WEBVTT 1 00:00:09.300 --> 00:00:10.093 - Over the years I've seen the changing landscape 2 00:00:10.135 --> 00:00:11.553 of modern Africa. 3 00:00:14.597 --> 00:00:17.559 It's complexity and conflict, 4 00:00:17.600 --> 00:00:19.102 horror and beauty, 5 00:00:20.562 --> 00:00:23.481 but there's one issue that tests me like few others 6 00:00:23.523 --> 00:00:25.650 and the closer I get to its heart 7 00:00:25.692 --> 00:00:28.820 the harder it becomes to keep my emotions in check. 8 00:00:28.862 --> 00:00:31.573 (dramatic music) 9 00:00:37.412 --> 00:00:41.374 When people and animals collide things are never simple. 10 00:00:41.416 --> 00:00:45.545 (dramatic music) (screams) 11 00:00:45.587 --> 00:00:47.714 In this wildlife human conflict 12 00:00:47.756 --> 00:00:50.300 I'm often called in to seek out the truth. 13 00:00:50.341 --> 00:00:53.303 Find out what's really happening on the front lines, 14 00:00:53.344 --> 00:00:56.222 and identify the heroes who are making a difference. 15 00:00:56.264 --> 00:00:58.975 (dramatic music) 16 00:01:00.602 --> 00:01:02.520 My name is Ivan Carter. 17 00:01:02.562 --> 00:01:06.066 Hunter, conservationist, and wildlife investigator. 18 00:01:06.107 --> 00:01:08.860 (dramatic music) 19 00:01:15.825 --> 00:01:18.119 Since our first footsteps on this continent 20 00:01:18.161 --> 00:01:21.831 humans have clashed with the king of beasts. 21 00:01:23.291 --> 00:01:25.460 We are two apex predator's. 22 00:01:25.502 --> 00:01:27.295 Locked in competition 23 00:01:27.295 --> 00:01:29.881 and often for the same resources. 24 00:01:29.923 --> 00:01:32.342 Huddled by our fires at night 25 00:01:32.383 --> 00:01:34.511 or protected by our fences, 26 00:01:34.552 --> 00:01:36.054 walls, and cities. 27 00:01:38.473 --> 00:01:42.852 We've learned to fear and respect the mighty lion 28 00:01:42.894 --> 00:01:45.063 and the feeling is mutual. 29 00:01:47.732 --> 00:01:51.027 Now the lions habitat is being swept away. 30 00:01:51.069 --> 00:01:53.655 It's food sources are shrinking. 31 00:01:53.655 --> 00:01:56.074 It's future uncertain. 32 00:01:56.116 --> 00:01:59.661 In just one century the African lion population 33 00:01:59.661 --> 00:02:01.830 has plummeted by 95%. 34 00:02:03.248 --> 00:02:06.876 Today there are fewer than 32,000 lions in Africa 35 00:02:06.918 --> 00:02:09.170 and that number is falling. 36 00:02:10.338 --> 00:02:11.840 But not here. 37 00:02:11.881 --> 00:02:14.634 (dramatic music) 38 00:02:22.016 --> 00:02:24.644 You know as I look across this vast expanse 39 00:02:24.686 --> 00:02:26.187 of beautiful Africa. 40 00:02:26.187 --> 00:02:28.148 Literally hundreds of thousands of acres. 41 00:02:28.189 --> 00:02:31.568 This is a property where the lion still roars. 42 00:02:31.609 --> 00:02:33.570 What is it that's making sure this property 43 00:02:33.611 --> 00:02:35.530 has an increase in lions 44 00:02:35.572 --> 00:02:38.491 whereas everywhere else they're in serious decline? 45 00:02:38.533 --> 00:02:39.826 Look at this. 46 00:02:39.868 --> 00:02:41.786 Absolutely spectacular. 47 00:02:43.371 --> 00:02:47.375 This is the Bubye Valley Conservancy in Southern Zimbabwe. 48 00:02:47.375 --> 00:02:51.212 3740 square kilometers of pristine wilderness, 49 00:02:53.548 --> 00:02:56.426 and a shining example of our very best efforts 50 00:02:56.467 --> 00:02:58.303 to save the wild lion. 51 00:02:58.344 --> 00:03:01.055 (dramatic music) 52 00:03:03.933 --> 00:03:06.060 Today I'm traveling with my dear old friend 53 00:03:06.102 --> 00:03:07.896 and mast tracker Livi. 54 00:03:07.937 --> 00:03:10.732 A man who is every bit as passionate about protecting 55 00:03:10.773 --> 00:03:12.442 the wild lion as I am. 56 00:03:12.483 --> 00:03:15.528 We're here to meet the man in charge. 57 00:03:15.570 --> 00:03:17.780 Park manager Blondie Leathem, 58 00:03:17.822 --> 00:03:20.074 to find out how he's been able to maintain 59 00:03:20.074 --> 00:03:22.619 a growing and healthy lion population. 60 00:03:22.660 --> 00:03:24.245 Blondie has asked us to meet him 61 00:03:24.245 --> 00:03:27.874 at a very specific set of coordinates deep inside the park. 62 00:03:27.916 --> 00:03:30.627 (dramatic music) 63 00:03:35.089 --> 00:03:36.257 Blondie how you been? 64 00:03:36.299 --> 00:03:37.634 - Good (mumbles), so you found it? 65 00:03:37.675 --> 00:03:39.093 - [Carter] You thought I'd be lost eh? 66 00:03:39.093 --> 00:03:39.928 - Yeah indeed. 67 00:03:39.928 --> 00:03:40.887 Hi, good, yourself? 68 00:03:40.929 --> 00:03:41.721 - [Carter] Good thanks. 69 00:03:41.763 --> 00:03:43.097 Blondie this is Livi. 70 00:03:43.139 --> 00:03:43.932 Livi this is Mr. Blondie. 71 00:03:43.973 --> 00:03:44.766 - Hi good thanks. 72 00:03:44.807 --> 00:03:46.142 - Good good. 73 00:03:46.184 --> 00:03:47.435 - What is this? 74 00:03:47.435 --> 00:03:50.563 - This BSAP trooper was killed by a lion, 1899. 75 00:03:50.605 --> 00:03:52.190 - That's a long time ago. 76 00:03:52.232 --> 00:03:54.150 - They had a camp up on top of the hill 77 00:03:54.192 --> 00:03:57.737 and apparently at night he heard the dog barking 78 00:03:57.779 --> 00:04:01.866 and walked outside and was attacked by the lion. 79 00:04:01.908 --> 00:04:03.701 It disemboweled him. 80 00:04:03.743 --> 00:04:05.453 His friend pulled him to a store room a 81 00:04:05.495 --> 00:04:08.081 and took off on the horse and rode down to 82 00:04:08.122 --> 00:04:10.458 Fort Tuli which is about, 83 00:04:10.458 --> 00:04:12.961 I suppose even at full gallop even if he had a 84 00:04:12.961 --> 00:04:16.005 (mumbles) horse it would take a day 85 00:04:16.047 --> 00:04:18.967 and brought help but obviously the guy died. 86 00:04:19.008 --> 00:04:21.970 It was just the two troopers that were in the camp 87 00:04:22.011 --> 00:04:23.471 when it happened. 88 00:04:23.471 --> 00:04:25.723 - Since humans and lions have walked on this planet, 89 00:04:25.765 --> 00:04:27.350 any time that they've clashed. 90 00:04:27.392 --> 00:04:29.519 - There's been conflict. - There's been conflict. 91 00:04:29.560 --> 00:04:30.812 - Exactly. 92 00:04:30.812 --> 00:04:33.106 - There's no such thing as peaceful cohabitation 93 00:04:33.147 --> 00:04:34.315 between humans and lions 94 00:04:34.315 --> 00:04:35.942 and yet at the same time Blondie, 95 00:04:35.984 --> 00:04:37.568 when I look at what you guys do 96 00:04:37.610 --> 00:04:40.196 the right humans are absolutely the solution. 97 00:04:40.238 --> 00:04:43.157 The wrong humans are to the detriment of the lion 98 00:04:43.157 --> 00:04:44.575 and the decline of the lion. 99 00:04:44.617 --> 00:04:46.995 - Unfortunately yes that is history. 