broad spectrum of types. 16 00:01:35.560 --> 00:01:38.760 The largest of these are minor planets or planetoid, 17 00:01:39.000 --> 00:01:41.720 large enough to have an ovoid shape. 18 00:01:41.720 --> 00:01:45.280 This category took the previous planet Pluto off the major list 19 00:01:45.280 --> 00:01:47.280 and onto the minor. 20 00:01:47.280 --> 00:01:52.320 The smallest remnants of debris are often called meteoroids. 21 00:01:52.520 --> 00:01:54.960 There are, in fact, several minor planets. 22 00:01:55.440 --> 00:01:59.000 Some have been seconded into planetary orbit and become moons. 23 00:01:59.600 --> 00:02:03.360 The traditional asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter has one called 24 00:02:03.360 --> 00:02:06.680 Ceres, the largest and the first to be detected 25 00:02:08.560 --> 00:02:09.560 with our first 26 00:02:09.560 --> 00:02:12.440 close up of an asteroid was courtesy of Galileo. 27 00:02:12.680 --> 00:02:16.200 On its flight through the main asteroid belt towards Jupiter, 28 00:02:17.080 --> 00:02:20.680 it photographed 951 gas from an S-TYPE 29 00:02:20.680 --> 00:02:24.400 asteroid with an average diameter of just over six kilometers. 30 00:02:24.720 --> 00:02:27.960 The S stands for a stony composition. 31 00:02:28.160 --> 00:02:32.120 Galileo then photographed a larger two for three Ida at 15 32 00:02:32.120 --> 00:02:37.040 and a half kilometers wide, revealing that it has its own moon named Dactyl. 33 00:02:38.000 --> 00:02:41.680 Asteroids are not limited to the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars 34 00:02:41.680 --> 00:02:42.960 and Jupiter. 35 00:02:42.960 --> 00:02:46.280 Many orbit much closer to Earth and are known as near 36 00:02:46.280 --> 00:02:48.960 Earth objects or Neos. 37 00:02:49.480 --> 00:02:54.440 Radar is a very powerful instrument that we use to study near-Earth asteroids. 38 00:02:55.120 --> 00:02:57.800 Asteroid two taught us was millions of kilometers away 39 00:02:58.120 --> 00:03:00.720 and we were able to resolve surface rocks. 40 00:03:00.880 --> 00:03:02.840 We could see boulders. 41 00:03:02.840 --> 00:03:04.560 There are currently only two radar facilities 42 00:03:04.560 --> 00:03:06.520 in the world that have sufficient sensitivity 43 00:03:06.520 --> 00:03:09.040 for doing regular observations of near-Earth objects. 44 00:03:09.320 --> 00:03:11.200 Arecibo and Goldstone. 45 00:03:11.200 --> 00:03:13.920 Even the most powerful optical telescopes, and I'm talking 46 00:03:13.920 --> 00:03:18.240 even Hubble telescope, they can only see this asteroid as a point of light. 47 00:03:18.280 --> 00:03:20.360 It is just too far in too small. 48 00:03:20.520 --> 00:03:24.000 It provides an extraordinary opportunity to get very detailed radar images. 49 00:03:24.400 --> 00:03:27.080 You are transmitting microwaves, propagating 50 00:03:27.080 --> 00:03:31.000 at the speed of light to where the asteroid it is bouncing back. 51 00:03:32.000 --> 00:03:32.640 This radar 52 00:03:32.640 --> 00:03:35.440 echoes containing surface features of the asteroid. 53 00:03:35.760 --> 00:03:39.480 It's telling us about its rotation and its very precisely 54 00:03:39.480 --> 00:03:42.000 pinpointing its distance from the radar. 55 00:03:43.920 --> 00:03:47.280 These asteroids were imaged with ground based radar. 56 00:03:47.280 --> 00:03:52.880 VLA 86 revealed it has its own moon and asteroid HQ 1 to 4 passed 57 00:03:52.880 --> 00:03:57.000 very close to earth, some three and a quarter times the distance to the moon. 58 00:03:57.480 --> 00:04:02.840 It is due to return sometime in the 24th century. 59 00:04:03.080 --> 00:04:06.680 Scientists are looking much more closely at these objects for their potential 60 00:04:06.720 --> 00:04:09.880 to pass through Earth's orbital plane and perhaps 61 00:04:09.880 --> 00:04:12.440 pose a threat. 