WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.234 --> 00:00:03.403 - [Manny] Two years ago, on this very same river 2 00:00:03.403 --> 00:00:05.672 I encountered a monster alligator, 3 00:00:08.208 --> 00:00:11.578 over 14 feet long and 1,000 pounds, 4 00:00:11.578 --> 00:00:14.948 and old, battle-scarred southern warrior. 5 00:00:15.615 --> 00:00:18.084 He was so impressive that I have returned to see 6 00:00:18.084 --> 00:00:22.555 if this magnificent beast is still lurking in this river. 7 00:00:22.555 --> 00:00:25.825 I am on the hunt for General Lee. 8 00:00:26.659 --> 00:00:28.962 (classical music fanfare) 9 00:00:32.165 --> 00:00:34.167 I am Manny Puig. 10 00:00:34.167 --> 00:00:37.871 I have spent my whole life learning to survive like Tarzan, 11 00:00:37.871 --> 00:00:40.607 in the most dangerous and primitive wilderness, 12 00:00:40.607 --> 00:00:43.109 where you can be killed or eaten. 13 00:00:43.109 --> 00:00:46.346 I have learned the ways of giant, man-eating predators, 14 00:00:46.346 --> 00:00:48.681 deadly sharks and reptiles, 15 00:00:48.681 --> 00:00:51.117 where every encounter may spell disaster 16 00:00:51.117 --> 00:00:54.087 in the Savage Wild. 17 00:00:57.290 --> 00:00:59.692 (jungle music) 18 00:01:23.650 --> 00:01:26.453 It's early morning and we're heading out across Lake George 19 00:01:26.453 --> 00:01:29.589 in north Florida, to the mouth of the Dead River. 20 00:01:30.156 --> 00:01:32.959 We have been here before and now we're back 21 00:01:32.959 --> 00:01:35.328 for a special adventure. 22 00:01:35.795 --> 00:01:38.298 (slow, menacing music) 23 00:02:01.221 --> 00:02:05.391 We're here at Lake George, behind me is the Dead River. 24 00:02:05.391 --> 00:02:08.661 Two seasons ago, we found an enormous alligator out here, 25 00:02:08.661 --> 00:02:11.197 we named him General Lee, because he's a battle-scarred 26 00:02:11.197 --> 00:02:13.032 southern warrior. 27 00:02:13.032 --> 00:02:15.702 Right now, it is hunting season and the alligators 28 00:02:15.702 --> 00:02:17.070 I believe, are moving their way in here to get away 29 00:02:17.070 --> 00:02:18.538 from the hunters. 30 00:02:18.538 --> 00:02:21.975 Hunting is not allowed in here, but is allowed out this way. 31 00:02:21.975 --> 00:02:25.445 Two years ago, right here in the mouth of the Dead River, 32 00:02:25.445 --> 00:02:28.314 we were taping our first episode of Savage Wild, 33 00:02:29.082 --> 00:02:33.620 when we found a massive alligator, built like a tank. 34 00:02:43.096 --> 00:02:46.900 I could tell he was a wise old man of the swamps. 35 00:02:46.900 --> 00:02:50.370 He could have been 50 years old. 36 00:02:52.939 --> 00:02:55.208 And, after an amazing encounter, he vanished back 37 00:02:55.208 --> 00:02:57.911 into the swamp. 38 00:02:59.145 --> 00:03:01.548 (menacing classical music) 39 00:03:04.050 --> 00:03:07.187 So, I'm back to pay this old guy a visit, if he's still 40 00:03:07.187 --> 00:03:10.757 alive and I can find him again. 41 00:03:17.330 --> 00:03:20.366 But, the water is cloudy with tannic acid. 42 00:03:20.366 --> 00:03:25.038 I need to see underwater, or finding him will be impossible. 