WEBVTT 1 00:00:15.720 --> 00:00:17.120 On our planet. 2 00:00:17.120 --> 00:00:19.400 There seems to be an infinite number of beautiful. 3 00:00:19.400 --> 00:00:21.960 Places. One can visit with an equal number. 4 00:00:21.960 --> 00:00:25.560 Of. Spectacular things to admire. 5 00:00:25.560 --> 00:00:27.040 It requires nothing more than a. 6 00:00:27.040 --> 00:00:29.560 Curiosity to observe what is all. 7 00:00:29.560 --> 00:00:32.160 Around you. 8 00:00:32.160 --> 00:00:34.120 The miracle of nature manifests in. 9 00:00:34.120 --> 00:00:37.560 Countless ways from breathtaking vistas to the simple. 10 00:00:37.560 --> 00:00:40.280 Movements of a common. Heifer. 11 00:00:40.640 --> 00:00:43.840 The purpose of this program is to present you with the extraordinary 12 00:00:43.840 --> 00:00:47.800 diversity of our miraculous blue planet so that you can discover. 13 00:00:47.800 --> 00:00:50.920 These things for. Yourself. 14 00:00:50.920 --> 00:00:52.680 Today, we shall visit. 15 00:00:52.680 --> 00:00:55.480 The windswept Patagonia with its amazing. 16 00:00:55.480 --> 00:00:56.680 Glaciers. 17 00:00:57.160 --> 00:00:58.600 Then we lose. 18 00:00:58.600 --> 00:01:00.840 Ourselves in the midst of Europe's only steppe. 19 00:01:01.280 --> 00:01:02.040 The Hungarian. 20 00:01:02.040 --> 00:01:04.240 Pushkar, with a local. Wonder. 21 00:01:04.240 --> 00:01:05.240 Includes hot. 22 00:01:05.240 --> 00:01:06.440 Springs. 23 00:01:08.480 --> 00:01:10.560 As we continue to believe. 24 00:01:10.560 --> 00:01:12.360 We admire the southern hemisphere's. 25 00:01:12.360 --> 00:01:13.320 Largest coral. 26 00:01:13.320 --> 00:01:16.920 Reef and mystical. Cave system. 27 00:01:18.480 --> 00:01:20.880 We will end our journey in New Zealand. 28 00:01:20.880 --> 00:01:23.280 Where we will explore White Island. 29 00:01:23.280 --> 00:01:24.680 One of the most fascinating and. 30 00:01:24.680 --> 00:01:28.120 Accessible. Volcanoes on Earth. 31 00:01:28.120 --> 00:01:29.920 But we begin at the windswept. 32 00:01:29.920 --> 00:01:30.760 Outpost. 33 00:01:30.760 --> 00:01:39.720 Of South America. 34 00:01:40.520 --> 00:01:42.440 Argentina's Patagonia. Borders the. 35 00:01:42.440 --> 00:01:45.360 Country of Chile and stretches from the Andes. 36 00:01:45.600 --> 00:01:48.480 All the way to the Atlantic. 37 00:01:48.480 --> 00:01:50.280 The central region. Is dominated by. 38 00:01:50.280 --> 00:01:54.600 A vast plain or steppe, while the Atlantic coast boasts majestic cliffs. 39 00:01:54.800 --> 00:01:57.200 And abundant. Wildlife. 40 00:01:57.200 --> 00:02:01.320 It is indeed a very windy place. 41 00:02:01.800 --> 00:02:04.120 The local population, as well as the trees, 42 00:02:04.440 --> 00:02:07.480 have adapted to the endless centuries of assault by the wind, 43 00:02:08.000 --> 00:02:10.840 eventually succumbing to its direction. 44 00:02:12.960 --> 00:02:13.880 To those glaciers, 45 00:02:13.880 --> 00:02:17.120 National Park, located in the vicinity of Cape Horn. 46 00:02:17.440 --> 00:02:20.440 Is one of the largest natural wonders on our planet. 47 00:02:22.760 --> 00:02:23.480 It is located 48 00:02:23.480 --> 00:02:26.080 in the southwestern part of the province of Santa Cruz. 49 00:02:26.720 --> 00:02:27.840 A year round blanket of. 50 00:02:27.840 --> 00:02:30.480 Ice covers this protected area of 44. 51 00:02:30.520 --> 00:02:33.480 Hundred 59 square kilometers of mountains. 52 00:02:33.480 --> 00:02:36.440 Glaciers and lakes. 53 00:02:37.920 --> 00:02:38.880 Lake Argentina 54 00:02:38.880 --> 00:02:41.680 might be considered just another ordinary lake in the region. 55 00:02:42.000 --> 00:02:44.160 Were it not for the. Impressive and intriguing. 56 00:02:44.400 --> 00:02:45.480 Perito Moreno. 