62 00:04:16.760 --> 00:04:17.480 The most common 63 00:04:17.480 --> 00:04:20.480 type of asteroid is the c-type carbonaceous. 64 00:04:20.760 --> 00:04:23.520 Accounting for about 75% of known 65 00:04:23.520 --> 00:04:26.840 asteroids. 66 00:04:26.840 --> 00:04:30.760 The probe near Shoemaker was the first dedicated asteroid probe 67 00:04:30.760 --> 00:04:33.720 launched by NASA. 68 00:04:35.920 --> 00:04:38.200 It photographed 253 material. 69 00:04:38.200 --> 00:04:41.400 The C-Type then moved on to 433. 70 00:04:41.400 --> 00:04:45.400 Eros, the largest, visited at the time where it orbited. 71 00:04:45.680 --> 00:04:49.640 Took extensive measurements and more by accident than good planning. 72 00:04:49.880 --> 00:04:51.600 Landed on the asteroid. 73 00:04:51.600 --> 00:04:59.520 The first probe to do so. 74 00:05:03.120 --> 00:05:04.440 Deep Space One, an 75 00:05:04.440 --> 00:05:09.200 experimental Nassar probe, was sent to investigate an asteroid 1969. 76 00:05:09.240 --> 00:05:12.680 Braille technical errors returned poor imagery. 77 00:05:13.000 --> 00:05:16.000 However, the probe continued on to its second rendezvous 78 00:05:16.200 --> 00:05:19.440 for the first time with a comet 19 B barrel. 79 00:05:20.960 --> 00:05:23.280 Comets are closely related to asteroids, 80 00:05:23.440 --> 00:05:27.960 but originate from the cold, dark, outer boundaries of our solar system. 81 00:05:29.080 --> 00:05:32.720 Comets are bodies in our solar system that have been left over 82 00:05:33.000 --> 00:05:37.240 ever since the solar system formed some 4.5 billion years ago. 83 00:05:38.040 --> 00:05:42.120 And therefore, when we look into comets, we look into the past of our solar system. 84 00:05:42.600 --> 00:05:46.760 And so by investigating the details of comets, how they formed, how 85 00:05:46.760 --> 00:05:51.400 they evolved, we can actually have a glimpse into how our solar system formed 86 00:05:51.400 --> 00:06:09.960 and in the end, how the earth formed and why we are. 87 00:06:09.960 --> 00:06:12.040 Comets have been recorded throughout history 88 00:06:12.280 --> 00:06:15.040 as they are easily observed when close to the sun. 89 00:06:15.280 --> 00:06:17.480 Often considered an omen. 90 00:06:17.480 --> 00:06:20.000 One comet of note was Halley's 91 00:06:21.000 --> 00:06:22.480 Comet. 92 00:06:27.360 --> 00:06:30.280 In 1986, Halley's Comet returned once again, 93 00:06:30.600 --> 00:06:33.840 and this time it was met with a veritable armada of space 94 00:06:33.840 --> 00:06:36.120 probes. 95 00:06:39.840 --> 00:06:41.280 The first attempt at a space 96 00:06:41.280 --> 00:06:45.120 rendezvous was with the International Comet Explorer, or Icy. 97 00:06:45.600 --> 00:06:49.040 It passed through the tail of Comet A21 b Jekyll benison 98 00:06:49.440 --> 00:06:52.600 on its way to meet Halley. 99 00:06:52.960 --> 00:06:55.680 The European Space Agency sent Giotto. 100 00:06:55.680 --> 00:07:01.680 The Russian and French sent two probes via Venus, Vigo, one and Vega to Japan. 101 00:07:01.680 --> 00:07:06.560 Since we see and second copy that country's first deep space probes. 102 00:07:07.120 --> 00:07:10.080 Their measurements went on to refine the targeting for Johto 103 00:07:10.280 --> 00:07:15.040 to make a much closer pass of the comet's nucleus than first planned. 104 00:07:15.720 --> 00:07:19.920 In 1994, astronomers and scientists were given an unexpected treat. 105 00:07:20.600 --> 00:07:22.920 Comet Shoemaker-Levy broke apart 106 00:07:22.920 --> 00:07:26.480 and struck Jupiter in a spectacular, live, violent fashion. 107 00:07:27.120 --> 00:07:29.240 Comets required more study. 