100 00:04:47.036 --> 00:04:49.789 (dramatic music) 101 00:04:52.959 --> 00:04:54.836 - What do you think is the main conservation tool 102 00:04:54.836 --> 00:04:57.088 that you've got here at your disposal at the moment? 103 00:04:57.130 --> 00:04:58.589 - I don't know, 104 00:04:58.631 --> 00:05:00.008 probably the best thing is we'll travel to the barn 105 00:05:00.049 --> 00:05:01.301 and I'll show you. 106 00:05:01.342 --> 00:05:02.468 So ya'll can see first hand. 107 00:05:02.510 --> 00:05:03.553 - Cool. 108 00:05:03.594 --> 00:05:06.347 (dramatic music) 109 00:05:08.016 --> 00:05:10.143 The success here at the Bubye Valley Conservancy 110 00:05:10.184 --> 00:05:12.270 is not just anecdotal. 111 00:05:12.312 --> 00:05:14.814 As we drive Blondie tells me 112 00:05:14.856 --> 00:05:16.649 that some of the worlds leading lion research 113 00:05:16.691 --> 00:05:19.193 takes place right here. 114 00:05:19.193 --> 00:05:22.822 An elaborate collaring program run by Oxford PhD's 115 00:05:22.864 --> 00:05:25.158 has been instrumental in giving biologist 116 00:05:25.199 --> 00:05:27.201 a better understanding of lion behavior, 117 00:05:27.243 --> 00:05:29.579 diet, and social structures. 118 00:05:32.373 --> 00:05:33.833 - [Blondie] Ivan I wanted to bring you up 119 00:05:33.875 --> 00:05:36.044 to show you this part of the fence 120 00:05:36.085 --> 00:05:39.255 because you can see the extent of it disappearing 121 00:05:39.297 --> 00:05:41.132 in the distance. 122 00:05:41.174 --> 00:05:43.926 We've got 450 kilometers. 123 00:05:43.968 --> 00:05:45.511 - [Carter] 450 K's? 124 00:05:45.553 --> 00:05:48.723 - 450 K's of fence exactly the same as this. 125 00:05:48.765 --> 00:05:50.892 Cleared both sides and in the middle. 126 00:05:50.892 --> 00:05:53.353 I consider it to be the most important conservation tool 127 00:05:53.394 --> 00:05:56.439 in modern Africa because it prevents wild life 128 00:05:56.481 --> 00:05:58.566 and human conflict. 129 00:05:58.608 --> 00:06:02.153 This is the future of wildlife in Africa. 130 00:06:02.195 --> 00:06:04.906 (dramatic music) 131 00:06:07.909 --> 00:06:09.118 - It's hard to believe 132 00:06:09.160 --> 00:06:11.329 that something as simple and primitive as a fence 133 00:06:11.371 --> 00:06:15.541 could provide a solution to such an age old problem. 134 00:06:19.295 --> 00:06:21.506 But on the other side of this fence 135 00:06:21.547 --> 00:06:24.842 humans and lions continue to cross paths, 136 00:06:24.884 --> 00:06:28.137 and nowhere more so than in the cattle herding villages 137 00:06:28.179 --> 00:06:30.098 of the African Savanna. 138 00:06:31.557 --> 00:06:33.976 I've traveled to this particular village system 139 00:06:34.018 --> 00:06:35.812 in the heart of the continent 140 00:06:35.853 --> 00:06:40.024 to see first hand how that conflict is playing out. 141 00:06:41.234 --> 00:06:42.902 Here the people live close to the Earth. 142 00:06:42.944 --> 00:06:45.446 Handing down their traditions from one generation 143 00:06:45.446 --> 00:06:46.447 to the next. 144 00:06:47.824 --> 00:06:50.034 Relying on their farming and livestock 145 00:06:50.076 --> 00:06:54.247 for the only source of income they have ever known. 146 00:06:57.834 --> 00:06:59.794 As you spend a little bit of time in these villages 147 00:06:59.794 --> 00:07:02.422 you realize that these people really do live hand to mouth. 148 00:07:02.463 --> 00:07:04.132 They live day to day. 149 00:07:04.173 --> 00:07:06.884 To a Westerner eliminating the lions is a terrible thing. 150 00:07:06.926 --> 00:07:09.762 To someone here who's literally on the knife edge 151 00:07:09.804 --> 00:07:11.931 of survival most of their life 152 00:07:11.973 --> 00:07:14.559 it's just one less thing to have to worry about. 153 00:07:14.600 --> 00:07:17.687 A place with no lions to them is a welcome place. 154 00:07:17.728 --> 00:07:20.481 (dramatic music) 155 00:07:22.650 --> 00:07:24.569 Though their numbers have declined dramatically 156 00:07:24.610 --> 00:07:28.489 wild lions still stalk the perimeters of these villages 157 00:07:28.531 --> 00:07:30.491 and as I'm about to discover, 158 00:07:30.533 --> 00:07:34.370 in this part of the world old rivalries run deep. 159 00:07:34.412 --> 00:07:37.165 (dramatic music) 160 00:07:43.379 --> 00:07:44.630 My name is Ivan Carter 161 00:07:44.672 --> 00:07:46.924 and I've come to the cattle herding villages 162 00:07:46.966 --> 00:07:50.136 of the African Savanna to see how the ancient conflict 163 00:07:50.178 --> 00:07:53.139 between humans and lions continues to play out. 164 00:07:53.181 --> 00:07:55.975 (dramatic music) 165 00:07:57.894 --> 00:08:00.021 When lions come into a populated area 166 00:08:00.062 --> 00:08:02.482 they become very shy and secretive. 167 00:08:02.482 --> 00:08:04.650 A nocturnal animal by nature, 168 00:08:04.650 --> 00:08:06.652 often the only way to see lion behavior 169 00:08:06.694 --> 00:08:10.865 in a region like this is to look for their tracks. 170 00:08:12.825 --> 00:08:15.286 Along with my good friend and master tracker Livi, 171 00:08:15.328 --> 00:08:17.830 we begin our investigation. 172 00:08:17.872 --> 00:08:20.625 Scouting the water holes and roadways 173 00:08:20.666 --> 00:08:23.002 that connect the system of villages 174 00:08:23.002 --> 00:08:24.712 and their livestock. 175 00:08:28.007 --> 00:08:31.344 Big Livi lets just look for tracks here. 176 00:08:33.846 --> 00:08:36.766 As we arrive at the outskirts of one of these watering holes 177 00:08:36.807 --> 00:08:39.810 something in the air catches my eye. 178 00:08:41.687 --> 00:08:44.190 We've just seen some vultures in the sky here. 179 00:08:44.232 --> 00:08:46.901 The villages are not that far from here. 180 00:08:46.943 --> 00:08:48.069 I'm not sure what it is so Livi 181 00:08:48.110 --> 00:08:49.737 and I are just gonna track in here. 182 00:08:49.779 --> 00:08:51.322 Trying keeping our eyes on the ground. 183 00:08:51.364 --> 00:08:55.576 Trying to get an idea of what might be in the bush here. 184 00:08:55.618 --> 00:08:58.037 Historically vultures are an excellent indicator 185 00:08:58.037 --> 00:09:00.373 of predator activity in an area 186 00:09:00.373 --> 00:09:01.707 and Livi and I can't help 187 00:09:01.707 --> 00:09:04.669 but let our curiosity get the better of us, 188 00:09:04.710 --> 00:09:06.837 so we head into the bush to investigate. 189 00:09:06.879 --> 00:09:09.590 (dramatic music) 190 00:09:11.926 --> 00:09:13.427 There's a vulture in the tree here. 191 00:09:13.469 --> 00:09:15.388 There seems to be several in the trees over here. 192 00:09:15.429 --> 00:09:17.265 I'm not seeing any signs on the ground yet. 193 00:09:17.306 --> 00:09:19.934 No tracks yet, hey Livi? 194 00:09:19.976 --> 00:09:22.520 - Livi's not seeing any tracks either. 