57 00:02:45.480 --> 00:02:49.040 Glacier. 58 00:02:49.040 --> 00:02:51.960 Fiorito Moreno Glacier is an. Absolute must see. 59 00:02:51.960 --> 00:02:54.920 While in Argentina, there are only a handful of. 60 00:02:54.920 --> 00:02:59.600 Places in the world for nature is as impressive and accessible as this glacier. 61 00:03:00.160 --> 00:03:03.040 It is noteworthy that while most glaciers in the world are receding, 62 00:03:03.440 --> 00:03:14.240 the Perito Moreno Glacier is actually advancing. 63 00:03:18.120 --> 00:03:18.960 It is famous. 64 00:03:18.960 --> 00:03:21.360 Worldwide for its glacier fracture. 65 00:03:21.960 --> 00:03:22.800 Ruptures occur. 66 00:03:22.800 --> 00:03:24.480 When the. Front of the glacier reaches the. 67 00:03:24.480 --> 00:03:25.880 Coastal margin. 68 00:03:25.880 --> 00:03:28.600 The passage of the water from Brazil RICO closes 69 00:03:28.920 --> 00:03:31.720 and produces a dam effect whereby the water rises. 70 00:03:31.720 --> 00:03:51.720 Some 20 meters. 71 00:03:54.760 --> 00:03:56.800 The show is never ending. 72 00:03:56.800 --> 00:03:58.680 One can watch. The detachment of ice. 73 00:03:58.680 --> 00:03:59.520 Blocks of various. 74 00:03:59.520 --> 00:04:01.720 Sizes from a short distance. 75 00:04:01.720 --> 00:04:03.240 As the ice breaks apart. 76 00:04:03.240 --> 00:04:05.480 It generates. A distinctive roar. 77 00:04:05.480 --> 00:04:06.600 And then crashes into the. 78 00:04:06.600 --> 00:04:07.200 Sea as. 79 00:04:07.200 --> 00:04:22.040 Floating icebergs. 80 00:04:23.080 --> 00:04:24.320 The biggest crashes. 81 00:04:24.320 --> 00:04:47.520 Have been known to occur in the afternoons on sunny days. 82 00:04:48.040 --> 00:04:48.800 The width of the. 83 00:04:48.800 --> 00:04:51.920 Perito Moreno. Glacier is 40. 500 meters. 84 00:04:52.520 --> 00:04:55.400 It rises 60 meters above the water level. 85 00:04:55.520 --> 00:04:56.760 And drops 100 and. 86 00:04:56.760 --> 00:04:59.080 30 meters below the water level. 87 00:04:59.080 --> 00:05:01.520 Its length is about. 37 kilometers. 88 00:05:02.040 --> 00:05:02.640 The total. 89 00:05:02.640 --> 00:05:05.080 Mass of the glacier is the size of the city of. 90 00:05:05.080 --> 00:05:05.560 Buenos. 91 00:05:05.560 --> 00:05:12.720 Aires. 92 00:05:13.320 --> 00:05:13.920 Now that we've. 93 00:05:13.920 --> 00:05:16.480 Observed the mountainous, relief and icy splendor of. 94 00:05:16.480 --> 00:05:19.520 The Andes, we set off for Europe's largest step. 95 00:05:20.040 --> 00:05:39.720 We are bound for the country of Hungary. 96 00:05:39.720 --> 00:05:41.320 There lies a. Place in the midst of an. 97 00:05:41.320 --> 00:05:43.960 Overpopulated Europe. That romantic poets. 98 00:05:43.960 --> 00:05:45.120 Write about. 99 00:05:45.120 --> 00:05:47.480 That place. Is the Hungarian. Peseta. 100 00:05:47.800 --> 00:05:48.960 Also known. As the. 101 00:05:48.960 --> 00:05:51.440 Great Hungarian Plain. 102 00:05:51.440 --> 00:05:51.960 One such. 103 00:05:51.960 --> 00:05:55.680 Poor described it as the awful flat land where the stars. 104 00:05:55.680 --> 00:05:58.920 Seem farther. Away. 105 00:05:59.320 --> 00:06:00.840 There is no sunset. 106 00:06:00.840 --> 00:06:04.320 Quite like that which occurs here. 107 00:06:06.560 --> 00:06:07.880 The river tees are flows. 108 00:06:07.880 --> 00:06:08.960 From Ukraine along the. 109 00:06:08.960 --> 00:06:09.560 Slovak. 110 00:06:09.560 --> 00:06:12.840 Border into Hungary and spills into a lake of the same. 111 00:06:12.840 --> 00:06:13.560 Name. 112 00:06:13.840 --> 00:06:14.640 It's water. 113 00:06:14.640 --> 00:06:17.360 The Hungarians claim is. Velvety smooth. 114 00:06:18.120 --> 00:06:20.040 This stands as a testimony. 