43 00:03:26.272 --> 00:03:28.508 I should be checking back there, but I'm hopin' that I have 44 00:03:28.508 --> 00:03:32.612 a little bit more 'viz' this way, but I might miss some big 45 00:03:32.612 --> 00:03:34.380 alligators hiding back there. 46 00:03:34.380 --> 00:03:38.051 I'm checkin' the water quality right now. 47 00:03:43.823 --> 00:03:45.925 From my experience in areas that alligators have been 48 00:03:45.925 --> 00:03:47.961 hunted, they're usually out of sight, because they're 49 00:03:47.961 --> 00:03:51.164 hiding underwater, so I have the advantage in situations 50 00:03:51.164 --> 00:03:53.733 like that, to find alligators that the hunters can't find, 51 00:03:53.733 --> 00:03:55.368 because I start looking underwater, finding them 52 00:03:55.368 --> 00:03:56.869 in their dens and all that stuff. 53 00:03:56.869 --> 00:03:59.305 But, I need to have some kinda 'viz'. 54 00:04:04.978 --> 00:04:07.680 The water's cleared up a little bit, I think we might 55 00:04:07.680 --> 00:04:11.251 have five feet max visibility, I can see the bottom 56 00:04:11.251 --> 00:04:14.153 right now, but it's only about that deep. 57 00:04:14.153 --> 00:04:16.589 So, another thing, last summer here the water was 58 00:04:16.589 --> 00:04:19.158 so low we couldn't make this far into the river. 59 00:04:19.158 --> 00:04:21.194 So, we're actually able to penetrate a little further 60 00:04:21.194 --> 00:04:23.763 this time. 61 00:04:31.938 --> 00:04:33.539 Tilt it, we're low, we got a log-- 62 00:04:33.539 --> 00:04:36.743 Up ahead, along the bank, baby alligators are dropping 63 00:04:36.743 --> 00:04:38.544 into the water. 64 00:04:38.544 --> 00:04:40.680 - Look at that bank, see it's alive with baby alligators, 65 00:04:40.680 --> 00:04:42.682 they're just falling into it right now, see 'em? 66 00:04:42.682 --> 00:04:44.417 - [Manny] See, this area's secluded, man, this is 67 00:04:44.417 --> 00:04:46.619 where we, there should be a female around here. 68 00:04:46.619 --> 00:04:48.388 - That's where her nest was. 69 00:04:48.388 --> 00:04:50.790 - The den's right there. - Wow. 70 00:04:50.790 --> 00:04:52.692 - There might be a den right there, wait a minute, 71 00:04:52.692 --> 00:04:55.428 look, I'm lookin' at the bank. 72 00:04:55.428 --> 00:04:57.363 - Well, I'm tellin' ya, I'm not gonna be able to follow 73 00:04:57.363 --> 00:04:59.265 much farther with the boat, is all I'm saying. 74 00:04:59.265 --> 00:05:00.867 I cannot go much farther with the boat, there's 75 00:05:00.867 --> 00:05:02.368 too many trees. 76 00:05:02.368 --> 00:05:04.570 It's gonna get to a point where we're useless 77 00:05:04.570 --> 00:05:06.639 in the boat, it's gonna have to be you guys. 78 00:05:06.639 --> 00:05:08.341 - [Manny] Soon, we're too shallow to navigate, 79 00:05:08.341 --> 00:05:11.477 even with a trolling motor. 80 00:05:11.477 --> 00:05:14.947 But, there is also good news. 81 00:05:16.182 --> 00:05:18.217 I can see right here, where the spring fed water 82 00:05:18.217 --> 00:05:20.286 is meeting the tannic acid water. 83 00:05:20.286 --> 00:05:22.522 There's a slight change in coloration and a little bit 84 00:05:22.522 --> 00:05:24.824 better visibility right here. 85 00:05:24.824 --> 00:05:27.293 I mean, it's a clear line right there, you can 86 00:05:27.293 --> 00:05:29.629 see it perfectly. 