195 00:09:22.562 --> 00:09:25.314 (dramatic music) 196 00:09:28.109 --> 00:09:29.569 What's this Livi? 197 00:09:33.573 --> 00:09:36.242 - That's the back of his heel here. 198 00:09:36.284 --> 00:09:38.244 You can see it's probably from yesterday. 199 00:09:38.286 --> 00:09:42.081 There's quite a bit of other sign on top of it. 200 00:09:42.081 --> 00:09:44.625 That's the outline of the human track. 201 00:09:44.667 --> 00:09:48.045 There's a little cat that has walked on top of this track. 202 00:09:48.087 --> 00:09:49.505 It's come across. 203 00:09:49.547 --> 00:09:51.007 Most little cats, and mongooses, 204 00:09:51.048 --> 00:09:53.259 and things like that are nocturnal. 205 00:09:53.259 --> 00:09:55.094 What that indicates is that this track 206 00:09:55.136 --> 00:09:57.430 is actually from yesterday. 207 00:09:58.514 --> 00:10:00.433 So far from the main roadway 208 00:10:00.474 --> 00:10:04.645 this is not the sort of track we were expecting to find. 209 00:10:06.230 --> 00:10:08.065 Vulture feathers Livi. 210 00:10:11.777 --> 00:10:14.113 This is from the breast of the vulture. 211 00:10:14.155 --> 00:10:15.656 They've got two layers of feathers 212 00:10:15.698 --> 00:10:17.742 'cause they go to very high altitude. 213 00:10:17.783 --> 00:10:20.077 Which means that they get very cold up there. 214 00:10:20.119 --> 00:10:21.454 This is one of the little feathers 215 00:10:21.495 --> 00:10:24.665 that acts as a insulating layer. 216 00:10:24.707 --> 00:10:27.627 Very often when they're scrabbling and fighting over a kill 217 00:10:27.668 --> 00:10:29.253 these are what get dislodged 218 00:10:29.295 --> 00:10:31.088 and you'll find them on the bush. 219 00:10:31.130 --> 00:10:33.924 (dramatic music) 220 00:10:38.804 --> 00:10:41.265 You still got those human tracks yeah? 221 00:10:41.307 --> 00:10:43.601 (dramatic music) 222 00:10:43.643 --> 00:10:46.562 - And at the end of these human tracks, 223 00:10:46.604 --> 00:10:49.231 right under the hungry eyes of a pack of vultures 224 00:10:49.273 --> 00:10:51.108 we are shocked to find 225 00:10:53.152 --> 00:10:53.986 a lion. 226 00:10:54.028 --> 00:10:56.822 (dramatic music) 227 00:11:07.208 --> 00:11:09.418 While looking for sings of human lion conflict 228 00:11:09.460 --> 00:11:11.462 with my friend and master tracker Livi, 229 00:11:11.504 --> 00:11:13.923 we've come across human footprints 230 00:11:13.964 --> 00:11:16.050 and vultures deep in the bush. 231 00:11:16.050 --> 00:11:18.928 They've led us to a dark discovery. 232 00:11:18.969 --> 00:11:21.681 (dramatic music) 233 00:11:31.565 --> 00:11:33.567 Our journeys first lion, 234 00:11:33.567 --> 00:11:36.237 but not the way we wanted to find it. 235 00:11:36.278 --> 00:11:38.948 He's been here for several days. 236 00:11:40.199 --> 00:11:43.119 No tracks that side eh Livi? 237 00:11:43.160 --> 00:11:45.329 The human tracks have evaporated 238 00:11:45.371 --> 00:11:47.873 but that's not because they human didn't come here. 239 00:11:47.915 --> 00:11:52.002 I think it's more because the vultures have been here. 240 00:11:52.044 --> 00:11:55.047 As I get closer it's smelling quite bad. 241 00:11:55.089 --> 00:11:58.551 A lot of the hair has fallen out. 242 00:11:58.592 --> 00:12:01.095 What we see on the ground here 243 00:12:02.763 --> 00:12:04.432 this is mane hair. 244 00:12:04.473 --> 00:12:06.600 It's definitely a male. 245 00:12:06.642 --> 00:12:08.811 Only male lions grow manes. 246 00:12:08.853 --> 00:12:11.272 Contrary to popular belief a manes size 247 00:12:11.272 --> 00:12:13.691 and color is not determined by age 248 00:12:13.733 --> 00:12:16.610 but much like human hair it's qualities vary 249 00:12:16.610 --> 00:12:19.697 from one individual to the next. 250 00:12:19.739 --> 00:12:21.407 Until we really look at the lions teeth 251 00:12:21.449 --> 00:12:23.242 we won't be able to tell if it's an old male 252 00:12:23.284 --> 00:12:24.618 or a young male. 253 00:12:27.913 --> 00:12:30.291 So one of the ways that you would age a lion 254 00:12:30.291 --> 00:12:32.626 is by looking at it's teeth. 255 00:12:32.626 --> 00:12:34.837 In particular it's canines. 256 00:12:34.879 --> 00:12:38.382 What you look for is a ridge on the back that's still sharp. 257 00:12:38.424 --> 00:12:40.926 As these lions get older that ridge wears down 258 00:12:40.968 --> 00:12:44.346 from the constant cutting motion through meat and bone. 259 00:12:44.388 --> 00:12:47.141 (dramatic music) 260 00:12:49.059 --> 00:12:52.062 That ridge starts to get chipped away and worn. 261 00:12:52.104 --> 00:12:53.606 From the ridge on this tooth 262 00:12:53.647 --> 00:12:56.901 I can tell that this lion was an adolescent. 263 00:12:56.942 --> 00:13:00.362 Far to young for a natural death. 264 00:13:00.404 --> 00:13:03.324 Livi and I try to determine just what killed him 265 00:13:03.324 --> 00:13:06.744 but clear indications may prove hard to find. 266 00:13:06.786 --> 00:13:09.413 The tip of this lions tail is intact. 267 00:13:09.455 --> 00:13:11.749 If another predator, hyena or something like that, 268 00:13:11.791 --> 00:13:15.002 had been here it probably would have crunched the tail off. 269 00:13:15.002 --> 00:13:16.420 The vultures have just eaten the meat 270 00:13:16.462 --> 00:13:18.756 and the skin off the tail. 271 00:13:18.798 --> 00:13:21.217 When you see that none of the ribs are cracked or broken, 272 00:13:21.258 --> 00:13:24.887 the main muscle mass has been removed from a small hole. 273 00:13:24.929 --> 00:13:27.681 That's a sign of vulture feeding. 274 00:13:30.684 --> 00:13:32.186 Unfortunately in this case 275 00:13:32.186 --> 00:13:35.022 the vultures, the natural undertakers, 276 00:13:35.022 --> 00:13:37.691 have cleaned all the evidence off this carcass. 277 00:13:37.733 --> 00:13:39.944 You can't really tell why it's died 278 00:13:39.985 --> 00:13:41.570 or how it's died. 279 00:13:41.612 --> 00:13:43.072 So we have to look further afield 280 00:13:43.113 --> 00:13:44.740 and the first thing that jumps into my mind 281 00:13:44.782 --> 00:13:46.742 is the human footprint that led us in here 282 00:13:46.784 --> 00:13:48.369 in the first place. 283 00:13:49.578 --> 00:13:51.038 I think we've got as much as we can get 284 00:13:51.038 --> 00:13:53.749 from looking at this carcass. 