115 00:06:20.040 --> 00:06:20.760 To the victory. 116 00:06:20.760 --> 00:06:24.160 Of nature against the misguided intentions of the Hungarian government 117 00:06:24.360 --> 00:06:26.680 from the 1970s. 118 00:06:26.680 --> 00:06:28.000 During that. Decade. 119 00:06:28.000 --> 00:06:29.640 The Hungarian government decided. 120 00:06:29.640 --> 00:06:32.120 To build a. Dam on the river. TiSA. 121 00:06:32.120 --> 00:06:34.600 It's not clear if the rationale was irrigation or. 122 00:06:34.600 --> 00:06:35.600 Flood control. 123 00:06:35.600 --> 00:06:38.840 Or some other less logical motive, like wanting to appear 124 00:06:38.840 --> 00:06:42.120 environmentally proactive. 125 00:06:42.880 --> 00:06:43.520 Regardless of. 126 00:06:43.520 --> 00:06:45.920 Their intention, the impact on the surrounding. 127 00:06:45.920 --> 00:06:48.880 Ecology was catastrophic. 128 00:06:48.880 --> 00:06:52.800 Fortunately, over time, deposits of sediment in parts. 129 00:06:52.800 --> 00:06:55.440 Of the dam built up to create a splendid. 130 00:06:55.440 --> 00:06:57.480 Wetland that attracted an abundance. 131 00:06:57.480 --> 00:06:59.040 Of birds and other animals. 132 00:07:00.000 --> 00:07:01.080 Today, it is. 133 00:07:01.080 --> 00:07:03.280 Hard to imagine that. This lake was created. 134 00:07:03.520 --> 00:07:06.720 By more than nature alone. 135 00:07:06.920 --> 00:07:09.280 There is no country. Quite. Like Hungary. 136 00:07:10.080 --> 00:07:12.120 Situated in the very heart of Europe. 137 00:07:12.600 --> 00:07:15.480 This kidney shaped country claims a unique influence 138 00:07:15.480 --> 00:07:18.720 on the soul of the continent. 139 00:07:19.480 --> 00:07:21.720 You are on the Hungarian steppe. 140 00:07:21.720 --> 00:07:23.720 This area is an extensive plain. 141 00:07:24.320 --> 00:07:24.960 It is notable. 142 00:07:24.960 --> 00:07:26.400 Both as a physical feature. 143 00:07:26.400 --> 00:07:28.600 And an unforgettable. Site. 144 00:07:28.600 --> 00:07:30.760 It is a land of scorching summers and. 145 00:07:30.760 --> 00:07:31.960 Bitter winters, the. 146 00:07:31.960 --> 00:07:35.840 Land of shimmering mirages. 147 00:07:36.680 --> 00:07:39.400 The Hungarians refer to the great Hungarian plain as. 148 00:07:39.720 --> 00:07:42.040 The flatland. Of all. Fold. 149 00:07:42.040 --> 00:07:43.480 To a large extent. 150 00:07:43.480 --> 00:07:51.440 It has been turned into agricultural land. 151 00:07:52.280 --> 00:07:55.880 Here, ancient breeds of domestic animals, as well as endemic bird. 152 00:07:55.880 --> 00:07:56.400 Life. 153 00:07:56.400 --> 00:07:58.880 Thrive on some 800 square kilometers. 154 00:08:00.080 --> 00:08:01.280 About 40. Percent of the. 155 00:08:01.280 --> 00:08:05.160 Steppe has been preserved as grassland and protected as the Hawk. 156 00:08:05.160 --> 00:08:07.160 De Boggy National. Park. 157 00:08:07.160 --> 00:08:08.520 Here we find wildlife. 158 00:08:08.520 --> 00:08:10.840 That. Has endlessly roam the steppe. 159 00:08:12.480 --> 00:08:15.200 The Hungarian great cattle are among the best known. 160 00:08:15.200 --> 00:08:16.880 Breed of cattle. 161 00:08:16.880 --> 00:08:17.600 These hearty. 162 00:08:17.600 --> 00:08:18.880 Animals have completely. 163 00:08:18.880 --> 00:08:21.080 Adapted to the. Local landscape. 164 00:08:21.080 --> 00:08:23.640 They remain outdoors. All year round and. 165 00:08:23.640 --> 00:08:25.440 Play an important role in the upkeep. 166 00:08:25.440 --> 00:08:27.240 Of the grasslands. 167 00:08:27.400 --> 00:08:28.280 Today. 168 00:08:28.280 --> 00:08:32.160 This unique area is entirely a UNESCO biosphere reserve. 169 00:08:33.240 --> 00:08:34.120 Frequently 170 00:08:37.200 --> 00:08:38.880 in the national anthem. 