87 00:05:29.629 --> 00:05:31.164 I'm just tryin' to get into, oh, look at the bass 88 00:05:31.164 --> 00:05:32.465 right there, swimming, yeah. - Yeah, that's extremely 89 00:05:32.465 --> 00:05:33.900 clear in there. - Yeah, that's very clear. 90 00:05:33.900 --> 00:05:36.669 We just cleared, we just hit a clear area. 91 00:05:36.669 --> 00:05:39.605 Okay, let me get ready. 92 00:05:41.841 --> 00:05:44.544 Conditions in this river are constantly changing. 93 00:05:44.544 --> 00:05:46.746 Heavy rains have stained the water with tannic acid 94 00:05:46.746 --> 00:05:48.781 from the riverbank. 95 00:05:48.781 --> 00:05:51.684 Now, finding General Lee in these waters will be 96 00:05:51.684 --> 00:05:53.686 a stroke of luck. 97 00:05:53.686 --> 00:05:56.255 In this swamp, a giant alligator can hide just 98 00:05:56.255 --> 00:05:58.925 a few feet away. 99 00:05:59.892 --> 00:06:01.928 Waiting for the right time to lunge at it's prey 100 00:06:01.928 --> 00:06:04.130 and rip it to pieces. 101 00:06:12.939 --> 00:06:16.442 I have returned to Florida's Dead River, 102 00:06:16.442 --> 00:06:18.878 hoping to find a giant alligator we encountered 103 00:06:18.878 --> 00:06:21.714 over two years ago. 104 00:06:22.181 --> 00:06:24.884 I named this battle-scarred southern warrior 105 00:06:24.884 --> 00:06:29.021 General Lee, he was probably over 50 years old 106 00:06:29.021 --> 00:06:31.557 and 1,000 pounds. 107 00:06:31.557 --> 00:06:34.660 The absolute king of this northern swamp. 108 00:06:35.728 --> 00:06:39.165 But, even monsters can disappear in these rivers. 109 00:06:41.367 --> 00:06:44.404 After penetrating deep into the Dead River, it's time 110 00:06:44.404 --> 00:06:47.974 to suit up and begin to search for General Lee. 111 00:06:56.449 --> 00:06:59.552 This river feels so ancient and primitive, 112 00:06:59.552 --> 00:07:02.655 exactly the kind of place I like to explore. 113 00:07:03.990 --> 00:07:07.059 (menacing classical music) 114 00:07:25.111 --> 00:07:26.612 Well, we're getting a little bit of visibility, 115 00:07:26.612 --> 00:07:28.848 but there's a very deep silt on the bottom, 116 00:07:28.848 --> 00:07:30.450 that means if we just touch the bottom, 117 00:07:30.450 --> 00:07:31.984 it's gonna silt up. 118 00:07:31.984 --> 00:07:35.087 And, we have a lot of shallow water here, so 119 00:07:35.087 --> 00:07:37.723 we need to find an undercut with a deep hole 120 00:07:37.723 --> 00:07:39.325 in it and that's more than likely where an alligator 121 00:07:39.325 --> 00:07:40.593 will be hiding. 122 00:07:40.593 --> 00:07:42.161 I'm lookin' right now, for gator holes, 123 00:07:42.161 --> 00:07:44.330 the gators and dens are gonna be just anywhere. 124 00:07:44.330 --> 00:07:46.065 In this area, specifically, they're gonna be 125 00:07:46.065 --> 00:07:49.335 near their holes, and that's where we gotta find it. 126 00:07:53.139 --> 00:07:56.142 (water splash) 127 00:08:02.782 --> 00:08:05.518 Cohete, we're gonna have to find a den in here. 128 00:08:09.989 --> 00:08:13.292 Cohete checks his camera one more time, 129 00:08:13.292 --> 00:08:16.395 before we slide into the murky river. 130 00:08:29.742 --> 00:08:32.912 I motion to Cohete, not to stir up the bottom. 