108 00:07:30.840 --> 00:07:32.520 The Stardust probe was dispatched 109 00:07:32.520 --> 00:07:36.480 to investigate five, five, three, five and Frank Wild two. 110 00:07:36.680 --> 00:07:39.000 And then the Tempel one comet. 111 00:07:39.000 --> 00:07:42.000 It returned a sample of cometary tail to earth. 112 00:07:43.840 --> 00:07:46.200 Our biggest discovery that we did 113 00:07:46.200 --> 00:07:49.080 was looking at this cometary material that was returned from NASA's 114 00:07:49.080 --> 00:07:53.040 Stardust mission and the Stardust mission when a rendezvous with a comet 115 00:07:53.040 --> 00:07:54.040 brought back 116 00:07:54.040 --> 00:07:57.720 very small amounts of material, comet material and comet exposed material. 117 00:07:58.080 --> 00:08:01.840 We had basically one shot at looking at this, and it was really pushing 118 00:08:01.920 --> 00:08:03.160 the limits of detection. 119 00:08:03.160 --> 00:08:06.320 So I spent about two years optimizing our technique, 120 00:08:06.800 --> 00:08:09.720 really rehearsing, practicing, getting everything as 121 00:08:10.080 --> 00:08:13.400 as perfect as possible before the one day of doing measurements 122 00:08:13.440 --> 00:08:17.000 and sort of all leading up to one big one big game, one big day. 123 00:08:17.280 --> 00:08:20.520 And also just working with meteorites and working with the cometary material 124 00:08:20.520 --> 00:08:22.000 and working with something that's four and a half 125 00:08:22.000 --> 00:08:26.040 billion years old, that very few people ever get to play with. 126 00:08:26.040 --> 00:08:29.960 And to the few days of being able to do the actual measurements 127 00:08:30.240 --> 00:08:42.400 make up for all of the rehearsals that it takes. 128 00:08:42.400 --> 00:08:47.000 JAXA launched Hayabusa to study Asteroid 25143 Itokawa 129 00:08:47.280 --> 00:08:50.880 and to retrieve a sample from the surface in a touch and go maneuver. 130 00:08:51.640 --> 00:08:54.320 The mission took a total of seven years to accomplish 131 00:08:54.720 --> 00:08:59.360 with the sample return pond retrieved from the Australian outback in 2010 132 00:09:02.200 --> 00:09:04.520 to go 133 00:09:08.360 --> 00:09:11.120 launched a year earlier by the European Space Agency. 134 00:09:11.120 --> 00:09:14.160 It was a very ambitious spacecraft called Rosetta. 135 00:09:15.280 --> 00:09:17.880 Its goal to land a probe on a comet 136 00:09:18.200 --> 00:09:20.640 67 or tourism of Geodesy Mango. 137 00:09:21.120 --> 00:09:26.560 Just getting there was to prove a challenge in astro navigation. 138 00:09:26.560 --> 00:09:27.280 But when you want to 139 00:09:27.280 --> 00:09:30.600 rendezvous with a comet, you have to accelerate the spacecraft 140 00:09:30.600 --> 00:09:34.800 and match the same velocity that the comet has around the sun. 141 00:09:35.760 --> 00:09:38.680 So this is the problem, not only the distance, but also the velocity. 142 00:09:39.240 --> 00:09:43.240 There is no rocket that can give us the velocity needed to be 143 00:09:43.240 --> 00:09:46.560 as fast as the comet I close to a planet. 144 00:09:47.200 --> 00:09:51.800 And you use the gravitational attraction of the planet to actually accelerate 145 00:09:51.800 --> 00:09:55.680 your spacecraft. 146 00:09:58.040 --> 00:09:58.560 It's passed 147 00:09:58.560 --> 00:10:03.120 by asteroids, two eight, six, seven Steins and 21 Lutetia. 148 00:10:06.760 --> 00:10:07.440 Due to is 149 00:10:07.440 --> 00:10:11.080 a very strange target, a very strange asteroid. 150 00:10:11.240 --> 00:10:12.120 We believe that 151 00:10:12.120 --> 00:10:15.960 it may be a C class asteroid, which means that it is very primitive. 152 00:10:16.240 --> 00:10:19.960 However, it shows from ground based and also Spaceborne observations 153 00:10:20.280 --> 00:10:24.120 that Eluted said that does not look completely like a C-Type asteroid. 