171 00:08:38.880 --> 00:08:40.760 Hungarian Sing. 172 00:08:40.760 --> 00:08:43.200 Pidio laud. The Hungarians. 173 00:08:43.200 --> 00:08:46.080 Who are tossed by dangerous waves. 174 00:08:46.080 --> 00:08:48.240 Extend over us your guarding arm 175 00:08:48.240 --> 00:08:51.240 on the sea of our misery, long torn by ill. 176 00:08:51.240 --> 00:08:53.760 Fate. Bring upon us a time of relief. 177 00:08:54.280 --> 00:08:55.480 They who have suffered for. 178 00:08:55.480 --> 00:08:57.600 All sins. Of the past. 179 00:08:57.600 --> 00:09:05.200 And future. 180 00:09:05.200 --> 00:09:07.440 The Lord indeed deed, did have pity. 181 00:09:07.440 --> 00:09:08.120 And bless the. 182 00:09:08.120 --> 00:09:08.920 Land with the. 183 00:09:08.920 --> 00:09:12.120 Abundance of hot springs. 184 00:09:12.320 --> 00:09:13.440 The Hungarian poos. 185 00:09:13.440 --> 00:09:15.960 That has emerged as the leading European Spa. 186 00:09:15.960 --> 00:09:18.600 Destination as. A result. Of the presence of. 187 00:09:18.600 --> 00:09:21.440 This liquid gold. 188 00:09:21.720 --> 00:09:24.760 Even the ancient Romans claimed in Vilnius. 189 00:09:24.760 --> 00:09:26.880 Salus. Meaning literally. 190 00:09:26.880 --> 00:09:28.440 There is health in bathing. 191 00:09:30.840 --> 00:09:33.960 Springs that emerge from depths of over 1000 meters. 192 00:09:34.240 --> 00:09:36.360 Contain large amounts of salt. 193 00:09:36.360 --> 00:09:39.000 Sodium. Iodine. Fluoride. 194 00:09:39.320 --> 00:09:43.080 Iron, manganese, and over 20 other mineral substances. 195 00:09:43.440 --> 00:09:45.880 Including asphalt, which gives the water a dark. 196 00:09:45.880 --> 00:09:49.120 Brownish. Hue. 197 00:09:49.120 --> 00:09:50.760 And from time to time, a unique. 198 00:09:50.760 --> 00:09:52.400 Shape to 199 00:09:54.160 --> 00:09:54.920 this particular. 200 00:09:54.920 --> 00:09:55.920 Limestone formation. 201 00:09:55.920 --> 00:09:58.600 Materialized. Over many. Decades. 202 00:09:58.600 --> 00:09:59.840 Minerals are burned out. 203 00:09:59.840 --> 00:10:00.960 From water that erupts. 204 00:10:00.960 --> 00:10:03.720 From the earth at some 70 degrees. Celsius. 205 00:10:03.720 --> 00:10:05.880 Then they subsequently cool. 206 00:10:06.520 --> 00:10:07.480 And are turned into a. 207 00:10:07.480 --> 00:10:08.600 Whitish rock that. 208 00:10:08.600 --> 00:10:09.640 Seems to resemble. 209 00:10:09.640 --> 00:10:12.120 Glaciers. 210 00:10:12.280 --> 00:10:14.040 Similar formations are found in both. 211 00:10:14.040 --> 00:10:23.520 The United States and Turkey. 212 00:10:27.640 --> 00:10:28.240 It is early. 213 00:10:28.240 --> 00:10:29.000 Morning. 214 00:10:29.000 --> 00:10:30.360 A tussled mist lies. 215 00:10:30.360 --> 00:10:32.520 Lazily over. The landscape. 216 00:10:32.520 --> 00:10:33.720 It feels. Almost. 217 00:10:33.720 --> 00:10:48.960 Surreal. 218 00:10:48.960 --> 00:10:51.840 On the horizon. With the owl fold, lowland. 219 00:10:51.840 --> 00:10:53.920 Begins to rise into the mOTTRAM mountain range. 220 00:10:54.200 --> 00:10:55.960 We can see horses. 221 00:10:55.960 --> 00:10:58.320 The local specialty is the lip is honor, 222 00:10:58.760 --> 00:11:01.480 a breed renowned as the exclusive breed. 223 00:11:01.560 --> 00:11:02.160 Seen in the. 224 00:11:02.160 --> 00:11:10.920 Hapsburg Court. 225 00:11:15.640 --> 00:11:17.760 By observing the terrain, one can. 226 00:11:17.760 --> 00:11:19.920 Read the. Chronicles of humanity. Itself. 227 00:11:20.640 --> 00:11:21.280 The tale of. 228 00:11:21.280 --> 00:11:24.480 European history is recorded in the countless petrified creations 229 00:11:24.760 --> 00:11:25.440 that permeate. 230 00:11:25.440 --> 00:11:26.160 Every square. 