131 00:08:32.912 --> 00:08:35.314 The silt is so fine, that just touching it creates 132 00:08:35.314 --> 00:08:38.351 swirling clouds of mud. 133 00:08:40.486 --> 00:08:43.289 We will need to swim upstream, 134 00:08:43.289 --> 00:08:46.459 into the current, so we can see what we're doing. 135 00:08:51.397 --> 00:08:56.002 I find the tracks, left by an alligator's tail in the mud. 136 00:09:00.473 --> 00:09:02.174 That's an alligator draggin' his tail through there, 137 00:09:02.174 --> 00:09:03.709 I'm pretty sure that's what it is. 138 00:09:03.709 --> 00:09:05.044 - Show it to me. 139 00:09:05.044 --> 00:09:06.379 - It's kicked up in the mud. 140 00:09:06.379 --> 00:09:09.181 - Okay, let me see out there. 141 00:09:12.318 --> 00:09:14.620 - A slider turtle makes a fast exit, 142 00:09:14.620 --> 00:09:17.757 leaving a cloudy trail behind him. 143 00:09:24.130 --> 00:09:25.898 I continue to follow the trail, hoping it 144 00:09:25.898 --> 00:09:28.467 leads me to the alligator. 145 00:09:31.637 --> 00:09:33.706 That trail keeps going, is there a deep spot 146 00:09:33.706 --> 00:09:35.241 over there, Al? 147 00:09:35.241 --> 00:09:38.377 - I can't tell, no it looks shallow. 148 00:09:40.246 --> 00:09:43.082 (menacing music and water bubbles and splashes) 149 00:10:04.236 --> 00:10:08.240 - Man this is spooky, I'm waiting for the creature 150 00:10:08.240 --> 00:10:10.610 from the Black Lagoon to come exploding out of here. 151 00:10:10.610 --> 00:10:12.411 This is crazy. - Al, does it look deep here? 152 00:10:12.411 --> 00:10:14.947 - No, it's not deep. 153 00:10:16.849 --> 00:10:20.987 - Al is right, this is a spooky place below the surface. 154 00:10:21.654 --> 00:10:24.256 This tangled nightmare of dead trees and plants 155 00:10:24.256 --> 00:10:28.027 seems like the last place anyone would want to explore. 156 00:10:29.195 --> 00:10:32.264 But, for me it's fantastic, and I feel completely 157 00:10:32.264 --> 00:10:34.600 at home here. 158 00:10:43.976 --> 00:10:45.711 Finding General Lee is going to be much more 159 00:10:45.711 --> 00:10:48.347 difficult than I thought. 160 00:10:48.347 --> 00:10:52.118 This river is surrounded by dense swamps. 161 00:10:53.152 --> 00:10:55.621 And, even a monster gator the size of General Lee 162 00:10:55.621 --> 00:10:58.157 can disappear in this primitive and dangerous place 163 00:10:58.157 --> 00:11:00.426 they call the Dead River. 164 00:11:01.394 --> 00:11:03.596 (loud menacing music fanfare) 165 00:11:03.596 --> 00:11:06.098 It almost lives up to it's name. 166 00:11:07.099 --> 00:11:09.468 A horrifying charge by a bull gator, almost 167 00:11:09.468 --> 00:11:11.704 takes me out. 168 00:11:15.675 --> 00:11:18.611 Welcome to the Dead River. 169 00:11:18.611 --> 00:11:21.247 I can only guess how this place got it's name. 170 00:11:21.247 --> 00:11:24.884 One thing is for sure, people have been killed 171 00:11:24.884 --> 00:11:27.953 by alligators on the Dead River. 172 00:11:27.953 --> 00:11:30.389 And, I'm here to find General Lee, a monster 173 00:11:30.389 --> 00:11:34.360 alligator I first encountered over two years ago. 174 00:11:34.994 --> 00:11:38.698 Will he show himself again in these murky waters? 