154 00:10:24.120 --> 00:10:27.600 And we are really puzzled about what it really may be. 155 00:10:27.880 --> 00:10:32.680 The spacecraft then moved on to its primary target, Comet 67 P. 156 00:10:33.160 --> 00:10:36.680 The nucleus is pulling the spacecraft 157 00:10:36.840 --> 00:10:39.080 out of its planned orbit 158 00:10:39.880 --> 00:10:43.240 and that can be seen as a shift 159 00:10:43.240 --> 00:10:46.920 in frequency of the transmitted radio signal from the spacecraft. 160 00:10:47.960 --> 00:10:52.080 And the extent of this frequency shift 161 00:10:53.240 --> 00:10:57.880 is a measure of the mass of the comet nucleus. 162 00:10:57.880 --> 00:11:00.560 So we are able to view the nucleus here. 163 00:11:00.840 --> 00:11:02.520 There is no ice at the top. 164 00:11:02.520 --> 00:11:06.120 So it's covered by a mantle that we consider is essentially made 165 00:11:06.160 --> 00:11:08.200 of organic material. That's why it's very dark. 166 00:11:08.440 --> 00:11:12.120 And this material is one of the key thing we would like to explore and analyze. 167 00:11:13.440 --> 00:11:15.040 These organics may hold 168 00:11:15.040 --> 00:11:18.240 the secrets to life on Earth. 169 00:11:18.240 --> 00:11:21.000 What it's all about is the carbon chemistry. 170 00:11:21.120 --> 00:11:23.160 How much did the comets bring to Earth? 171 00:11:24.080 --> 00:11:26.640 So was it just the right elements? 172 00:11:26.640 --> 00:11:29.520 The right yeah. The right building blocks? 173 00:11:29.520 --> 00:11:32.960 Or was there more information in it when these comets already arrived? 174 00:11:33.760 --> 00:11:35.880 To try and answer these questions. 175 00:11:35.880 --> 00:11:39.960 ESA attempted one of the most daring missions mankind has ever undertaken 176 00:11:40.400 --> 00:11:50.840 to land a probe on the surface of the comet. 177 00:11:54.320 --> 00:11:57.000 Landing on a comet is one of the hardest things 178 00:11:57.000 --> 00:12:00.360 that has ever been done by the human species. 179 00:12:01.680 --> 00:12:02.480 This is the comet. 180 00:12:02.480 --> 00:12:04.720 It's roughly a one in a thousand model. 181 00:12:04.720 --> 00:12:07.080 So the real thing is thousand times bigger. 182 00:12:07.080 --> 00:12:11.400 The landing site is roughly here, which we are aiming for to deliver the lander. 183 00:12:11.520 --> 00:12:13.720 It's the flattest part we could find. 184 00:12:13.720 --> 00:12:16.960 What we are studying at the moment with the instruments are basically 185 00:12:16.960 --> 00:12:20.120 what are the ingredients, which materials are present 186 00:12:20.440 --> 00:12:22.800 and coming back to do one of the objectives of the mission. 187 00:12:22.880 --> 00:12:27.120 How complex are the materials present at the comet? 188 00:12:27.480 --> 00:12:28.360 Lending means 189 00:12:29.360 --> 00:12:30.800 flying very, very 190 00:12:30.800 --> 00:12:34.640 slowly over the comet and then gently pushing away. 191 00:12:34.640 --> 00:12:37.520 The lander is not a landing like you can imagine on the moon 192 00:12:38.040 --> 00:12:40.920 where you come with rockets and you have to break here. 193 00:12:40.920 --> 00:12:43.000 The problem is the opposite. 194 00:12:43.000 --> 00:12:45.560 You have to really touch gently. 195 00:12:45.560 --> 00:12:47.840 The comet. The forces involved are very small. 196 00:12:48.160 --> 00:12:51.560 If I get meaningful details, that would be just marvelous. If. 197 00:12:51.600 --> 00:12:54.160 If the descent works, the landing is okay. 198 00:12:54.160 --> 00:12:57.240 We receive a sample and the whole thing runs smoothly. 199 00:12:57.240 --> 00:13:00.440 That would be just great. 200 00:13:00.560 --> 00:13:02.440 But it is a lot of luck, really. 201 00:13:02.440 --> 00:13:07.960 We had a lot of luck already. 202 00:13:07.960 --> 00:13:15.840 Now. So we are sitting on the surface. 