231 00:11:26.160 --> 00:11:28.640 Kilometer. 232 00:11:30.360 --> 00:11:31.360 The white limestone. 233 00:11:31.360 --> 00:11:34.920 Gorge near the village of Khazar was very likely formed by. 234 00:11:34.920 --> 00:11:36.920 Erosion occurring over millions of. 235 00:11:36.920 --> 00:11:39.360 Years. 236 00:11:42.400 --> 00:11:44.600 The still tactical cave of Telarc. 237 00:11:44.600 --> 00:11:45.360 Is yet another. 238 00:11:45.360 --> 00:11:46.240 Example of a. 239 00:11:46.240 --> 00:11:48.160 Time scale 240 00:12:02.640 --> 00:12:05.920 pure in the limestone, Massif originates one of the most. 241 00:12:05.920 --> 00:12:08.040 Captivating karst. Caves in the world. 242 00:12:08.520 --> 00:12:12.720 The entire complex is comprised of 700 steel tactical halls. 243 00:12:13.000 --> 00:12:15.680 That are interconnected through a network of underground rivers 244 00:12:15.880 --> 00:12:16.680 and the neighboring. 245 00:12:16.680 --> 00:12:19.560 Slavonic Karst. 246 00:12:19.720 --> 00:12:22.560 The largest stalactite cave of Europe is situated. 247 00:12:22.560 --> 00:12:23.920 In this. Area. 248 00:12:23.920 --> 00:12:25.440 The broad the cave is 20. 249 00:12:25.440 --> 00:12:27.720 Six kilometers long. Of which. 250 00:12:27.720 --> 00:12:33.120 Eight kilometers lies in Slovakia and is known as Dumka. 251 00:12:33.320 --> 00:12:35.520 The Barad Le Cave is. The most significant. 252 00:12:35.760 --> 00:12:38.520 Most studied, as well as the longest and richest. 253 00:12:38.520 --> 00:12:41.200 Cave, not only in this region but in the whole of Hungary. 254 00:12:41.800 --> 00:12:45.400 Its activity, its length, its stalactites and. 255 00:12:45.400 --> 00:12:48.840 Stalagmites make it the most prominent cave in the temperate 256 00:12:48.840 --> 00:13:03.120 zone. 257 00:13:05.960 --> 00:13:08.080 Several of the caves have unique features. 258 00:13:08.720 --> 00:13:09.880 For instance. 259 00:13:09.880 --> 00:13:12.240 The piece Cave. Has a sanatorium which helps 260 00:13:12.440 --> 00:13:15.440 in the treatment of people suffering from asthma and. 261 00:13:16.000 --> 00:13:18.120 Because of the caves, superb acoustics. 262 00:13:18.440 --> 00:13:19.680 It is highly regarded. 263 00:13:19.680 --> 00:13:20.520 As a venue for. 264 00:13:20.520 --> 00:13:24.000 Concerts. 265 00:13:27.200 --> 00:13:28.200 Next. 266 00:13:28.360 --> 00:13:30.600 We're off to the. Caribbean and the country. 267 00:13:30.600 --> 00:13:37.920 Of Belize. 268 00:13:39.600 --> 00:13:43.200 Travelers from around the globe are drawn to the natural attractions 269 00:13:43.480 --> 00:13:45.800 found in Mother. Nature's best kept secret. 270 00:13:46.320 --> 00:13:49.480 Belize throngs are lured by the seductive. 271 00:13:49.480 --> 00:13:52.000 Promise. Of a relaxing, yet rewarding. 272 00:13:52.240 --> 00:13:53.320 Caribbean getaway. 273 00:13:53.320 --> 00:13:55.640 Experience. 274 00:13:56.760 --> 00:13:58.680 Cozily nestled between Mexico and. 275 00:13:58.680 --> 00:14:00.360 Guatemala on the. Caribbean. 276 00:14:00.360 --> 00:14:02.160 Coast of Central America. 277 00:14:02.160 --> 00:14:04.080 Belize is one of the few remaining. 278 00:14:04.080 --> 00:14:12.080 Impeccable places on earth. 279 00:14:12.080 --> 00:14:14.680 Off the shore of Belize lies the largest barrier. 280 00:14:14.680 --> 00:14:17.000 Reef in the Western Hemisphere. 281 00:14:17.000 --> 00:14:21.800 Hundreds of Coraline and mangrove covered islands line this remarkable formation. 282 00:14:22.560 --> 00:14:26.240 One will be delighted to discover that three of the four coral atolls. 