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By Guest Reviewer The Creepy Concierge 

Let’s keep this short and sharp shall we. We live in an age of re-inventions, remakes and re-imaginings. Some of these are driven by artistic integrity and the unstoppable desire to add new colours and shades to an existing concept. Other times it’s a rights issue (Superman) and sometimes it’s just plain good old-fashioned opportunity. (You can substitute a word of your choice here but please at least try and be nice people.)

This 2016 remake of Eli Roth’s original CABIN FEVER from 2002 may or may not fall into one of the above categories. I’m just about the last person qualified to look into the hearts of men to divine which of the above was the motivation for this re-imagining but for better or for worse here it is.So, if you haven’t seen the original, in a nutshell, isolated teens find themselves at the mercy of a highly infectious and fast-moving organism that likes nothing better than chewing up anyone who is unfortunate enough to catch it. Sex ensues, arguments ensue, bloody deaths ensue and panic sets in leaving all involved unsure of who to trust including themselves. And that’s about the size of it. It’s beat for beat a remake of the original with different faces and largely the same dialogue and story progression. Oh, and equal amounts of gore.

It looks like a ‘B’ horror picture and sounds like one too and if that’s your speed then the more than competent work from all technical departments probably won’t disappoint but that’s about as far as it goes. So, should you take a trip on the everything-old-is-new-again bandwagon? Well, if you like the original and its subsequent sequels then you might, and it’s a big might, like this. It does tick all of the boxes; attractive actors, not particular logical character development, gore, a cabin in the woods, nudity, a nasty seemingly unstoppable flesh destroying virus and …. well, I could go on but you get the point. 

It’s a relatively brisk but undemanding watch if you can stomach peeling flesh, burning flesh, naked flesh and if you haven’t seen the original it might still hold some surprises for you but, if you have, don’t expect anything new.

Watch for free by clicking here CABIN FEVER or click on W4FREE where you can watch all our monstrously good movies in THE HALLOWEEN HORRORS COLLECTION for free.