285 00:13:53.791 --> 00:13:54.875 I'm gonna have to go to the village 286 00:13:54.917 --> 00:13:56.752 and start asking some questions 287 00:13:56.794 --> 00:13:59.547 and see what they have to say. 288 00:13:59.588 --> 00:14:01.549 (speaks in foreign language) 289 00:14:01.590 --> 00:14:02.883 - [Livi] Yeah sure. 290 00:14:02.883 --> 00:14:06.971 (speaks in foreign language) 291 00:14:07.012 --> 00:14:09.056 - [Carter] The way they answer those questions 292 00:14:09.098 --> 00:14:10.516 we will know. 293 00:14:10.558 --> 00:14:13.269 (dramatic music) 294 00:14:18.566 --> 00:14:21.193 After our chance discovery of a single dead lion 295 00:14:21.235 --> 00:14:23.237 near a livestock watering hole 296 00:14:23.279 --> 00:14:26.156 both Livi and I plunge deep into the nearby system 297 00:14:26.198 --> 00:14:27.950 of farms and villages. 298 00:14:27.992 --> 00:14:29.285 Looking for answers. 299 00:14:29.326 --> 00:14:32.079 (dramatic music) 300 00:15:01.275 --> 00:15:02.735 Most of the locals here are reluctant 301 00:15:02.776 --> 00:15:05.237 to talk to us on camera. 302 00:15:05.279 --> 00:15:07.573 Especially about a dead lion. 303 00:15:07.615 --> 00:15:11.368 (speaks in foreign language) 304 00:15:13.621 --> 00:15:17.041 - But one young cow herder gives me a good idea 305 00:15:17.082 --> 00:15:18.584 of where to start. 306 00:15:26.842 --> 00:15:28.802 Well I'm told that one of the community elders 307 00:15:28.844 --> 00:15:30.763 lives in this village up here. 308 00:15:30.804 --> 00:15:32.514 This is actually very close to where we found 309 00:15:32.556 --> 00:15:34.350 that dead lion and a straight line. 310 00:15:34.391 --> 00:15:37.227 We're only a couple of miles away. 311 00:15:38.562 --> 00:15:39.688 It looks like there's a small gathering 312 00:15:39.730 --> 00:15:41.607 of people outside this hut. 313 00:15:41.649 --> 00:15:44.401 (dramatic music) 314 00:15:47.237 --> 00:15:50.115 Certainly an old guy sitting there. 315 00:15:51.825 --> 00:15:53.577 (speaks in foreign language) 316 00:15:53.577 --> 00:15:54.745 - [Livi] Yeah. 317 00:15:56.413 --> 00:16:00.668 (speaks in foreign language) 318 00:16:00.709 --> 00:16:04.463 (speaks in foreign language) 319 00:16:06.423 --> 00:16:09.843 - Hesitantly he agrees to speak with us 320 00:16:09.885 --> 00:16:12.012 but after we come and sit with him 321 00:16:12.054 --> 00:16:14.807 beneath his favorite tree. 322 00:16:14.848 --> 00:16:17.267 Sure this old guy moves fast. 323 00:16:19.561 --> 00:16:23.691 (speaks in foreign language) 324 00:16:23.732 --> 00:16:24.566 - 82. 325 00:16:25.693 --> 00:16:28.904 - 82 years and he still walks like that. 326 00:16:28.946 --> 00:16:31.031 This is a tough old dude. 327 00:16:34.952 --> 00:16:35.786 Yeah good. 328 00:16:38.330 --> 00:16:41.375 (speaks in foreign language) 329 00:16:41.417 --> 00:16:45.212 Once seated I ask him about lion activity in the area. 330 00:16:45.254 --> 00:16:49.299 (speaks in foreign language) 331 00:16:49.341 --> 00:16:51.176 - [Carter] He says there are lions here 332 00:16:51.218 --> 00:16:54.138 but far fewer now than when he was a boy. 333 00:16:54.179 --> 00:16:57.474 (speaks in foreign language) 334 00:16:57.474 --> 00:17:01.228 (speaks in foreign language) 335 00:17:03.731 --> 00:17:05.816 (speaks in foreign language) 336 00:17:05.816 --> 00:17:07.026 - What he's telling me is 337 00:17:07.067 --> 00:17:09.319 that nobodies killed a lion here recently. 338 00:17:09.361 --> 00:17:12.406 He doesn't know of any lions that have been killed. 339 00:17:12.448 --> 00:17:14.074 Livi tries a different tactic 340 00:17:14.116 --> 00:17:15.617 and asks if any livestock 341 00:17:15.659 --> 00:17:19.163 or cattle have gone missing recently. 342 00:17:19.163 --> 00:17:21.498 The elder says it happens from time to time. 343 00:17:21.498 --> 00:17:24.710 In fact he thinks one of his sons might have lost a donkey 344 00:17:24.752 --> 00:17:27.171 just a short while ago. 345 00:17:27.171 --> 00:17:30.591 (speaks in foreign language) 346 00:17:30.632 --> 00:17:32.176 - [Carter] He sends a boy across the village 347 00:17:32.176 --> 00:17:34.303 to call him over. 348 00:17:34.344 --> 00:17:38.098 (speaks in foreign language) 349 00:17:41.560 --> 00:17:43.103 (speaks in foreign language) 350 00:17:43.145 --> 00:17:45.856 (speaks in foreign language) 351 00:17:45.898 --> 00:17:46.690 - 200. 352 00:17:46.732 --> 00:17:47.649 - [Carter] 200? 353 00:17:47.691 --> 00:17:49.193 - $200. 354 00:17:49.193 --> 00:17:51.862 - What he's telling me is it cost $200 for a donkey 355 00:17:51.904 --> 00:17:55.199 and it takes a long time to save $200. 356 00:17:55.199 --> 00:17:58.702 After some time the old mans son shows up. 357 00:18:00.245 --> 00:18:01.830 (speaks in foreign language) 358 00:18:01.872 --> 00:18:05.375 (speaks in foreign language) 359 00:18:05.375 --> 00:18:09.171 (speaks in foreign language) 360 00:18:15.052 --> 00:18:18.680 (speaks in foreign language) 361 00:18:18.722 --> 00:18:22.434 (speaks in foreign language) 362 00:18:22.476 --> 00:18:24.061 - He tells me that while he was returning 363 00:18:24.103 --> 00:18:26.230 from the waterhole the other evening 364 00:18:26.230 --> 00:18:28.148 he turned around and noticed 365 00:18:28.190 --> 00:18:30.150 that one of his donkeys was no longer among 366 00:18:30.192 --> 00:18:31.944 the rest of the herd. 367 00:18:32.986 --> 00:18:34.988 He retraced his steps, 368 00:18:35.030 --> 00:18:39.201 but with daylight fading there was nothing more he could do. 369 00:18:40.369 --> 00:18:41.912 He says he went to look for it this morning 370 00:18:41.954 --> 00:18:43.664 but he didn't find it so he's just asked everybody 371 00:18:43.705 --> 00:18:47.876 to look out for it (speaks in foreign language). 372 00:18:51.755 --> 00:18:55.092 (speaks in foreign language) 373 00:18:55.134 --> 00:18:56.343 - I asked him if he would come with me 374 00:18:56.385 --> 00:18:58.762 and we could go look for the donkey together. 375 00:18:58.804 --> 00:19:00.264 He said no he'd rather stay here 376 00:19:00.264 --> 00:19:01.932 but he would welcome the help for us 377 00:19:01.932 --> 00:19:03.433 to go and look for it. 378 00:19:03.475 --> 00:19:05.102 I tell him that hopefully with our truck 379 00:19:05.144 --> 00:19:06.562 and our tracking skills 380 00:19:06.603 --> 00:19:09.314 Livi and I might be able to help. 381 00:19:11.358 --> 00:19:12.943 (speaks in foreign language) 382 00:19:12.985 --> 00:19:16.780 (speaks in foreign language) 383 00:19:19.992 --> 00:19:21.118 - It seems a little bit weird that 384 00:19:21.160 --> 00:19:23.328 this guy doesn't want to come with us. 385 00:19:23.370 --> 00:19:25.455 He's welcoming the help for us to go and find his donkey 386 00:19:25.455 --> 00:19:27.958 but there's only one of three things that could happen. 387 00:19:28.000 --> 00:19:29.668 It's either lost and wondering around out there, 388 00:19:29.710 --> 00:19:31.837 or it's died on its own, 389 00:19:31.879 --> 00:19:34.006 or it's been killed by a predator. 