283 00:14:26.240 --> 00:14:28.760 Of the Southern Hemisphere. Lie just here. 284 00:14:31.240 --> 00:14:33.240 Along the 185 mile long. 285 00:14:33.240 --> 00:14:35.000 Belize Barrier Reef. 286 00:14:35.000 --> 00:14:37.560 Divers and snorkelers alike encounter. 287 00:14:37.560 --> 00:14:39.600 Abundant marine life, underpinned. 288 00:14:39.800 --> 00:14:43.320 By a kaleidoscope of color. 289 00:14:43.880 --> 00:14:47.480 In this part of the Caribbean Ocean, one can admire underwater. 290 00:14:47.480 --> 00:14:52.880 Coral gardens with over 70 types of hard corals, some 500 species of fish. 291 00:14:53.320 --> 00:14:55.240 The distinguished blue. Hole. 292 00:14:55.240 --> 00:14:56.680 Playful dolphins. 293 00:14:56.680 --> 00:15:00.680 Fascinating whale sharks, subdued sea turtles and graceful 294 00:15:00.680 --> 00:15:11.000 eagle rays. 295 00:15:11.000 --> 00:15:13.520 The five sisters waterfalls are located. 296 00:15:13.680 --> 00:15:15.840 In the scenic mountain Pine Ridge. 297 00:15:15.840 --> 00:15:17.400 Forest Reserve. 298 00:15:17.400 --> 00:15:19.680 This is the largest protected area in Belize. 299 00:15:20.120 --> 00:15:24.120 Which boasts an immense rainforest, a natural wildlife sanctuary. 300 00:15:25.160 --> 00:15:25.960 The five sisters. 301 00:15:25.960 --> 00:15:27.360 Obtain its name from the five. 302 00:15:27.360 --> 00:15:29.440 Perfectly gushing waterfalls. 303 00:15:29.440 --> 00:15:30.120 And the numerous. 304 00:15:30.120 --> 00:15:32.120 Crystalline pools that form part of. 305 00:15:32.120 --> 00:15:46.920 His natural wonder. 306 00:15:51.480 --> 00:15:52.440 These waterfalls. 307 00:15:52.440 --> 00:15:54.640 Empty into the famous privacy and river. 308 00:15:54.840 --> 00:16:17.240 Which meanders through the heart of the forest reserve. 309 00:16:18.240 --> 00:16:20.240 Belize is home to the largest cave. 310 00:16:20.240 --> 00:16:23.120 System in all of Central. America. 311 00:16:23.120 --> 00:16:27.280 It's hard to believe that such cavernous spaces could be carved out of solid rock. 312 00:16:27.280 --> 00:16:37.920 With nothing but water. 313 00:16:37.920 --> 00:16:40.680 Which starts as just a few little drops slowly. 314 00:16:40.680 --> 00:16:41.960 Becomes a trickle. 315 00:16:41.960 --> 00:16:42.840 The trickle. 316 00:16:42.840 --> 00:16:44.760 Then turns into underground. 317 00:16:44.760 --> 00:16:47.160 Rivers. 318 00:16:50.880 --> 00:16:51.840 Today. 319 00:16:51.840 --> 00:16:54.000 Much of the. Geological structure of Belize. 320 00:16:54.000 --> 00:16:56.440 Is what is known. As Karst landforms. 321 00:16:57.280 --> 00:16:59.240 These are created. When carbon dioxide. 322 00:16:59.240 --> 00:17:01.640 Infused water passes through the soil. 323 00:17:01.640 --> 00:17:03.720 And becomes mildly. Acidic. 324 00:17:03.720 --> 00:17:06.880 Slowly, over time, limestone begins to. 325 00:17:06.880 --> 00:17:07.720 Dissolve. 326 00:17:07.720 --> 00:17:09.640 Creating breaks in the rock. 327 00:17:09.640 --> 00:17:11.400 Such breaks allow. Even more. 328 00:17:11.400 --> 00:17:13.240 Water to flow through. 329 00:17:13.240 --> 00:17:17.920 Resulting in ideal conditions for the formation of underground caves and rivers. 330 00:17:18.480 --> 00:17:21.240 In fact, should one plot these on a map. 331 00:17:21.560 --> 00:17:24.120 It would soon be discovered that the southern. 332 00:17:24.120 --> 00:17:25.880 Half of the country is completely. 333 00:17:25.880 --> 00:17:26.400 Dotted. 334 00:17:26.400 --> 00:17:52.640 With them. 335 00:17:54.440 --> 00:17:55.800 Scientists have been studying. 336 00:17:55.800 --> 00:17:58.640 Belize. In cave systems since the 1960s. 337 00:17:59.360 --> 00:18:00.960 By 1980. Four. 338 00:18:00.960 --> 00:18:05.120 Researchers had documented 65 sites, most of which are not. 339 00:18:05.120 --> 00:18:08.360 Yet accessible to the general public. 