203 00:13:16.280 --> 00:13:17.680 A few days talking to us. 204 00:13:17.680 --> 00:13:23.520 More data to come and to do a nice thing down, which you should do. 205 00:13:23.520 --> 00:13:25.560 Of course we are there. It's done its job. 206 00:13:25.760 --> 00:13:26.720 We are on the comet. 207 00:13:27.960 --> 00:13:29.320 The science has started. 208 00:13:29.320 --> 00:13:32.960 Now we have the first results that give us the first comprehension of what 209 00:13:33.400 --> 00:13:35.680 we think the comet is, where it started from. 210 00:13:36.120 --> 00:13:39.200 Now, for the rest of the year, we will watch how the comet evolves. 211 00:13:39.200 --> 00:13:41.600 Will unlock how the comet works. 212 00:13:41.600 --> 00:13:45.880 We're looking at where the gas and the dust start to accelerate from the surface 213 00:13:45.880 --> 00:13:49.440 and how that beginning of the comet, that birth of the coma works. 214 00:13:49.440 --> 00:13:53.240 So how the coma develops as it does to higher altitudes, 215 00:13:53.760 --> 00:13:57.240 this region has only ever been theoretically constrained or modeled. 216 00:13:57.760 --> 00:14:01.480 These will be the first measurements we make in this area or this region. 217 00:14:01.520 --> 00:14:04.680 And that's that's a really big important target for us. 218 00:14:06.360 --> 00:14:10.040 Eventually, the tiny probe shut down. 219 00:14:10.840 --> 00:14:15.560 Having feeling reactivated is not so likely, but is not impossible. 220 00:14:15.560 --> 00:14:17.400 Philae was designed to hibernate, 221 00:14:17.400 --> 00:14:21.040 was designed to to switch off and be able to reactivate itself. 222 00:14:21.080 --> 00:14:22.240 Of course, we expected this 223 00:14:22.240 --> 00:14:25.800 to be a duration of a few days or a few weeks, not a few months, 224 00:14:26.360 --> 00:14:27.600 but okay, we will see. 225 00:14:27.600 --> 00:14:31.480 Maybe we are lucky and the UNICEF survive this 226 00:14:31.520 --> 00:14:35.840 this months and will reactivate in June-July. 227 00:14:36.440 --> 00:14:39.400 While observing the asteroid, scientists were surprised 228 00:14:39.400 --> 00:14:42.240 to find one with what looked like a cometary tail. 229 00:14:43.160 --> 00:14:45.720 After careful study, scientists realized 230 00:14:45.720 --> 00:14:49.160 they were observing the results of the impact of two asteroids. 231 00:14:49.920 --> 00:14:54.000 596. Shayla had been struck at high speed by a small asteroid. 232 00:14:54.480 --> 00:15:00.440 The impact with the force of a 100 kiloton nuclear bomb. 233 00:15:05.160 --> 00:15:05.720 Nassar had 234 00:15:05.720 --> 00:15:10.560 done something similar with Deep Impact, a probe sent to comet Tempel one, 235 00:15:10.560 --> 00:15:14.280 where it dispatched a kinetic impactor which struck the comet. 236 00:15:14.400 --> 00:15:17.560 To study the impact and the debris thrown up as a consequence 237 00:15:30.080 --> 00:15:55.880 and soon after, Nassar launched another small ion 238 00:15:55.920 --> 00:15:59.560 powered probe, Don, which also had an extraordinary mission 239 00:15:59.920 --> 00:16:02.960 to travel deep into the asteroid belt between Mars 240 00:16:03.000 --> 00:16:11.880 and Jupiter. 241 00:16:17.280 --> 00:16:18.520 Its targets, 242 00:16:18.520 --> 00:16:28.640 two of the largest asteroids in the solar system. 243 00:16:28.640 --> 00:16:32.880 Dawn rendezvoused with four Vesta and orbited it for over a year, 244 00:16:33.040 --> 00:16:36.440 returning a wealth of data. 245 00:16:38.880 --> 00:16:39.960 Dawn then departed 246 00:16:39.960 --> 00:16:42.800 and cruised toward Ceres, the largest of the asteroids. 247 00:16:43.000 --> 00:16:46.320 A planetoid, but it has obtained orbit and begun 248 00:16:46.320 --> 00:17:30.720 its study. 