390 00:19:34.047 --> 00:19:37.759 Only time will tell which of those three it is. 391 00:19:37.801 --> 00:19:40.137 While visiting small villages like this 392 00:19:40.137 --> 00:19:42.431 I often try to do my part 393 00:19:42.472 --> 00:19:45.100 but I have a feeling that tracking this donkey 394 00:19:45.142 --> 00:19:48.145 could serve another purpose 395 00:19:48.187 --> 00:19:52.149 and that it's fate might just provide us with a glimpse 396 00:19:52.191 --> 00:19:55.152 into the very heart of this conflict. 397 00:19:55.194 --> 00:19:57.988 (dramatic music) 398 00:20:03.076 --> 00:20:04.369 I'm Ivan Carter 399 00:20:04.411 --> 00:20:06.580 and while investigating the mysterious death 400 00:20:06.580 --> 00:20:08.040 of a young male lion 401 00:20:08.081 --> 00:20:11.418 I've stumbled upon a local with a missing donkey. 402 00:20:11.460 --> 00:20:14.004 Along with my trusted friend and master tracker Livi, 403 00:20:14.046 --> 00:20:16.256 I've agreed to help find the missing animal 404 00:20:16.298 --> 00:20:18.675 hoping that it's fate will provide us with a clue 405 00:20:18.717 --> 00:20:21.470 as to the true nature of the human lion conflict 406 00:20:21.511 --> 00:20:25.098 that still plays out across much of Africa. 407 00:20:26.600 --> 00:20:27.935 I've got Livi on the back. 408 00:20:27.935 --> 00:20:29.436 He's actually looking for tracks 409 00:20:29.436 --> 00:20:30.771 as we drive along this road. 410 00:20:30.812 --> 00:20:32.272 If the donkey's crossed this road. 411 00:20:32.314 --> 00:20:34.274 There's several roads through this area. 412 00:20:34.274 --> 00:20:36.902 We'll be looking for its tracks. 413 00:20:36.944 --> 00:20:38.946 If the donkey's died or been killed 414 00:20:38.987 --> 00:20:41.615 there's a very good chance that the vultures find it 415 00:20:41.657 --> 00:20:45.535 and so we'll see the vultures from a long way away. 416 00:20:45.577 --> 00:20:48.288 It's not long before Livi's keen eye spots 417 00:20:48.288 --> 00:20:51.124 something on the side of the road. 418 00:20:52.501 --> 00:20:56.922 There's lion tracks on the side of the road here. 419 00:20:56.964 --> 00:20:58.632 This is an old donkey (mumbles) track, eh? 420 00:20:58.674 --> 00:20:59.633 - [Livi] Yes. 421 00:20:59.633 --> 00:21:01.426 - These tracks on top of that. 422 00:21:01.468 --> 00:21:04.930 What we've got here is we've got a lion track. 423 00:21:04.972 --> 00:21:08.308 Looks like a whole pride of lions actually. 424 00:21:08.308 --> 00:21:09.977 I don't know if it's from last night 425 00:21:10.018 --> 00:21:11.395 or maybe yesterday Livi. 426 00:21:11.436 --> 00:21:12.813 - [Livi] I think it's from last night. 427 00:21:12.854 --> 00:21:15.649 - You can see there's quite a few tracks here. 428 00:21:15.691 --> 00:21:18.694 They've walked down this road. 429 00:21:18.735 --> 00:21:21.822 This potentially is quite a sinister finding here 430 00:21:21.822 --> 00:21:23.907 because if we've got lions here 431 00:21:23.949 --> 00:21:27.202 right where that donkey's gone missing. 432 00:21:27.244 --> 00:21:28.495 A donkey is not like a zebra, 433 00:21:28.537 --> 00:21:29.496 it's not a like a wildebeest, 434 00:21:29.538 --> 00:21:30.998 it's not like a buffalo. 435 00:21:30.998 --> 00:21:34.001 It's a pretty easy target for a group of lions. 436 00:21:34.001 --> 00:21:36.003 The lions are going in this direction. 437 00:21:36.044 --> 00:21:37.629 So we're gonna carry on going in this direction. 438 00:21:37.671 --> 00:21:39.214 I hope that we're gonna find this donkey 439 00:21:39.256 --> 00:21:40.924 before the lions do. 440 00:21:42.342 --> 00:21:43.844 Otherwise for sure the lions are gonna kill it 441 00:21:43.885 --> 00:21:46.555 and if the lions kill the donkey 442 00:21:47.931 --> 00:21:50.892 that's gonna put them in direct conflict with the humans 443 00:21:50.934 --> 00:21:54.104 and that's gonna be bad for the lions. 444 00:22:02.237 --> 00:22:05.574 Having seen these lion tracks so close 445 00:22:05.615 --> 00:22:07.701 it looks like they're from the night. 446 00:22:07.743 --> 00:22:11.371 We're quite a few miles down this road now. 447 00:22:12.539 --> 00:22:16.126 Once again it's Livi who reveals our next clue. 448 00:22:19.671 --> 00:22:23.884 We've got about a dozen vultures in a tree up here. 449 00:22:23.884 --> 00:22:25.552 As we've already learned 450 00:22:25.552 --> 00:22:27.721 a group of vultures like this is a sure sign 451 00:22:27.763 --> 00:22:29.681 that somethings died. 452 00:22:29.723 --> 00:22:33.060 For the villages sake I hope it's not the donkey 453 00:22:33.060 --> 00:22:34.853 but with the tracks of a pride nearby 454 00:22:34.895 --> 00:22:39.399 the last thing I want to see is another dead lion. 455 00:22:39.399 --> 00:22:41.234 I must say it's a little bit tense. 456 00:22:41.234 --> 00:22:42.235 You're walking through this bush, 457 00:22:42.235 --> 00:22:43.695 its relatively thick, 458 00:22:43.737 --> 00:22:46.114 You've got a very good idea that there's something dead here 459 00:22:46.156 --> 00:22:47.824 you don't know if the lions are still here 460 00:22:47.866 --> 00:22:50.035 or if they've moved along. 461 00:22:51.453 --> 00:22:53.372 You just gotta stay very aware of our surroundings 462 00:22:53.413 --> 00:22:54.873 in this kind of scenario. 463 00:22:54.915 --> 00:22:57.334 We've been going from the car for a few hundred yards now. 464 00:22:57.376 --> 00:22:58.919 There's still a few vultures in the trees 465 00:22:58.960 --> 00:23:02.798 but it just seems tough to find whatever they were here for. 466 00:23:02.839 --> 00:23:05.592 (dramatic music) 467 00:23:21.608 --> 00:23:25.612 There's another vulture in the tree up there. 468 00:23:25.654 --> 00:23:28.198 There's gotta be a kill somewhere here. 469 00:23:28.240 --> 00:23:30.951 (dramatic music) 470 00:23:37.040 --> 00:23:38.291 Look Livi right there. 471 00:23:38.291 --> 00:23:40.293 Right there to left of that broad thing. 472 00:23:40.335 --> 00:23:43.130 (dramatic music) 473 00:23:59.229 --> 00:24:02.065 While investigating the case of a missing donkey 474 00:24:02.107 --> 00:24:04.609 Livi and I have discovered evidence that a pride 475 00:24:04.651 --> 00:24:06.778 of lions is hunting in the area. 476 00:24:06.820 --> 00:24:10.740 Now we've come upon something dead in the bush. 477 00:24:12.325 --> 00:24:14.453 Instead of our lost donkey 478 00:24:14.494 --> 00:24:18.039 we find a lions natural prey, a wildebeest. 479 00:24:20.375 --> 00:24:23.962 Definitely a wildebeest killed last night. 