340 00:18:42.760 --> 00:18:44.600 From the Caribbean. 341 00:18:44.600 --> 00:18:46.680 Let us take the shortest possible route. 342 00:18:46.680 --> 00:18:49.800 To meet the unique thermal system found in the country. 343 00:18:49.800 --> 00:18:50.080 Of New. 344 00:18:50.080 --> 00:19:03.240 Zealand. 345 00:19:03.240 --> 00:19:05.440 Chiara Alta ROA. 346 00:19:05.920 --> 00:19:09.840 Welcome to New Zealand. 347 00:19:11.120 --> 00:19:12.160 The area known as the. 348 00:19:12.160 --> 00:19:12.960 Bay of Plenty. 349 00:19:12.960 --> 00:19:13.880 In New Zealand. 350 00:19:13.880 --> 00:19:14.280 Lies. 351 00:19:14.280 --> 00:19:16.680 At the intersection of the Indo Australian and. 352 00:19:16.680 --> 00:19:18.240 Pacific. Continental. Plates. 353 00:19:18.240 --> 00:19:19.240 The pressure created. 354 00:19:19.240 --> 00:19:21.240 By the collision of these. Two plates. 355 00:19:21.240 --> 00:19:25.040 Causes volcanic activity in the area and the continued warming. 356 00:19:25.040 --> 00:19:26.960 Of the Earth's crust. 357 00:19:26.960 --> 00:19:28.800 The dominant. Feature of this area. 358 00:19:28.800 --> 00:19:32.720 Is the Mount Tarawera volcano, whose eruption in 1880. 359 00:19:32.720 --> 00:19:35.560 Six. Distinctly changed the local landscape. 360 00:19:36.360 --> 00:19:40.080 During a single night, the eruption created a 17 kilometer long. 361 00:19:40.080 --> 00:19:42.720 Rocky crevice. And 22. Craters. 362 00:19:42.720 --> 00:19:46.280 While at the same time managing to cover 15,000 square 363 00:19:46.320 --> 00:19:50.640 kilometers with volcanic ash and mud up to 20 meters thick. 364 00:19:52.320 --> 00:19:52.920 100 and. 365 00:19:52.920 --> 00:19:55.160 50 people died that apocalyptic. 366 00:19:55.160 --> 00:19:58.320 Night. 367 00:19:59.760 --> 00:20:00.960 White Island, 368 00:20:00.960 --> 00:20:03.840 named by Captain James Cook, got its name. 369 00:20:03.840 --> 00:20:04.760 Thanks to the white. 370 00:20:04.760 --> 00:20:05.480 Clouds that. 371 00:20:05.480 --> 00:20:08.600 Seemed to emerge from it. 372 00:20:08.920 --> 00:20:09.920 Today. 373 00:20:09.920 --> 00:20:11.120 White Island is the most. 374 00:20:11.120 --> 00:20:11.560 Active. 375 00:20:11.560 --> 00:20:14.880 Volcano in New Zealand. 376 00:20:16.200 --> 00:20:17.080 The landscape. 377 00:20:17.080 --> 00:20:20.000 Inescapably reminds one of something out of a novel. 378 00:20:20.000 --> 00:20:22.040 By Jules Verne. 379 00:20:22.920 --> 00:20:25.200 Dandelions are replaced by sulfate 380 00:20:25.520 --> 00:20:30.440 and creaks bubble as a result of considerable temperatures. 381 00:20:34.320 --> 00:20:36.560 White Island is one of the most fascinating 382 00:20:36.560 --> 00:20:40.200 and accessible volcanoes on Earth, as New Zealand's only. 383 00:20:40.200 --> 00:20:42.080 Live marine. Volcano. 384 00:20:42.080 --> 00:20:43.920 Scientists and volcanologists. 385 00:20:43.920 --> 00:20:45.640 Worldwide are attracted by. 386 00:20:45.640 --> 00:20:47.800 Its unique. Features. 387 00:20:48.040 --> 00:20:49.760 The volcano is estimated to be 388 00:20:49.760 --> 00:20:52.600 between 100 and 200,000 years old. 389 00:20:53.040 --> 00:20:54.120 However. 390 00:20:54.200 --> 00:20:56.240 The small portion of the island that is. 391 00:20:56.240 --> 00:20:57.960 Visible above sea level has. 392 00:20:57.960 --> 00:21:01.360 Been in its present form for an estimated 16,000 393 00:21:01.360 --> 00:21:21.720 years. 394 00:21:22.320 --> 00:21:25.440 Walking on White Island is almost like walking on the moon. 395 00:21:26.120 --> 00:21:28.440 Virtually no vegetation survives. 396 00:21:28.440 --> 00:21:31.040 The harsh, acidic. Environment inside. 