249 00:17:30.960 --> 00:17:35.480 JAXA, the Japanese space agency, has recently launched a second Hayabusa 250 00:17:35.480 --> 00:17:38.640 probe, this one with many improvements over the first. 251 00:17:39.440 --> 00:17:41.680 Its target is the C-Type asteroid 252 00:17:41.880 --> 00:17:46.440 1990 9gu3. 253 00:17:48.840 --> 00:17:51.560 It's expected to reach its destination in three years, 254 00:17:51.840 --> 00:18:13.120 collect samples and return to Earth by 2023. 255 00:18:13.120 --> 00:18:18.600 NASA has announced the Osiris-Rex sample return mission to asteroid 1999. 256 00:18:18.880 --> 00:18:34.720 Q 36 better known as Bennu. 257 00:18:34.720 --> 00:18:37.200 It's expected to launch sometime in the near future. 258 00:18:37.560 --> 00:18:41.200 And after a two year journey, orbit and map the surface 259 00:18:41.400 --> 00:18:45.200 before touching down to retrieve two kilograms of material. 260 00:18:45.960 --> 00:19:51.720 The probe samples return is expected in 2023. 261 00:19:57.000 --> 00:19:58.560 There is also a practical reason 262 00:19:58.560 --> 00:20:01.240 to study asteroids. 263 00:20:03.960 --> 00:20:04.960 In 2013, 264 00:20:04.960 --> 00:20:09.160 an asteroid with a mass of about 9100 tons exploded over 265 00:20:09.160 --> 00:20:13.160 Chelyabinsk, Russia, with the force of 20 Hiroshima bombs, 266 00:20:13.520 --> 00:20:16.440 causing 1500 injuries and damaging 267 00:20:16.440 --> 00:20:31.920 7000 buildings. 268 00:20:32.280 --> 00:20:36.360 It isn't the first asteroid strike on earth, as the dinosaurs can attest to, 269 00:20:36.600 --> 00:20:44.840 and probably not the last. 270 00:20:47.640 --> 00:20:49.080 Through the United Nations, 271 00:20:49.080 --> 00:20:54.360 ESA and other major space agencies have established a safeguard program. 272 00:20:59.160 --> 00:21:01.920 The Neowise data have returned two very important findings. 273 00:21:02.000 --> 00:21:06.040 First, we've been able to determine that we found 93% of all the 274 00:21:06.040 --> 00:21:08.960 near-Earth asteroids that are out there that are larger than one kilometer. 275 00:21:09.360 --> 00:21:12.320 We've also been able to tell that there are somewhat fewer near-Earth 276 00:21:12.320 --> 00:21:15.760 asteroids that are larger than 100 meters and were previously thought. 277 00:21:15.920 --> 00:21:18.480 However, fewer does not mean none. 278 00:21:18.480 --> 00:21:20.960 That leaves about 15,000 asteroids larger 279 00:21:21.000 --> 00:21:23.160 than 100 years that remain to be found. 280 00:21:24.920 --> 00:21:26.880 This advisory group is also planning 281 00:21:26.880 --> 00:21:30.280 intervention missions if needed. 282 00:21:30.840 --> 00:21:32.920 We think that we can cope 283 00:21:32.920 --> 00:21:37.440 with deflecting an asteroid with two different technologies. 284 00:21:37.440 --> 00:21:39.320 Mainly one is what we call 285 00:21:39.320 --> 00:21:43.320 kinetic impactor hitting the asteroid and pushing it out of the way. 286 00:21:43.680 --> 00:21:48.880 The second one is take a heavy spacecraft and use it as, say, a gravity tractor. 287 00:21:48.920 --> 00:21:54.800 So by the mass of the spacecraft, you pull the asteroid away. 288 00:21:59.720 --> 00:22:00.040 There is 289 00:22:00.040 --> 00:22:04.160 one project in the planning stage to snag a small asteroid in the near 290 00:22:04.160 --> 00:22:44.520 earth region and drag it into a lunar orbit. 291 00:22:45.000 --> 00:22:49.280 There it can be met by astronauts aboard an Orion capsule who will study 292 00:22:49.320 --> 00:22:52.280 the asteroid firsthand, take extensive samples 293 00:22:52.560 --> 00:23:17.760 and return to Earth. 294 00:23:17.760 --> 00:23:22.160 For the more we know, the better prepared we are to protect our place 295 00:23:22.200 --> 00:24:01.320 in the solar system.