175 00:11:44.170 --> 00:11:47.606 I continue my hunt for General Lee. 176 00:11:48.708 --> 00:11:52.078 Along the bank are alligator dens, dugout caves 177 00:11:52.078 --> 00:11:54.413 alligators hide in. 178 00:11:57.783 --> 00:11:59.485 Cohete, I kicked it up in there, but there's a gator den 179 00:11:59.485 --> 00:12:01.253 in there, but it's a small gator den, it's only about 180 00:12:01.253 --> 00:12:03.856 that high, you know so it's definitely a very small 181 00:12:03.856 --> 00:12:06.025 gator in there. 182 00:12:06.025 --> 00:12:08.994 But, it's a gator den. 183 00:12:12.298 --> 00:12:15.801 As I investigate the den I spot a two foot alligator 184 00:12:15.801 --> 00:12:19.472 hiding way in the back, and I decide to take 185 00:12:19.472 --> 00:12:22.007 a closer look. 186 00:12:29.515 --> 00:12:32.118 (menacing bass beat music) 187 00:13:05.551 --> 00:13:08.053 It's a baby gator, but I had to reach way back in there 188 00:13:08.053 --> 00:13:09.922 with a flashlight to find him in the den, super dark 189 00:13:09.922 --> 00:13:12.625 in that hole, 'cause in a few seconds it got all kicked up 190 00:13:12.625 --> 00:13:15.060 in there. 191 00:13:15.060 --> 00:13:18.430 Even so, he's so small, it was very difficult for me. 192 00:13:18.430 --> 00:13:21.000 very difficult, wow. 193 00:13:22.902 --> 00:13:25.504 Well, we've been lookin' for gators and we haven't found 194 00:13:25.504 --> 00:13:29.141 much, we found this little guy at his den, even this little 195 00:13:29.141 --> 00:13:31.477 guy was difficult to find and catch in here. 196 00:13:31.477 --> 00:13:32.978 He dove into his den and it was way back in there, 197 00:13:32.978 --> 00:13:35.414 I had to, I needed, without a flashlight, I couldn't have 198 00:13:35.414 --> 00:13:36.882 gotten him. 199 00:13:36.882 --> 00:13:40.920 So, I just brought him over to show him, he's very dark, 200 00:13:40.920 --> 00:13:43.522 and the water that he's in is very dark also. 201 00:13:43.522 --> 00:13:47.026 This area is very, very dark in here and, yeah, 202 00:13:47.026 --> 00:13:49.228 he knows he's safe. 203 00:13:49.228 --> 00:13:51.497 He's sunning up there on the bank, he sees somebody 204 00:13:51.497 --> 00:13:54.934 approaching, he dives in, he goes inside his cave. 205 00:13:54.934 --> 00:13:59.672 He's probably about a year old, just over two feet long, 206 00:13:59.672 --> 00:14:02.875 he feeds on minnows, frogs, insects, just about any 207 00:14:02.875 --> 00:14:06.879 critter he can tackle and put down his gullet. 208 00:14:07.680 --> 00:14:09.281 Even at this size, lookit, his mouth is open 209 00:14:09.281 --> 00:14:11.383 ready to snap, see, at anything. 210 00:14:11.383 --> 00:14:13.819 That finger? Oh, yeah he wants it. 211 00:14:13.819 --> 00:14:15.688 Yeah anything, if he gets a hold of a finger, 212 00:14:15.688 --> 00:14:17.890 he will crunch on it. 213 00:14:17.890 --> 00:14:21.694 Yeah, he's calling his, the babies make that sound 214 00:14:21.694 --> 00:14:25.064 to call their mother, usually right around this size, 215 00:14:25.064 --> 00:14:27.433 they're pretty much on their own though. 216 00:14:27.433 --> 00:14:31.270 I'm gonna put him back by his den where I found him, 217 00:14:38.744 --> 00:14:41.580 safe and secure. 