480 00:24:24.004 --> 00:24:25.380 This is positive from the perspective 481 00:24:25.422 --> 00:24:27.424 that it's not the donkey 482 00:24:29.342 --> 00:24:31.136 but I was just hoping that maybe our search was over 483 00:24:31.178 --> 00:24:35.098 and we're not even started on the donkey yet. 484 00:24:35.140 --> 00:24:37.434 This is a significant size pride of lion. 485 00:24:37.476 --> 00:24:39.227 You can see by the freshness of the meat 486 00:24:39.269 --> 00:24:42.397 that this is last nights kill. 487 00:24:42.439 --> 00:24:44.941 The fact that every muscle has been eaten, 488 00:24:44.983 --> 00:24:46.276 there's nothing left here. 489 00:24:46.318 --> 00:24:47.736 The shoulder blades have been chewed, 490 00:24:47.777 --> 00:24:50.614 the leg bones have been chewed absolutely clean of meat. 491 00:24:50.655 --> 00:24:52.574 The only thing left behind is some 492 00:24:52.616 --> 00:24:54.451 of the muscle on the head. 493 00:24:54.493 --> 00:24:58.538 Every other useful morsal has been consumed. 494 00:24:58.580 --> 00:25:02.501 That's what the lions should be eating is this wildlife. 495 00:25:02.542 --> 00:25:04.711 This is not just one or two lions. 496 00:25:04.753 --> 00:25:07.339 This is a significant pride. 497 00:25:07.380 --> 00:25:10.592 I just hope that they don't find that donkey 498 00:25:10.634 --> 00:25:12.594 'cause if they find the donkey 499 00:25:12.594 --> 00:25:14.429 this is all we're gonna find left of them. 500 00:25:14.429 --> 00:25:16.932 (dramatic music) 501 00:25:16.932 --> 00:25:19.100 A grown wildebeest is an important kill 502 00:25:19.142 --> 00:25:21.603 for a pride of lions, 503 00:25:21.603 --> 00:25:24.940 but the nutrient it provides only lasts so long. 504 00:25:24.981 --> 00:25:27.901 A healthy adult lion can eat between 10 and 15 pounds 505 00:25:27.943 --> 00:25:29.986 of meat every single day. 506 00:25:33.698 --> 00:25:36.159 This pride, although well fed, 507 00:25:37.327 --> 00:25:40.080 will soon be back on the hunt 508 00:25:40.121 --> 00:25:41.957 if they're not already. 509 00:25:41.998 --> 00:25:44.209 (dramatic music) 510 00:25:44.251 --> 00:25:45.961 With little time to waste 511 00:25:45.961 --> 00:25:48.463 we resume scouring the roads and con paths 512 00:25:48.505 --> 00:25:52.509 looking for any sign of the donkey or the lions. 513 00:25:54.928 --> 00:25:57.597 Livi says he's seen a drag mark. 514 00:25:58.765 --> 00:26:01.309 Once again I'm simply amazed by Livi's ability 515 00:26:01.309 --> 00:26:04.729 to spot irregularities in our surroundings. 516 00:26:04.771 --> 00:26:06.731 Livi seen this drag mark crossing the road. 517 00:26:06.773 --> 00:26:08.942 Definitely looks like somethings crossed the road here. 518 00:26:08.984 --> 00:26:10.569 I don't know what's dragged it or whatever, 519 00:26:10.610 --> 00:26:13.655 but there's certainly something been dragged here. 520 00:26:13.655 --> 00:26:17.409 (speaks in foreign language) 521 00:26:20.161 --> 00:26:23.498 (speaks in foreign language) 522 00:26:23.540 --> 00:26:25.000 - Said it looks like just one male. 523 00:26:25.041 --> 00:26:29.170 One male lion that's dragged something down this path. 524 00:26:31.590 --> 00:26:33.675 With a sizable pride in the area 525 00:26:33.675 --> 00:26:36.511 why would this lion be on his own? 526 00:26:37.971 --> 00:26:39.514 (speaks in foreign language) 527 00:26:39.556 --> 00:26:41.516 (speaks in foreign language) 528 00:26:41.516 --> 00:26:43.018 - You can actually see how this drag 529 00:26:43.059 --> 00:26:44.477 has gone down this path. 530 00:26:44.519 --> 00:26:46.187 You can see how quite a bit of the grass 531 00:26:46.229 --> 00:26:47.522 is leaning in that direction. 532 00:26:47.564 --> 00:26:49.149 You can see the bottom of the leaves 533 00:26:49.190 --> 00:26:52.027 of some of these bushes as they've been dragged over. 534 00:26:52.068 --> 00:26:54.195 Certainly dragging a fairly large animal. 535 00:26:54.195 --> 00:26:56.156 This is not normal lion behavior. 536 00:26:56.197 --> 00:26:57.699 Lions are the apex predator. 537 00:26:57.699 --> 00:27:00.952 When a lion kills something he's normally super confident 538 00:27:00.994 --> 00:27:02.704 just eating it right where he's killed it. 539 00:27:02.704 --> 00:27:04.789 It's not usual for them to drag like this. 540 00:27:04.831 --> 00:27:07.709 We've already gone a couple of hundred yards. 541 00:27:07.751 --> 00:27:09.836 What is it that's making this lion nervous enough 542 00:27:09.878 --> 00:27:13.548 to drag this thing so far away I don't know. 543 00:27:15.800 --> 00:27:19.721 Looks like he's going straight into this thicket down here. 544 00:27:19.721 --> 00:27:23.475 (speaks in foreign language) 545 00:27:26.978 --> 00:27:28.605 Just gotta be really careful here going 546 00:27:28.647 --> 00:27:30.523 in to this thick bush. 547 00:27:30.565 --> 00:27:31.733 I don't know if the lions still going 548 00:27:31.775 --> 00:27:34.152 to be on whatever its dragged in here. 549 00:27:34.194 --> 00:27:37.947 (speaks in foreign language) 550 00:27:39.074 --> 00:27:41.076 As the terrain changes it becomes easier 551 00:27:41.076 --> 00:27:43.411 to see this lions movements. 552 00:27:44.913 --> 00:27:47.832 Look how deeply this lion has pushed back 553 00:27:47.874 --> 00:27:50.251 in the sand here as he's dragged whatever 554 00:27:50.293 --> 00:27:52.629 it is that it's killed. 555 00:27:52.671 --> 00:27:55.215 I don't think it's very far ahead. 556 00:27:55.256 --> 00:27:58.385 It seems to be getting into thicker and thicker brush. 557 00:27:58.426 --> 00:28:01.137 (dramatic music) 558 00:28:06.142 --> 00:28:08.478 (speaks in foreign language) 559 00:28:08.520 --> 00:28:10.522 - He's laid down here and fed more. 560 00:28:10.563 --> 00:28:13.441 It's here that our search comes to an end. 561 00:28:13.441 --> 00:28:15.527 Livi (speaks in foreign language) here it is. 562 00:28:15.568 --> 00:28:18.279 (dramatic music) 563 00:28:27.288 --> 00:28:29.124 With lions in the area 564 00:28:29.165 --> 00:28:30.834 me and my trusted friend Livi 565 00:28:30.875 --> 00:28:34.629 are trying to help a local farmer find his missing donkey. 566 00:28:34.671 --> 00:28:36.131 We've been tracking a single male lion 567 00:28:36.172 --> 00:28:38.425 who was spooked by something 568 00:28:38.466 --> 00:28:40.719 has dragged a large object deep into the safety 569 00:28:40.760 --> 00:28:42.095 of the underbrush. 570 00:28:42.095 --> 00:28:44.848 (dramatic music) 571 00:28:47.684 --> 00:28:51.062 Here's the remains of the donkey. 572 00:28:51.104 --> 00:28:52.605 That's just one lion on his own. 573 00:28:52.605 --> 00:28:54.816 You can see if it were a pride 574 00:28:54.858 --> 00:28:56.067 they would have eaten a lot more. 575 00:28:56.109 --> 00:28:57.777 As it is they've just eaten the back legs. 576 00:28:57.819 --> 00:29:02.615 Livi continues to scan our surroundings for clues. 