397 00:21:31.040 --> 00:21:32.280 The crater walls. 398 00:21:32.280 --> 00:21:36.240 Instead, lush beds of yellow and white sulfur crystals grow. 399 00:21:36.440 --> 00:21:39.720 Among hissing, steaming, bubbling, fumaroles 400 00:21:41.160 --> 00:22:15.480 and. Thankfully, New Zealand. 401 00:22:15.480 --> 00:22:16.440 Is not just. About. 402 00:22:16.440 --> 00:22:17.680 Volcanoes and thermal. 403 00:22:17.680 --> 00:22:25.920 Springs. 404 00:22:26.280 --> 00:22:28.960 The dramatic coastline near Auckland is forever. 405 00:22:28.960 --> 00:22:34.160 Being washed by the surf of the Tasmanian Sea. 406 00:22:34.160 --> 00:22:35.040 Where Captain James. 407 00:22:35.040 --> 00:22:36.840 Cook aboard the ship Endeavor landed. 408 00:22:36.840 --> 00:22:38.760 Here in 1769. 409 00:22:38.760 --> 00:22:39.480 He named this. 410 00:22:39.480 --> 00:22:39.880 The Bay. 411 00:22:39.880 --> 00:22:44.520 Of Plenty as a testament to the numerous prospering Maori communities. 412 00:22:44.520 --> 00:23:05.240 Settled here. 413 00:23:07.480 --> 00:23:08.840 Flocks of Australasian. 414 00:23:08.840 --> 00:23:09.840 Gannets migrate. 415 00:23:09.840 --> 00:23:12.000 Yearly across the Tasman Lowland 416 00:23:14.320 --> 00:23:15.960 here on the Muriwai Beach. 417 00:23:15.960 --> 00:23:16.560 They form the. 418 00:23:16.560 --> 00:23:17.800 Biggest colony of its. 419 00:23:17.800 --> 00:23:20.120 Kind each year 420 00:23:21.600 --> 00:23:23.360 gannets or seabirds. 421 00:23:23.360 --> 00:23:25.080 They feed on. Fish and thrive. 422 00:23:25.080 --> 00:23:26.640 On coastlines. 423 00:23:26.640 --> 00:23:28.800 They catch fish below the sea surface. 424 00:23:29.480 --> 00:23:32.920 To facilitate this, they are endowed with powerful beaks. 425 00:23:33.120 --> 00:23:34.280 And a uniquely formed. 426 00:23:34.280 --> 00:23:37.920 Skull with air filled sinuses. 427 00:23:39.440 --> 00:23:41.040 Gannets have hydrodynamic. 428 00:23:41.040 --> 00:23:42.400 Muscular bodies. 429 00:23:42.400 --> 00:23:43.520 With powerful necks. 430 00:23:43.520 --> 00:23:45.400 Strong legs and webbed feet. 431 00:23:46.480 --> 00:23:46.920 They spend 432 00:23:46.920 --> 00:23:49.440 more time on the coast than on the open sea. 433 00:23:50.200 --> 00:23:51.000 They fly very. 434 00:23:51.000 --> 00:23:53.320 Efficiently and can swim for several meters. 435 00:23:53.320 --> 00:24:27.120 Below the surface of the water, in search of fish. 436 00:24:32.120 --> 00:24:32.800 Our journey 437 00:24:32.800 --> 00:24:35.680 to the miraculous nooks of our planet comes to an end. 438 00:24:36.160 --> 00:24:37.320 For now. 439 00:24:38.240 --> 00:24:39.600 On the next. Exploration. 440 00:24:39.600 --> 00:24:40.800 Of our compelling and. 441 00:24:40.800 --> 00:24:42.960 Bountiful planet Earth, 442 00:24:43.120 --> 00:24:44.360 we will travel to the. 443 00:24:44.360 --> 00:24:48.240 North of the United Kingdom to encounter some dramatic mountain scenery. 444 00:24:48.520 --> 00:24:51.560 The Scottish Highlands, a place where the best 445 00:24:51.600 --> 00:24:55.080 whiskey in the world is made and where the men still wear skirts. 446 00:24:55.440 --> 00:24:59.040 Actually, they're called kilts 447 00:24:59.040 --> 00:25:01.840 on the shores of Lake Baikal, the largest. 448 00:25:02.040 --> 00:25:04.080 Deepest and oldest. Lake in the world. 449 00:25:04.560 --> 00:25:08.520 We'll taste local fish and the vodka they make out of milk. 450 00:25:09.880 --> 00:25:14.880 To conclude, we will explore Spanish, Andalusia and the mysterious. 451 00:25:14.920 --> 00:25:16.800 Sierra Nevada mountain range. 452 00:25:18.000 --> 00:25:20.520 That's all right here on Miracles of Nature. 453 00:25:21.080 --> 00:27:00.080 We hope you'll join us.