218 00:14:51.857 --> 00:14:54.960 This young alligator is in excellent health, and he has 219 00:14:54.960 --> 00:14:56.829 an amazing playground, 220 00:14:56.829 --> 00:14:59.298 if he can keep from being eaten. 221 00:15:00.599 --> 00:15:02.635 (menacing music) 222 00:15:16.515 --> 00:15:19.418 This is a little mud turtle, looks like a snapping turtle, 223 00:15:19.418 --> 00:15:23.489 but see the short tail on it, it's actually a mud turtle. 224 00:15:23.489 --> 00:15:26.292 He bites though, look at the mouth on him. 225 00:15:28.560 --> 00:15:30.629 Better put him back in. 226 00:15:33.565 --> 00:15:35.868 (menacing music) 227 00:15:50.382 --> 00:15:54.253 The Dead River is a wild and dangerous place, but so far 228 00:15:55.187 --> 00:15:57.856 the only alligator encounter has been a far cry from 229 00:15:57.856 --> 00:16:00.859 the massive beast I'm hunting for. 230 00:16:05.998 --> 00:16:09.134 So, we continue our search for General Lee, the monster 231 00:16:09.134 --> 00:16:11.570 of the Dead RIver. 232 00:16:18.711 --> 00:16:21.780 I am searching for the monster of the Dead RIver, 233 00:16:21.780 --> 00:16:24.883 a giant alligator we encountered over two years ago. 234 00:16:24.883 --> 00:16:28.754 We named this old-timer, General Lee, a 14 foot, 235 00:16:28.754 --> 00:16:32.758 1,000 pounder, that must have been 50 years old. 236 00:16:33.625 --> 00:16:36.795 But, finding him in this murky swamp is difficult 237 00:16:36.795 --> 00:16:38.897 and dangerous. 238 00:16:47.740 --> 00:16:50.843 We continue moving deeper into the Dead River, hoping 239 00:16:50.843 --> 00:16:53.445 for a glimpse of General Lee. 240 00:16:53.445 --> 00:16:55.647 We could pass right over him and never know it 241 00:16:55.647 --> 00:16:58.183 in these conditions. 242 00:17:03.322 --> 00:17:06.859 We searched a lot, we've seen a few alligators, 243 00:17:06.859 --> 00:17:10.129 but we haven't seen any sign of General Lee. 244 00:17:10.129 --> 00:17:12.364 It seems the Dead River is pretty low right now 245 00:17:12.364 --> 00:17:14.933 on alligators, or at least they've managed to elude 246 00:17:14.933 --> 00:17:18.203 us and man, we've looked hard for them. 247 00:17:23.008 --> 00:17:26.045 This way, right, there's a gator trail, yeah, look, look, 248 00:17:26.045 --> 00:17:27.780 here it goes this way. - Yup. 249 00:17:27.780 --> 00:17:29.848 - Yeah, this is a gator trail, right here. 250 00:17:29.848 --> 00:17:32.418 The water's dirty, but it's just clear enough where I can 251 00:17:32.418 --> 00:17:34.620 see the changing color. 252 00:17:34.620 --> 00:17:37.489 See all the mud comin' up? 253 00:17:38.390 --> 00:17:42.461 There it goes, there it goes, wait a minute, 254 00:17:42.461 --> 00:17:44.730 it stops here. 255 00:17:44.730 --> 00:17:47.199 - In that creek in there? 256 00:17:47.199 --> 00:17:48.534 He headed up that creek. 257 00:17:48.534 --> 00:17:50.269 - There's so much vegetation in here, I'm lookin 258 00:17:50.269 --> 00:17:52.237 all over the place, I'm tryin' to see if I can see one, 259 00:17:52.237 --> 00:17:54.006 spot him out of the water and be able to see where 260 00:17:54.006 --> 00:17:57.109 he goes, in the first place, this is a tangled mess 261 00:17:57.109 --> 00:17:58.577 of vegetation. 262 00:17:58.577 --> 00:18:01.380 I mean, this is a jungle above water and below water. 