577 00:29:02.615 --> 00:29:05.660 This doesn't quite make sense. 578 00:29:05.702 --> 00:29:09.539 He calls me over and has found something else. 579 00:29:13.460 --> 00:29:15.295 This is a donkeys leg. 580 00:29:16.713 --> 00:29:18.131 This portion is fairly thick. 581 00:29:18.173 --> 00:29:20.800 You can see there's some chucks of meat here. 582 00:29:20.842 --> 00:29:23.553 This lion stopped here and fed 583 00:29:23.595 --> 00:29:25.305 having dragged this donkey. 584 00:29:25.346 --> 00:29:27.974 This is the sign of a lion that used to be persecuted 585 00:29:27.974 --> 00:29:29.476 by the human element here. 586 00:29:29.476 --> 00:29:32.479 So they make an effort to get into this thick bush 587 00:29:32.520 --> 00:29:35.690 far away from the cattle and the people. 588 00:29:35.732 --> 00:29:38.401 That's why he stopped here momentarily to feed. 589 00:29:38.443 --> 00:29:41.196 (dramatic music) 590 00:29:42.322 --> 00:29:43.990 You see here? 591 00:29:44.032 --> 00:29:48.661 That's a mane hair but it's not a very long mane hair. 592 00:29:48.661 --> 00:29:50.580 Why would a young male lion like this 593 00:29:50.622 --> 00:29:54.167 be all on his own and come across a donkey? 594 00:29:58.254 --> 00:30:00.673 Livi I think we better follow this drag back. 595 00:30:00.673 --> 00:30:02.300 I don't think that a lion with this kind 596 00:30:02.342 --> 00:30:04.677 of mane can be all on his own. 597 00:30:04.719 --> 00:30:08.014 All I know is that I can't shake the growing feeling 598 00:30:08.014 --> 00:30:11.726 that something very sinister is happening here. 599 00:30:11.768 --> 00:30:14.521 (dramatic music) 600 00:30:16.689 --> 00:30:18.525 Well now we're back where we left the car. 601 00:30:18.525 --> 00:30:20.860 This is exactly where the drag mark was. 602 00:30:20.902 --> 00:30:22.821 What we're gonna do is carry on following the drag 603 00:30:22.862 --> 00:30:24.239 in the other direction. 604 00:30:24.280 --> 00:30:25.490 I want to try and find out 605 00:30:25.532 --> 00:30:28.368 where this donkey was actually killed. 606 00:30:28.368 --> 00:30:30.245 Why would this lion be on his own 607 00:30:30.286 --> 00:30:32.580 and why did he drag this donkey so far? 608 00:30:32.622 --> 00:30:36.459 What made him feel just so insecure in dragging this donkey? 609 00:30:36.501 --> 00:30:39.212 (dramatic music) 610 00:30:44.342 --> 00:30:46.678 This drag mark goes up here. 611 00:30:48.054 --> 00:30:49.097 (speaks in foreign language) 612 00:30:49.138 --> 00:30:50.306 - [Livi] Yeah. 613 00:30:51.933 --> 00:30:55.019 - What's happened here Livi? 614 00:30:55.061 --> 00:30:57.230 Livi's years of experience allow him to decipher 615 00:30:57.272 --> 00:30:59.941 the events that took place here. 616 00:31:01.401 --> 00:31:02.610 I think Livi's quite right. 617 00:31:02.652 --> 00:31:04.404 You can see here where there's hoof prints. 618 00:31:04.445 --> 00:31:06.239 You can see where there's been quite a struggle here. 619 00:31:06.239 --> 00:31:09.742 There's bits of fur, bits of donkey hair here. 620 00:31:09.784 --> 00:31:11.828 It struggled and battled around here. 621 00:31:11.870 --> 00:31:13.329 There's some blood on the ground here. 622 00:31:13.371 --> 00:31:17.959 That's probably where they initially held it down. 623 00:31:18.001 --> 00:31:21.629 This is where this donkey probably actually died here. 624 00:31:21.671 --> 00:31:22.964 This is dry blood on the ground. 625 00:31:23.006 --> 00:31:25.341 You can see it's crispy. 626 00:31:25.383 --> 00:31:27.552 It's a couple of days old. 627 00:31:30.430 --> 00:31:32.390 We've clearly stumbled back on the tracks 628 00:31:32.432 --> 00:31:35.101 of the entire pride of lions. 629 00:31:35.143 --> 00:31:37.604 As we look for more clues 630 00:31:37.604 --> 00:31:40.607 I detect a strange scent in the air. 631 00:31:42.400 --> 00:31:45.612 (speaks in foreign language) 632 00:31:45.612 --> 00:31:49.407 There's something that really smells bad here. 633 00:31:49.449 --> 00:31:53.620 Can't be the donkey because the donkeys nearly a mile away. 634 00:31:54.662 --> 00:31:57.457 Just a little further into the bush 635 00:31:57.457 --> 00:31:59.083 we detect the source. 636 00:31:59.125 --> 00:32:01.836 (dramatic music) 637 00:32:04.714 --> 00:32:06.799 There's three dead lions here. 638 00:32:06.841 --> 00:32:09.594 (dramatic music) 639 00:32:15.975 --> 00:32:19.228 (speaks in foreign language) 640 00:32:19.270 --> 00:32:21.689 These lions have been snared. 641 00:32:25.193 --> 00:32:27.320 There's no longer any doubt. 642 00:32:27.362 --> 00:32:29.614 This is the work of humans. 643 00:32:31.032 --> 00:32:33.826 You can see how this wires just tightened around here. 644 00:32:33.868 --> 00:32:36.412 Strangled, this is a big female. 645 00:32:36.454 --> 00:32:39.165 (dramatic music) 646 00:32:42.335 --> 00:32:44.504 You can see how he struggled and twisted around 647 00:32:44.504 --> 00:32:46.965 and around this tree. 648 00:32:47.006 --> 00:32:49.092 Livi and I are horrified. 649 00:32:51.052 --> 00:32:52.679 Look at the scratch marks on the ground 650 00:32:52.679 --> 00:32:55.515 as he struggled against this wire. 651 00:32:57.475 --> 00:33:01.020 Also a piece of wire tied around it's neck. 652 00:33:03.398 --> 00:33:07.151 This ones been eaten a little bit by hyena's. 653 00:33:07.193 --> 00:33:11.364 The savagery of this crime scene is almost unbearable. 654 00:33:12.865 --> 00:33:16.619 (speaks in foreign language) 655 00:33:20.873 --> 00:33:22.083 Its likely that the lion 656 00:33:22.125 --> 00:33:24.711 that dragged the donkey carcass away from here 657 00:33:24.711 --> 00:33:27.213 is the only survivor from this pride. 658 00:33:27.255 --> 00:33:30.216 (melancholy music) 659 00:33:39.350 --> 00:33:40.768 One survivor and all for just doing 660 00:33:40.810 --> 00:33:43.479 what lions are meant to do. 661 00:33:43.521 --> 00:33:45.023 This is so unfair. 662 00:33:51.612 --> 00:33:53.448 I can't even tell you. 663 00:33:58.411 --> 00:33:59.996 What's ended up happening I believe 664 00:34:00.038 --> 00:34:02.749 this guy probably found his donkey here 665 00:34:02.790 --> 00:34:06.127 as he would have approached the lions would have backed off. 666 00:34:06.169 --> 00:34:07.336 He set snares. 667 00:34:09.589 --> 00:34:11.257 He killed the pride. 668 00:34:13.176 --> 00:34:14.552 All except one that returned 669 00:34:14.594 --> 00:34:17.847 and took the remains of this donkey. 670 00:34:17.889 --> 00:34:20.349 That's the drag mark we found. 671 00:34:20.391 --> 00:34:21.642 This is exactly 672 00:34:23.811 --> 00:34:25.271 what I feared earlier. 673 00:34:25.313 --> 00:34:28.232 (melancholy music) 674 00:34:30.568 --> 00:34:32.070 Not fair on these lions. 675 00:34:32.111 --> 00:34:34.989 (melancholy music) 676 00:34:36.741 --> 00:34:38.993 This whole pride except for one has had to die. 677 00:34:39.035 --> 00:34:41.954 (melancholy music) 678 00:34:43.039 --> 00:34:44.874 With devastating effects on these lions. 679 00:34:44.916 --> 00:34:48.461 (melancholy music) 680 00:34:48.503 --> 00:34:50.296 Lions don't know boundaries. 681 00:34:50.338 --> 00:34:52.799 They don't know modern civilization. 682 00:34:52.840 --> 00:34:56.844 Lions just understand the source of the easiest food. 683 00:34:56.886 --> 00:35:00.306 If that happens to be a lost donkey 684 00:35:00.348 --> 00:35:02.850 they don't understand the consequences. 685 00:35:02.892 --> 00:35:04.143 It's just not fair. 686 00:35:04.143 --> 00:35:07.105 (melancholy music) 687 00:35:11.484 --> 00:35:12.485 Sorry my boy. 688 00:35:12.527 --> 00:35:15.488 (melancholy music) 689 00:35:20.076 --> 00:35:22.787 (dramatic music) 690 00:35:25.998 --> 00:35:27.583 The king of beasts doesn't deserve 691 00:35:27.625 --> 00:35:29.961 to die at the hand of man. 692 00:35:30.002 --> 00:35:33.005 With a piece of wire strangling the life out of him. 693 00:35:33.005 --> 00:35:35.174 I must do something. 694 00:35:35.174 --> 00:35:37.760 To kill a whole pride of lions for just one donkey? 695 00:35:37.802 --> 00:35:39.303 That's just wrong. 696 00:35:40.304 --> 00:35:41.514 I'm gonna find this guy. 697 00:35:41.514 --> 00:35:43.558 I'm just gonna tell him exactly what I think. 698 00:35:43.599 --> 00:35:46.018 (dramatic music) 699 00:35:48.938 --> 00:35:50.356 - [Announcer] Carters W.A.R. would like 700 00:35:50.398 --> 00:35:53.317 to thank the following people and organizations. 701 00:35:53.359 --> 00:35:57.530 Without their help this program would not be possible. 702 00:36:00.449 --> 00:36:02.743 - After finding a pride of lions strangled 703 00:36:02.785 --> 00:36:04.787 to death by wire snares 704 00:36:04.787 --> 00:36:07.456 I'm driving to the village to confront the man 705 00:36:07.498 --> 00:36:11.085 who I believe committed this heinous crime. 706 00:36:12.670 --> 00:36:14.088 I'm gonna find this guy. 707 00:36:14.130 --> 00:36:17.884 I'm just gonna tell him exactly what I think. 708 00:36:19.468 --> 00:36:23.514 To kill a whole pride of lions for just one donkey? 709 00:36:23.556 --> 00:36:24.932 That just doesn't make sense. 710 00:36:24.974 --> 00:36:26.475 That's just wrong. 711 00:36:28.186 --> 00:36:30.313 As I enter the outskirts of the village 712 00:36:30.313 --> 00:36:33.608 I'm blocked by a large group of cattle. 713 00:36:34.901 --> 00:36:36.944 I have no patience for the delay 714 00:36:36.986 --> 00:36:40.114 nor for their owner who tries to flag me down. 715 00:36:40.156 --> 00:36:44.327 (whistles) (speaks in foreign language) 716 00:37:09.018 --> 00:37:12.021 - [Carter] After some argument I reluctantly agree 717 00:37:12.021 --> 00:37:13.856 to step out of the car. 718 00:37:13.856 --> 00:37:17.610 (speaks in foreign language) 719 00:37:54.605 --> 00:37:57.149 - [Carter] Having children of my own I can't help 720 00:37:57.191 --> 00:37:59.527 but sympathize with the man. 721 00:38:01.404 --> 00:38:04.782 So we carry on further down the road. 722 00:38:04.824 --> 00:38:08.536 (speaks in foreign language) 723 00:38:26.929 --> 00:38:28.431 - [Carter] Donkey. 724 00:38:28.431 --> 00:38:32.226 (speaks in foreign language) 725 00:38:54.665 --> 00:38:59.211 - You know life really is all about perspective. 726 00:38:59.253 --> 00:39:01.922 I'm not gonna say that I'm happy 727 00:39:03.132 --> 00:39:06.719 but I can certainly say that I understand. 728 00:39:06.761 --> 00:39:09.388 After the unexpected turn in our conversation 729 00:39:09.430 --> 00:39:12.475 the farmer asks if he can introduce me to his children. 730 00:39:12.516 --> 00:39:16.270 (speaks in foreign language) 731 00:39:21.817 --> 00:39:23.235 - [Carter] Right. 732 00:39:25.988 --> 00:39:26.906 - [Carter] Sure. 733 00:39:26.947 --> 00:39:27.782 - Yeah. 734 00:39:29.492 --> 00:39:30.534 - [Carter] Prominent. 735 00:39:30.576 --> 00:39:31.952 - [Farmer] He is Prominent. 736 00:39:31.994 --> 00:39:35.748 (speaks in foreign language) 737 00:39:48.677 --> 00:39:50.346 - Prosper. - Yeah, he is Prosper. 738 00:39:50.388 --> 00:39:54.141 (speaks in foreign language) 739 00:40:15.913 --> 00:40:18.707 - Prominent, Prosper, and Provide. 740 00:40:18.749 --> 00:40:19.583 - Exactly. 741 00:40:22.920 --> 00:40:23.754 Hey. 742 00:40:27.258 --> 00:40:28.968 (dramatic music) 743 00:40:29.009 --> 00:40:31.679 - My journey began on the Bubye Valley Conservancy 744 00:40:31.720 --> 00:40:33.556 an exceptional conservation model, 745 00:40:33.597 --> 00:40:36.016 where through careful research, protection, 746 00:40:36.058 --> 00:40:40.479 and community involvement lions are truly thriving. 747 00:40:40.521 --> 00:40:42.731 I learned that possibly their most valuable tool 748 00:40:42.731 --> 00:40:46.569 was the 450 kilometer fence that surrounds their property. 749 00:40:46.569 --> 00:40:48.529 Keeping the lions away from the people 750 00:40:48.571 --> 00:40:52.074 and indeed the people away from the lions. 751 00:40:52.074 --> 00:40:55.578 Sadly properties like this are few and far between. 752 00:40:55.619 --> 00:40:57.830 Across most of Africa growing human 753 00:40:57.872 --> 00:41:00.374 and livestock numbers lead to bitter 754 00:41:00.416 --> 00:41:04.879 and often fatal rivalry between tribal people 755 00:41:04.920 --> 00:41:07.006 and the king of beasts. 756 00:41:07.047 --> 00:41:09.383 Yes indeed lions and humans continue 757 00:41:09.425 --> 00:41:11.343 to compete for resources, 758 00:41:11.385 --> 00:41:13.471 and as it's true across the globe 759 00:41:13.512 --> 00:41:15.848 when humans and wildlife collide 760 00:41:15.890 --> 00:41:18.476 it's the wildlife that suffers. 761 00:41:20.478 --> 00:41:22.480 It's pretty interesting as we sit here 762 00:41:22.521 --> 00:41:24.773 overlooking this guys wealth. 763 00:41:24.815 --> 00:41:26.442 Wealth in the form of cattle, 764 00:41:26.484 --> 00:41:28.444 his donkeys, his goats, 765 00:41:30.779 --> 00:41:34.950 his children, and all of those of which he's very proud. 766 00:41:36.368 --> 00:41:38.746 Anybody in his shoes 767 00:41:38.787 --> 00:41:42.041 if a lion or anything else were to challenge that 768 00:41:42.082 --> 00:41:44.293 would certainly fight back. 769 00:41:45.920 --> 00:41:48.631 (dramatic music) 770 00:41:56.013 --> 00:41:58.807 (dramatic music)