263 00:18:01.380 --> 00:18:03.649 It's a jungle all over. 264 00:18:03.649 --> 00:18:05.717 Hey, I mean, if I was an alligator, I'd love to be in here 265 00:18:05.717 --> 00:18:07.786 they'll never catch me. 266 00:18:25.270 --> 00:18:28.040 The jungle along the bank is so dense, 267 00:18:28.040 --> 00:18:32.377 a dinosaur could easily hide, completely out of sight. 268 00:18:34.146 --> 00:18:36.348 Okay, we've just seen about a nine foot alligator, 269 00:18:36.348 --> 00:18:38.450 out of the water on the bank over there. 270 00:18:39.251 --> 00:18:41.887 Cohete and I are gonna do an approach to get 271 00:18:41.887 --> 00:18:44.756 a close video on him. 272 00:18:45.090 --> 00:18:47.960 A nine foot alligator, it's a deadly predator. 273 00:18:47.960 --> 00:18:50.395 You don't corner a Bengal tiger and expect to get 274 00:18:50.395 --> 00:18:53.098 away with it, that's how much respect I have for 275 00:18:53.098 --> 00:18:55.567 the alligator resting on the bank. 276 00:18:56.068 --> 00:18:59.238 The whole idea is pick up the trail underwater and 277 00:18:59.238 --> 00:19:01.807 follow him to his den or where he stops. 278 00:19:01.807 --> 00:19:04.343 And then, we'll get our encounter, and Cohete 279 00:19:04.343 --> 00:19:06.512 will lock in the video on him. 280 00:19:06.512 --> 00:19:08.914 I have to be extremely careful, 281 00:19:08.914 --> 00:19:12.317 a full charge attack would be hard to stop. 282 00:19:14.987 --> 00:19:18.590 (menacing music, snorkel breathing and bubbles) 283 00:20:00.432 --> 00:20:03.635 I weave my way through the maze of water lilies, 284 00:20:03.635 --> 00:20:08.307 and finally there he is, just a few yards in front of us, 285 00:20:09.174 --> 00:20:11.810 watching every move we make. 286 00:20:16.582 --> 00:20:20.018 This is a nine to ten foot alligator, not General Lee, 287 00:20:20.018 --> 00:20:22.854 but impressive just the same, 288 00:20:22.854 --> 00:20:25.424 and capable of amazing speed. 289 00:20:27.125 --> 00:20:31.096 Feeling cornered, the alligator 290 00:20:31.096 --> 00:20:32.864 charges, full blast, 291 00:20:32.864 --> 00:20:35.200 and it slams directly into my chest. 292 00:20:36.168 --> 00:20:38.203 He ran into me. 293 00:20:39.004 --> 00:20:42.541 A 600 pound missile, that luckily decides not 294 00:20:42.541 --> 00:20:45.244 to shred me into little pieces. 295 00:21:02.694 --> 00:21:05.530 Our adventure on the Dead River was fantastic. 296 00:21:05.530 --> 00:21:08.900 That alligator that charged me, it hit me so hard, 297 00:21:08.900 --> 00:21:12.638 I mean, it was like a freight train. 298 00:21:13.138 --> 00:21:15.107 It was coming at me with all his power. 299 00:21:15.107 --> 00:21:17.209 Cohete and I were blocking his only escape route, 300 00:21:17.209 --> 00:21:19.444 so he had to come through me. 301 00:21:23.448 --> 00:21:25.183 We searched for General Lee. 302 00:21:25.183 --> 00:21:26.752 All the alligators are very elusive. 303 00:21:26.752 --> 00:21:28.620 We couldn't find General Lee, but I'm sure 304 00:21:28.620 --> 00:21:30.389 he's still out here and we'll find him 305 00:21:30.389 --> 00:21:32.090 in another episode. 306 00:21:32.090 --> 00:21:34.426 See you next week on Savage Wild. 307 00:21:35.093 --> 00:21:37.729 (techno jazz)